Chapter 342 - The Quest  

Patricia was extremely anxious , she was trusting Rudra's plan to save the emperor , however Rudra's entire plan hung on a delicate assumption of the fact that the Emperor was supposed to be imprisoned in his very room inside the royal palace.

While Rudra was trying to loiter around , he was mostly allowed to do as he pleased , but as he approached the eastern wing , where Emperor Cervantez was known to have his lodging , he was thoroughly dissuaded and kept out of bounds at all costs.

Patricia bit her lip , this was supposed to be her mission , yet she dragged Rudra and his guild into this . She was ashamed of her actions , but unlike Rudra who was a born leader , she was only a general. Come war and she could fight like the best soldier and lead forward a contingent exactly like the command centre wanted. But she was no leader . Had it been her alone , she would not even know how to infiltrate the palace , much less the intricate planning that Rudra did.

The blood merchant she did buisness with was an extremely shady man , the man claimed to have proof that the king was alive and presented irrefutable evidence. However , when Patricia asked for guidance on how to rescue him. The man only said , ' The solution is within your family ..... Your brother '.

Patricia would never forget the red gleam in the man's eyes , it was almost like he was the devil himself... Patricia had paid a steep price for the information , and also dragged Rudra into all this. Should the operation fail and Rudra be ousted from Purplehaze and Hazelgroove , she would be guilty of it.

Determined , she was resolved to follow Rudra's instructions to the utmost perfection.


The moment Furball mass teleported them into the Royal palace , the group instantly split up into the tasks they were assigned.

Rudra , Patricia went towards the Royal treasury , while SMG went on sentry duty. The rest of the gang went towards the Eastern wing , or soo it seemed as they quietly tried to take down one guard at a time.

Jhonny's dagger throwing came really handy at this point . Apparently after winning triple gold at the Olympics , Jhonny had selected a semi legendary skill , ( Bullseye ) that gauranteed him to land critical dagger hit on his opponent every single time. If the guard did not die by the single dagger pierced in its throat , soon a second and a third would land exactly beside the first. Untill he was down and dead.

Hence the guards before even understanding what cut through them , had their necks pierced by Jhonny's merciless throws.

Karna who was walking beside Jhonny gulped in fear.... He did not know what trickery Jhonny used to have such frightening accuracy , and assumed that this is how he usually walked when he was on missions in the real world. A badass just throwing daggers and piercing throats as he nonchalantly walked past all dead corpses. Everything done without making a single sound , or missing a single rhythm .

As Karna glanced over his shoulder , he could see a corridor full of guards , as to what was supposed to lead to the emperor's room. Karna clicked his tongue. There were nearly 70 guards in this one corridor alone. It was almost impossible to get to the emperor's room , without causing a huge commotion.


Should a commotion break out now , then all their hardwork would come to naught , they could not let such a thing happen. Karna looked over towards Jhonny for advice. Jhonny glanced intowards the dark corridor and started to crack his fingers , while stretching his neck from side to side , as he said " Just another day at work!?".


SMG was the scout today , as he guided Rudra and Patricia towards the royal vault as quickly as he could , but with maximum safety.

He would suddenly appear behind guards and use cutthroat to suddenly cut their necks , while keeping a hand on their mouth to prevent them from shouting. Followed by a quick stab of the dagger from the back piercing the heart to seal the deal.

Even then , unlike Jhonny who let bodies fall to the ground with a thud , SMG was a complete proffesional , who lowered the bodies to the ground after killing them , without making a single sound. Hence from the start to the end of the passage leading to the basement of the western wing of the palace , where the royal treasury was palced. SMG killed 26 guards and lead Rudra and Patricia safely to the massive gates of the treasury. Before taking his leave , and acting as a lookout for incoming dangers.

Patricia looked at the two guards , guarding the large metal entrance to the vault as she whispered " Something is wrong , the security of the Royal vault is too lax today , I smell foulplay".

However they had came too far to fear foulplay , Rudra and Patricia charged in head on towards the last two guards , who were momentarily surprised to see their attackers .

Patricia made swift work of his guard , before killing Rudra's one as well . Her tier 4 speed and strength was not something these tier 2 guards could content against .

What ensued was a nerve wracking 15 minutes of trying to break into the vault , but finally using a lockpick that Fatty kalash had made , Patricia was able to open the doors of the vault.

But just as the duo were able to take a single step inside the vault , a terrifying fireball zoomed past them forcing the pair to dodge.

" What do we have hear ... A bunch of won knight traitors trying to loot the treasury ... My my , what a sight to behold. How loyal are the won knights , hahahaha ". Rahim mocked the duo.

Patricia frowned as she said " Well that means we will have to kill you before his majesty finds out about it now ".

She drew her sword , as heavy killing intent surrounded her . She was a knight , she was at an advantage when fighting against a wizard at close range . Rahim was hence intimidated , however his fear was instantly replaced by a sinister smile , as a voice boomed in the hall.

" Ohhh , but I already found out ..... ". It was Aman , walking down the hall in his regal robes , the soft fur of the slain Armenian lion sliding on the floor as it covered Aman's back.

However his complexion was not human at all , instead of a glowing healthy skin and a muscular body. Aman was a bag of bones with a pale skin. His eyes did not have any white areas left in them , it was pitch black.

" The won knights have committed treason , KNEEL before I take your lives! ". Aman commanded.

Things looked bad for the duo .... Things looked really bad!

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