Chapter 30 - Establishing The Guild  

With addition of Karna to his party the time to form his guild had arrived ... The starting point of his dream.

Rudra went to the city administration office , where he was treated with extreme reverence and escorted to the VIP room quickly , where the manager of the Purplehaze city personally came to attend him.

Rudra's status as the 'Emmisary Of The Church' demanded respect from the king himself soo this was considered pretty normal

" How can i help esteemed lord today" the manager asked politely

" Well, im here to register a guid ". Rudra replied nonchalantly

" Ohh soo esteemed lord wishes to form a guild , may i ask if the lord has a guild token? ".


" Here". Rudra ,took out the platinum guild creation tokenaction

Seeing the platinum token the manager's hands started to shake and He was at a complete loss for what to say ....

" Ttthhh....thiiisssss.....sssssureeee" he stuttered , holding the platinum token , like he was holding his mother's heart itself .

After regaining his composure he said .... " These are the available plots where you can set up your guild ..... please choose one ".

Rudra looked at the plots available to set up his guild and he was shocked to see one in the inner city..... The inner city was shielded by a seperate wall formation and only the nobles and Royals resided in that district .... It also housed the Royal palace and the Church Of Light.

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He had never heard of any guild being able to be formed in the inner city ..... He asked " Even this plot, how is Building a guild hall in the inner city permitted".

The manager replied " It is not allowed for anyone exept for sire as you have the only platinum creation token of the kingdom ... it is a privilege only experienced by you ".

Rudra nodded. In his past life the person failed the Emmisary Of The Church quest not being able to exchange the token ... hence noone really ever claimed the platinum token of Hazelgroove kingdom.

"I choose this spot in the inner district then " Rudra said satisfied with his decision to wait to make the guild only after receiving a platinum token.

The inner city was highly protected and not everyone was allowed to enter.... it would make scouting and ambushing the guild very difficult due to its location , also even during war when the city is breached the inner city can be closed and will be protected by a barrier formation ..... hence it could be said that his guild would be in the best of the best locations .

" It would cost 100 gold coins to register your guild , but as sire is a viscount of the Hazelgroove kingdom ,that fee is waved". The manager said

" Please choose a guild name and the process will be complete".

Looking at the keyboard infront of him Rudra typed in the words ' DarkShadows ' before pausing ..... He wanted to make 'DarkShadows' to show his defiance to the WhiteRadiance guild owned by Nitin who bullied him to no end in his Last life.

But something inside him matured..... His thirst for revenge only brought him and his family trouble....How could he really be the Greatest guildmaster if he was soo petty? Ofcourse those who wronged him would suffer vengeance , however his entire life cant be focused on taking revenge can it?

Feeling this he deleted the words and entered the name ' True Elites ' and pressed confirm. The name also embodied the philosophy ... the way of the elite.

