Vainqueur felt it in his bones. The Fairy Queen Mell Odieuse was nearby.

Her foul stench filled the air, carried by the wind.

After crossing the dense forests of Prydain, Vainqueur and his mighty army had reached the island's western shores, destroying its defensive walls from behind. Thousands of minions and dragons had lined up, as dawn appeared behind the clear, crimson horizon. Sharkmen and their giant fish master had occupied the sea, to help carry troops on the other side.

"Here it is, meow," Cait Sith declared, his tiny paws on the sand. "Cross the waters, and you will see."

Beyond the tumultuous sea, Vainqueur watched a second, smaller island, fortified by powerful magical wards. Smoke came out of these distant shores, as if entire forests burnt to fuel some giant forge's appetite; the air choked with the smell of radioactive fumes and dust.

"How long until the castle takes its flight?" Manling Victor asked the cat, standing near his master's side as he summoned dark clouds to allow vampires and other sun-fearing creatures to move. He was himself surrounded by the minion elites and Knight Kia, in full [Plot Armor].

"Meow, she said in two days, but that was before you arrived. It has yet to rise, but maybe it will soon." Cait Sith looked up at the dragon emperor. "Do not forget your promise."


"I shall fulfill my oath," Vainqueur replied to the furball. "After the war is won, your meowing kind shall go free."

"You've got a part to play in this mess too, Cait Sith," Manling Victor told the fairy cat.

"Meow, do not expect anything to come out of this," the fomor replied, before showing them all his royal butt. "Good luck, yarn people. Superior species, out."

The fomor opened a fairy ring and vanished, leaving the army behind.

His body protected by the warmth of his [Hoard Armor], his shininess enhanced by the sun, the emperor turned to face his troops.

Never before had a dragon led such a strange motley of minions and allies. Kobolds, goblins, werewolves, fiends, undead, gnolls, trolls, spiders, taradodos, dwarves, orcs, slimes... in his journeys, the V&V Guild had grown into a great and terrible force, a horde gathering all kinds of monsters. Many dragons, among them his cousin Genialissime, Grandrake, and many others, had joined under Vainqueur's leadership. More would follow soon, flocking through the skies when the emperor would call the signal for the last battle.


The human Gardemagnian Army would join them too, as would Jolie's group... although Vainqueur secretly hoped that his niece would remain safe, and let her uncle bear the brunt of this devastating conflict.

His people looked at Vainqueur with anxiety, none daring to speak up. The tension was palpable.

"Minions," Vainqueur cleared his throat. "Beyond these shores, awaits our final battle."

[El Presidente] activated!
