Thanks to her, she was afraid that the night Mo Shen misunderstood, so she ran over.

Unexpectedly, he said to ye Lenghan directly that if he wanted to, he could ask the old man to take her over.

Think of here, Shen Qiao gas does not hit a place, directly push the door in.

What do you think of me? Trash can or plaything? Can I throw it away? "

The sudden appearance of the female voice made the three men stunned, and then looked at the door at the same time.

Shen Qiao opens the door and comes in. She is wearing a light blue suit. Before leaving, the maid takes it out and changes it for her. Shen Qiao thinks that she will come to the company at that time. She can't leave in her pajamas?

So I accepted. The blue suit is very close to her elegant temperament, which makes her white skin more transparent and crystal.


Because of the pale face, it is not particularly ugly. On the contrary, it seems to have a kind of morbid beauty.

Mo Shen didn't expect her to appear here. She was a little surprised for a moment, but when her eyes touched the blue suit on her body, her eyes suddenly became sharp.

This damned woman!

He bought a lot of clothes for her and put them in the closet. She never looked at them. She even bought new clothes for her, but now She was wearing a new dress and swayed in front of him?

Oh, did you buy it for her?

"Sister in law, why are you here?" Night cold see her appear here, then quickly step forward: "is it OK?"


Her eyes were red because she had cried before. Compared with the coldness of the night, her cold attitude could be said to be a timely help. She laughed at him and her voice dropped.

"Thank you, brother. I'm fine."

This curtain fell into the eyes of the night Mo Shen, more ironic. He coldly raised the corner of his lips: "do you think I am dead at night? Come here

Listen, Shen Qiao a meal, toward the night Mo deep look in the past.

But she did not move, night Lin cold micro frown: "sister-in-law?"

"Brother, you go first. I'm fine." Shen Qiao nodded to him and motioned him to leave. Night Lenghan was a little uneasy, "shall I stay here? I can also explain two sentences for you

"No, the more explanation, the more trouble."

"Well, then I'll go first."

After night Leng Han left, Shen Qiao just looked at the night Mo deep.

Xiao Su felt that the temperature around her was too low, so she winked at Shen Qiao, and Shen Qiao pursed her lips. She still went up a few steps to open her mouth and explained to ye Moshen.

"Even if you don't want to marry me, you should keep your promise now that we have made a deal, don't you?"

"Keep the promise?" Ye Mo's eyes narrowed and stares at her dangerously, and her thin lips curled up: "as the second daughter of the night, do you think it's normal to hook three and four together? Did I tell you not to provoke the night people

Xiao Su's body moved to the outside quietly. Seeing that there was nothing wrong with Mo Shen at night, he quickly escaped from the scene.

When he left, Shen Qiao and ye Moshen could talk better.

"Yes, you did, but I did."

Night Mo deep rolling wheelchair, tall body toward her, air pressure also deceived over.

"Yes?" He put out his big hand, like electricity, and clasped Shen Qiao's thin white wrist. Shen Qiao was startled, and his big eyes were pulled into his arms. Before she could react, ye Moshen's big hand picked up her dress: "did you buy this suit for you by night Lenghan?"

Shen Qiao's face changed and bit her lower lip.

"Don't you wear the clothes I bought you? Run and wear what other men bought? "

Ye Mo Shen sneered: "is this what you call compliance? Second married woman, after divorce, she is anxious to find a connection plate, but she is not satisfied with it. How many more circles do you want? Is it better to make more money

Shen Qiao's face was pale: "my elder brother and I are not what you think!"

"Big brother?" When he puts his sarcasm on the bed, does it make you laugh at her more deeply

Hearing this, Shen Qiao subconsciously grabbed his collar: "you don't want to be bloody."

"Whether it's me or you, let me check it out."

"Oh, let go Shen Qiao's face became hot, and her ears became red. She was still holding on to yemoshen's collar just now. Now she is going to pick and pull his hand. But where is her strength? The more he picks, the more wantonly he moves.

His movements on his hands intensified, and Shen Qiao cried out in pain. His originally white cheek was red, which made people want to bully him.

So the night Mo Shen directly on the mouth, lean over and mercilessly grabbed her pink lips.

"Well." Shen Qiao is still struggling with ye Moshen. Unexpectedly, he kisses her again. Her one hand confines her waist and makes her unable to move.

This kiss has a cruel taste. Shen Qiao is scared by his kiss. In addition, with the movement of his hands, Shen Qiao quickly surrender, and the whole person is paralyzed and soft in his arms.It's hard for him to feel it.

But she is angry, angry at this woman, when he kisses her, she actually rubs.

Thinking of this, night Mo Shen returned to his lips and tongue, and his voice was low and dumb: "you don't dislike me? I'll let you know today that I'm going to die. "

Words fall not wait for her to react to come over, night Mo Shen once again fiercely grabs her lip, Shen Qiao lost the ability to resist, half ground paralyzed body.

Suddenly, a chill came from her thigh. Shen Qiao, who was kissing, glanced down. She found that the skirt was lifted up by Mo Shen at night. She was so scared that she almost screamed.

What the hell is this bastard doing?

But a mouth, all the breath is night Mo deep swallow in.

He didn't care about her feelings at all. The movements on his hands and lips were very wanton and rough.

Shen Qiao side does not swallow a voice, still did not give up pushing him.

She bit the night Mo Shen, the night Mo deep eats the pain to retreat, two people's lips pull out the blood silk, the night Mo Shen's eyes are grim a few minutes, will tear her skirt directly.

"Let me wear your clothes."


Just put on the skirt so broke in his hands, Shen Qiao stare big eyes, can't believe looking at the person in front of him.

"He bought better clothes than I did?" Ye Moshen, like a madman, tore her skirt and pulled her coat. In short, she vowed to tear up the clothes she bought by night Lenghan.

He had no idea that his actions at this moment had revealed what he was thinking.

Shen Qiao was still angry with him at first. Later, she saw that he was so angry for a suit of clothes. For a moment, she felt that He seemed to be eating the cold vinegar of the night.

At the thought of it, Shen Qiao

All of a sudden, I'm not so angry.
