Chapter 296 - The Destined Clash  

UMAGA's was at 10% HP and hence instantly activated his class special skill , his every attack would now how a 200% damage and would produce 400% damage incase of critical hits.

It was the greatest equaliser he possessed , however it was useless infront of Rudra , who instantly put distance between himself and UMAGA. He would not let UMAGA mount any counterattack and only attack from range at this critical juncture.

This was the difference between knowing one's hidden cards and not knowing about them , as with proper strategy any trump card could be countered , on the other hand one should always fear the unknown , because one doesn't know what one doesn't know!

However unfortunately for UMAGA , without having the stat boost of 70% under his belt , his agility was no match for Rudra , and no matter how he tried he could never close in the distance. Rudra used darkness blast , darkness bind , and the like to slowly creep his already 10% HP down to 2%.

A mad look appeared on UMAGA's face , he needed to heal , and he needed to heal immediately , taking a step back , he took out a health potion vial. However , how could Rudra let him regain any health.... Without him on guard , Rudra unleashed the world Slash!

A devastatingly strong sword qi ravaged the space as it travelled towards UMAGA. He knew at that very moment , that he was done for , there was no where to dodge , and no way for him to stop it. The slash connected , and his HP dropped to 0 . UMAGA was teleported out of the arena in defeat.


The crowd erupted into an uproar. The winner had been decided!

Rudra had one fist raised in air , in celebration of his victory!


The crowd went absolutely ballistic , this was a worthy man to win. They were thoroughly entertained!?Chants of ' Shakuni! , Shakuni! , Shakuni! ' erupted from the crowd .

Rudra felt exhilarated for some reason , adrenaline was pumping in his body ..... This battle was somehow enjoyable for him , maybe this is the joy of battle. He was never a battle fanatic , not a mediaeval knight who found his calling on the battlefield. However at this moment , on this day , infront of 200,000 strong chanting his name , he was hooked. Hooked to the art of battle!



Derek Ray : He's done it again , the guild master of the true Elites has came through for Japan!!! He wins group A in grand fashion , defeats the Samoan BullDozer UMAGA!

Lee Dixon : what a turnaround Derek , what seemed like an evenly matched event , turned quickly into one sided dominantion by Shakuni. UMAGA had no answer for Shakuni's relentless assault.

Derek Ray : I dont know how he did it Lee , was he concealing his strength ? How high does his strength stat have to be to outpower a barbarian ? Considering there was no tangible level difference between the two , it's completely incomprehensible.

Lee Dixon : An average man should have about 3250 stat points at level 70 , however the way Rudra outpowers his opponents , I think he has atleast a thousand of those stat points invested in his strength stat and about 800 in his agility , that leaves very little room for other stats Lee , which should be considerably weaker at around 400-500.

Derek Ray : well although it's not a balanced distribution Lee , we cannot criticize Rudra for it , it works splendidly for him , afterall we don't know the truth and this is pure speculation.

Lee Dixon : Shakuni is done with all of his matches for today, his next opponent will be decided in about one and a half hour after the lots randomly draw the opponents of the winners from all four groups!

Derek Ray : I'm excited for the finals tommorow Lee , that will be stage where the true Titans collide.

While the commentators speculation of Rudra's stat distribution being abnormal was not wrong , however it was completely off the mark. Regarding how abnormal it was.

Rudra had gotten many lucky chances that permanently increased his stats , also he had a special title that gave him 25% stat bonus every time he levelled up adding to the 200 stat bonus of tier promotion , his overall stats were 4010 in total , with the golden ratio bonus of 2005. Making the grand total of 6015 points!

This was almost double that of an average player , while about 50% more than excellent players in the competition. Just for comparision , Parallax had a total stat points of 4300.

This was unknown from the common public, if it was leaked that he had about 1200 stat points , not in one stat but each and every one of his stats , it would cause a major uproar. Not even level 100 players should have such outrageous stats!

But alas , Rudra's secret would forever be a speculation. The poor commentators could not even guess his highest stat correctly , that's how outrageous it was.


Karna and Neatwit had also won their respective group stages of their respective events of cliff fighting and first blood match , meaning that the big three of the guild all secured their spots for tommorow. Hence japan was potentially looking at day 5 with 3 medals .

This caused a wave of excitement in the country , they were clearly dominating the international stage with the eSports scene. The performance of the Japanese team filled them with immense pride and joy.

The more the True Elites shined , the more attention they garnered, this was extremely beneficial for the guild , if they created a big enough wave at the end of the VR Olympics , his recruitment for the Elite academy would go extremely smoothly.

And that was indeed the case , there was international excitement about potentially entering the Elite academy! The hype of Which increased more and more by the day !


Rudra watched on the other finals of other groups carefully. Unsurprisingly all the top four seeds won their respective groups .

With the random lots drawing Rudra's next match against Parallax!
