[Name: Wu Jing | Level: 99]

Other than the cultivators that were permanent workers in the Garden, Wu Jing was at the highest level he had seen. Of course, since Wu Jing hadn’t been shipped off to the farm for the rest of his life, the Sect must expect him to break through to Foundation Establishment.

“You’re new. Harvesting, gathering, and mining tablets are near the end,” Wu Jing droned without bothering to look at him.

William blinked in surprise at the feminine voice that came out of Wu Jing’s mouth. He took a second look at the disciple and realized that the short hair and muscular build had overpowered the delicate features of her face, making him mistake her for a man.

“Could I take a look at the others, Senior?”

Wu Jing finally looked at William, but it was with an annoyed frown. “Do I look interested in being an introductory guide to the Mission Hall?”

“There’s an introduction guide?” William asked eagerly, thinking of how useful it could be.


“Of course there is,” Wu Jing said seriously, “It’s given to every disciple who enters the Sect. In fact, without it, you technically can’t be considered a true disciple.”

William blinked in confusion as he stared awkwardly at Wu Jing, wondering why Elder Yu and Lan Yin had forgotten to give one to him.

He hastily brought out the pass Lan Yin had given him and showed it to Wu Jing. “I don’t have the introduction guide, but I have this pass. Senior Sister Lan told me it would let me access most of the Outer Court.”

It was Wu Jing’s turn to stare awkwardly at William as she sheepishly scratched the back of her head. “So it’s Little Brother Sentinel. I thought you were wasting my time, so I played a little joke on you.”

“A joke?” William repeated in confusion.

“There’s no guide,” Wu Jing chuckled at his expression, “Though this is the first that a newly admitted disciple didn’t know how the Mission Hall worked. Were you that distracted when the Elders told you about the point system?”


William realized that he didn’t know much about the rules of the Outer Court, or the Sect for that matter, and for once, he didn’t think it was his fault. “Elder Yu didn’t get the chance to tell me anything yet, Senior.”

“Elder Yu?” Wu Jing muttered with a strange look, “I didn’t mean the Head Elder. It would be Elder Qiyue or Elder Fengming that should have told you. They are the heads of the Mission Hall and the Library.”

“… I never met either of them, Senior.”

“I see,” Wu Jing said even though she didn’t understand, “I don’t think I could help you much with the specifics about the point system for Sentinels since Senior Lan had already become an Inner Court disciple when I entered the Sect, but the tablets should show you the modified rewards for your Path.”

“Thank you,” William nodded before asking again, “Does this mean I can take a look at all tablets? Just to see what’s available.”

“No,” Wu Jing’s eyes sharpened, “Newbies like you are the ones that think too highly of yourselves. The number of disciples killed because of stupidity forced Elder Yu to make Outer Sect disciples earn the right to look at certain tablets.”

William wanted to argue that he wouldn’t do anything stupid, but that would be like arguing with a low-level customer service worker in a company. It would most likely be useless.

“I understand, Senior,” William nodded, and Wu Jing motioned for him to move along, which he wasn’t as eager to do as he was at the start. He remembered Zheng Tao mentioning something about farming, and after weeks spent observing the workers at the Garden, he doubted the mission tablets he had access to would interest him.

Still, he was already here, so he might as well check, just in case.

William walked away from the booth toward the wall plastered with wooden tablets, with partitions separating them into four sections. The Sect didn’t trust their disciples with an honor system to keep the restricted tablets secret.


While he could see the tablets clearly from afar, the moment he was within reading distance, it suddenly became hazy, like his eyes couldn’t focus. Even trying to step in their direction would make him feel like he was losing control of his legs.

William shook his head to rid himself of the feeling. He did his best to ignore the restricted tablets before walking toward the partition on the farthest left. In contrast to the others, it did nothing to discourage him from reading them.

He stood close to the tablets to quickly scan the titles and descriptions as he shifted his gaze from one to another every few seconds. Most were mundane tasks like collecting wild spirit plants or cleaning the Sect’s buildings that awarded him ten to twenty points. However, William didn’t have a clue about what those points were worth.

What William found curious was that the system didn’t prompt him to accept a mission when he touched a tablet, making him think that everything he saw was things that even a toddler wouldn’t be tempted to accept. The occasional farming mission awarded him fifty points, the highest amount he had seen thus far, which was likely why Zheng Tao recommended it.

However, as mentioned before, he wasn’t interested in that. He skimmed more titles and was about to leave when he noticed something different from the others.

When William touched the wooden tablet, the system finally came alive.

Mission: Investigate Strange Occurrences

Location: Xiao Yuan Village

Description: The villagers have reported strange occurrences around Xiao Yuan Village. Your mission is to investigate these occurrences and determine the cause of these strange happenings. The villagers have reported unusual noises at night, strange lights in the forest, and sightings of unexplainable creatures. Your task is to gather information from the villagers and investigate the reported sightings to determine the source of the disturbances.

Reward: 100 points

Penalty: -100 points

Accept: Y/N

William wanted to decline it, he really did, but surely it was safe if it was lumped together with the tablets for gathering wild spirit plants and farming in the Garden. And perhaps this could be a sort of penance for what he let happen to Cao Rui.

He knew that it was unlikely that anything could have changed Lan Yin’s mind. Then again, he remembered her asking if he had instructed the mortals to gather all the fruits. A small lie might have saved a life, but William had been more concerned about his own, so he had adamantly told the truth.

This mission could be a ticket to settle his guilt. It seemed that these villagers were in trouble, and perhaps playing hero would be just what he needed.

[Side Quest Added | Mission: Investigate Strange Occurrences]

William smiled at the confirmation before it quickly fell off. He had no idea where this Xiao Yuan Village was, so it looked like another trip to the Library was needed to review some maps.

Before that, he needed to let Wu Jing know he was claiming this tablet and maybe ask more about the mission while at it.

“Senior, I’m choosing this.”

Wu Jing pursed her lips, amused by what he handed her.

“Is there something wrong?” William frowned, arching his neck to see what he was wearing.

“Not at all,” Wu Jing praised, though he still felt something was wrong, “Many disciples have chosen this tablet for nearly a year, and none have succeeded.”

“A year?!” William said in shock, adding, “Luckily, whatever the villagers are being tormented by doesn’t mean them harm.”

“Harm as in, for their life?” Wu Jing commented as she shook her head, “That’s not the only way to ruin lives, but you’re right. There’s a reason this tablet is available to you. It had been reserved for more powerful disciples, but once it was apparent that the villagers’ lives were in no danger, Elder Qiyue moved it to the left-most partition.”

“I still want to take it!” William now said with more confidence.

“Very well,” Wu Jing smiled.
