Chapter 392 - Nineclouds Captain Shakuni  

Rudra along with 5 of his men was disguised as Nineclouds kingdom soldiers. They had taken appearance alteration potions and were acting bratty and authoritative like a patrol squad.

When the caravan was approaching the group stood in the middle of the lane on their horses to block them . Rudra shouted " HALT".

As the caravan was forced to stop to give face to the captain standing before them. Just as someone of authority was fetched from the caravan , as they approached Rudra.

Rudra dismounted from his horse and went on to meet the person who had came to greet him.

The person said " Good morning captain , this is my caravan on our way to the fort of Magma to deliver this week's supplies. These are our identification papers".

Rudra was a seasoned schemer at this point , and with the extremely corrupt cops in his previous country , he knew how to handle the role of the corrupt cop very well.


Rudra carefully examined the papers line by line , and said " Call the deputy captain that rides with you ".

The caravan leaders face noticeably paled a shade , as he rushed to call for the deputy , all the while wondering where he went wrong. He was worried if the prices quoted were too much , or that the other party knew that the grapes they sold were actually not pure renuriesa breed but a hybrid.

The deputy that accompanied the carvan came and saluted Rudra first. As Rudra said " At ease deputy , if it is fine by you let us take a stroll , there are means beyond what military men like us can understand ".

The deputy was instantly on- guard after Rudra's warning , soldiers were especially sensitive to talks about the bigger picture . Rudra instantly had his undivided attention.

Rudra said " Men , look after .... THEEEESE people , don't let them move from here while we have a chat ".

' SIR , YES SIR !'


Rudra and the deputy started to walk towards a private area , as Rudra said " what do you make of that caravan leader? Does he seem like a honest man to you ? ".

The deputy thought about the question and said " He is a shrewd merchant , however I think he might be a honest man . Unscrupulous at times ,but has the intention of the nation in his heart ".

Rudra nodded , he did not outright deny the man's claim . It was the art of manipulation , that said that implying answers was more powerfull than providing them.

Rudra said " Soo listen to me , if someone were to poison thousands of our soldiers .... Will they still be considered as patriotic people? ".

The deputy looked aghast as he said " Ofcourse not , that is a capital crime punishable by death ".

Rudra nodded as he said " Large quantities of methaoxy diglycerine were bought by this same merchant .... You know what it is right ? ".

The deputy replied " Yes , the most sinister of alchemic compounds , that is acidic to taste and has a sour smell , it can give one horrible death upon ingestion ".

Rudra said " Yes it indeed can .... That is why this raid has occured , we suspect the merchant has colluded with the bastards from Hazelgroove and tried to ... ".

Before Rudra could say another word , the deputy was hit by a tranquilizer dart in his neck and was asleep.

Rudra stripped the man of his clothes as his soldier already drinking the appearance alteration potion took his place. The deputy , was then killed mercilessly.

On their wayy back Rudra said " Goddamn it son , you kept me chatting for wayy too long there , go do your job now ".

When Rudra was back , the fake deputy ignored the caravan leader , as he gathered his entire security troop unit.

The fake deputy said " The captain has brought an intelligence report that suggests that the merchant organization has posioned the supplies. We will stand witness to the prosecution and report the true observations back to the main camp.

The rest are dismissed , you you you and you , all ten of you , follow me , you are my most trusted soldiers and I need to talk with you in private ".

The fake deputy took another 14 men from the security division , and took them deep into the ambush spot of the Hazelgroove soldiers. Who tranquilized replaced and killed them .

When they came back , one of them took 3 of his friends to a private spot to come back replaced. Like this soon 60% of the carvan soldiers were replaced by Hazelgroove army men.

It was now time to move forward.


( Real world , China )

The ramifications of killing a triad boss were massive . Hao Mi and the leader of the traid group were currently in an emergency meeting to decide the future course of action and the fallout of this incident.

The confidence within the triads was at an all time low , because of the repeated attacks by the ' dagger man ' , severely affecting buisness . But now one of their top leadership fell victim to his attacks , they felt even more demoralized

Moreover , billions of dollars of losses were being made every week as more and more subordinates rose up in rebellion to challenge triad power.

Hao Mi especially was hit hard , as her faction had been suffering the most , however she received no support from the triad lord.


Hao Mi was furious at the incident , to her the face of the untouchable triads was more important than money.

Today not one government official , not one local ever dared to stand against the triads , it was because that they had carved this fear with centuries of domination. And now it was all crumbling down , as one man was making a fool of this organisation.

Hao Mi said " What baffles me is , how can one man with daggers be better than all of our elite men ...? Those seven men protecting third lord was the best of the best in the underworld . Yet they died without a fight? .... Just WHO THE HELL IS THAT DAGGER THROWING MOTHERF**** ".

If Jhonny was here to listen to this question , he would have undoubtedly said " English ..... Jhonny English ".

/// Special shoutout to Richard_lawrence for the 500 coin gift . Thankyou for the patronage.

Good news guys my exams are over . The book will be back on schedule releasing again ! ////
