Chapter 369 - The True Glory Of A Nine Tailed Beast  

Rudra started to make his way inside the dense fog. It is good his vision expanded ever since he activated the eyes of truth , else he would have been hanging his head in trees or tripping over vines , every other step.

After about half an hour of not finding a single clue about any nine tailed beast , Rudra summoned Furball , as he took a short break and started to stroke her.

It was at that very moment though , that a powerful illusion caught Rudra , his surroundings changed , and he was in the White Radiance guild again .... In a dungeon run , carrying supplies as the supply boy , treated inhumanely , getting no share of the loot .

It was one of the lowest points in his previous life ... And he was shocked to see such a memory right now. Rudra was an extremely rational minded person , he did not let the scenes affect him one bit , as he knew this was all fake.

Rudra became alert immediately , as he focused on the things wrong . When a fireball came flying towards him , Rudra was quick to react and dodge. The illusion was broken , Rudra was back inside the forest.

Rudra said " I come in peace , do not attack " .


The fog around Rudra started to become more dense , as Furball started to growl towards a particular direction.

Soon , over the tree line , Rudra could see nine massive tails hanging , soon two clear and sharp Ruby colored eyes were visible from inside the fog. A massive Furball like head then lowered itself to look at Rudra in the eye.

The beast had the same furcoat like Furball , soft shiny and golden yellow , however the size of the beast was massive ... Even bigger than most dragons Rudra had seen.

Rudra tried to see the stats of the beast ...

( Divine Nine tailed beast ) ( Protector of the Nothern continent ) ( Tier ????? ) ( Level ???? ) : The most revered beast on the nothern continent , even the beast Emperor has to give face.

Rudra never noticed how , Furball had been put to sleep in under a second by the giant nine tailed beast , who was only intently looking at Rudra.


Then after a moment , the giant nine tailed beast shape shifted .... It shapeshifted into Ruby , but with golden hair.

Alarm bells were ringing inside Rudra's mind ... The level of this beast was beyond his comprehension. From making him look at his nightmares to transforming into the person he likes the most. The beast could read his memories it seemed , or the illusion was soo strong that it was catered to the user.

The nine tailed beast said " Welcome , Shakuni Won Knight , the dragon Slayer , the revered medicine master, the honorary bishop of the church of light. You have bountiful names , worthy of being called a won knight ! ".

Rudra was stunned , he thought ' okay maybe it can see through me '.

The nine tailed beast said " It is a little offensive , I am a girl aren't I? Call me Luna , and yes i can see through you darling ".

Rudra squinted his eyes. He needed to fortify his mental defences , but how could he even play against an enemy who could read his mind?

Luna said " I'm not your enemy , and yes you cannot play against me .... I mean don't I look pretty? You could play naughty with me ..... ".

Rudra had to shake his head , no point in thinking now , he said " I am here for ... ".

Luna said " Yes , yes I know , Drax that fool and his power struggles , I know more about you right now than you probably know about yourself , soo yes I will give you the treaty , it's not a big deal. Soo entertain me for a while will you? ".

Rudra became even more cautious , he felt frustration boil up in his mind and his heart. As Luna started to laugh , she said " You are an interesting one ..... Never have I seen a human quite like you ... Such strong desires , but even stronger control , you are one of a kind ".

Luna continued to size Rudra up as she said " Your guild is your biggest desire , followed by your personal strength , then comes this girl and then comes the other things in life. But no desire for vanity , no desire for fame , no desire for wealth , it's quite conflicting to an ambitious leader , you are ambitious , but for all the wrong reasons. And then there is the little one you have by your side , no idea how to raise her , you think she is a cute pet meant for indoors? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Let me tell you , within a year , she would be stronger than you , and her battle potential much bigger than you ..... Do you even know her traits? ".

Rudra was baffled , but then looked into Luna's eyes and said " Furball is my baby , she is not for combat ".

Luna could not speak for a moment after which she sighed and said " A rare human who speaks what's actually in his mind. I envy the little one to find a master like you who spoils her soo much. Tell me this one thing , you are not foolish , you know that the beast was strong enough to become a continental threat someday. Being your pet , she will do your bidding , your dream of becoming an emperor and marrying the elf will come true .... Soo why? Why do you choose to not do so? ".

Rudra looked at the ground , he was perplexed by the question , but the answer was as clear as day in his heart , he said " am I soo weak that I need to use my pet to conquer my dreams? Am I soo weak that I would push a little pup with three tails into constant hunting and levelling soo that she can turn into a weapon to do my bidding?

Neither morally nor with my physical strength , am i soo weak . Yes ,?Killing is a part of life , but Furball is still a kid , and I will spoil her to enjoy the finer things in life , till she is a six tailed beast atleast , then she can choose her own lifespath

I am Shakuni of the elites , and even though my dreams are big and seen impossible , I rely on my own strength and carve my own fate. Let me see who can stop me on my way to the top! ".

Rudra made his stance clear .... He would rely on improving himself , rather than tapping into the potential of his pet , because that is the only way he would be satisfied in his achievements. HIS ACHIEVEMENTS , not things handed down to him , not things that others achieved for him , things he took for himself through blood,?sweat and tears!
