Chapter 205

Li Weijin felt a little clumsy.

Seeing Su Xiaoqi nimbly cleaning the stables, he decided he should help out a bit. He bent over to lift the feed bucket with both hands, then tried to stand up...unsuccessfully.

He took a deep breath, bent over again, strained himself, nudged the bucket a little, then his hand slipped and the feed bucket crashed loudly to the ground with a jarring clang.

Xiaoqi looked up to see Weijin looking awkward and helpless.

"It's okay, I told you earlier that this is a bit heavy."

Xiaoqi came over to smooth things out. She bent over and lightly picked up the feed bucket, placing it back in the cleaned out stall.


Weijin: ......

His face felt a little hot.

When Xiaoqi was about to push the loaded cart of garbage out to empty it, Weijin rushed over to help.

Xiaoqi felt that the young master really didn't know how to work. If they both pushed the cart, one side heavy and one side light, the cart would probably tip over halfway and she'd have to clean up again.

Seeing that Weijin seemed quite embarrassed, in order to spare his self-esteem a little, she said, "If you want to get more familiar with Yinniu, you can spend more time with it. I'll take out the trash real quick, you don't need to help."

So Weijin could only watch Xiaoqi push the cart away.


He stood behind, feeling a little helpless. He didn't want to get more familiar with Yinniu, he wanted to get more familiar with classmate Xiaoqi...

But for now he went to find Yinniu. He had to tidy the stable and let Yinniu out, tying it up outside. Yinniu was an adolescent horse, quite docile. The horses at the ranch were generally at least docile, otherwise they might accidentally kick guests.

Xiaoqi nimbly took out the trash and came back, taking off the yellow plastic coat, boots, and wearing her own jeans and T-shirt and white sneakers.

She saw Weijin still at the stable door, leading Yinniu around in circles, looking confused and helpless.

He looked exactly like a confused, lost young colt. It was as if the ranch had gained another horse called Weijin.

Xiaoqi felt they had interacted enough for two people who weren't very close, so she didn't go up and say hi, but just walked away directly instead.

She recalled the earlier disturbance with the dorm room across from hers. It seemed that Suli had scolded Chu Yu for being a toad lusting after a swan, fawning over Weijin, and directing and acting in fake news. Chu Yu had cried that she was being falsely accused. Whether Chu Yu was falsely accused or not, she didn't know, but classmate Weijin was definitely dangerous. Just seeing him made her maiden heart sway left and right. It was better to keep her distance.

Xiaoqi quickly walked away, arriving at the lakeside, where she saw Old Man Yu walking Drum.

She went up and greeted them.

Seeing Xiaoqi come over, Old Man Yu smiled and said, "Perfect timing, can you walk it for a bit? It ate something bad today and now has indigestion. It doesn't want to move. Young Master told me to walk it a few laps since I'm an old bag of bones. I'm tired out."

Xiaoqi went up to Drum and greeted it too. She reached out her hand and Drum nudged its head over. Xiaoqi stroked its forehead, then moved to its side to feel its belly. It did seem a little bloated, protruding a bit, and making strange noises.

"Has Brother Shengzhou not ridden it for a long time?" Xiaoqi asked.

"The Young Master's been busy to death recently, no time at all. Drum's also quite picky, doesn't let others ride it. Its belly is getting bigger. I'm the only old bones who can walk it."

Unlike dogs, horses will go lame if they don't run for long periods. They still need a certain level of exercise.

"Can I try riding Drum for a bit? Just walking slowly like this doesn't seem very effective." Xiaoqi said.

Old Man Yu recalled that the Young Master had said to let the young lady ride if she wanted to. He nodded.

So Xiaoqi took over the task of exercising Drum.

She led Drum for a while, then when they reached the riding trail, she put her foot in the stirrup and mounted.

Drum was so tall, much taller than Tyler.

Sitting on Drum's back, she suddenly felt majestic and domineering like a queen.

It was early evening, sunset time, and Xiaoqi's face shone a little red in the light.

The wind blew quite hard, making her feel rather cool.

She sensed fall seemed to have quietly arrived without her noticing, and she would need to get some thicker clothes, since the mornings and nights were chilly.

Xiaoqi lightly flicked the reins, and Drum ambled along unhurriedly.

After getting used to Drum's rhythm, Xiaoqi picked up speed.

Drum really was huge, its back higher than Xiaoqi. Running, it felt extraordinarily different, not heavy at all, but very light and agile instead.

Drum ran faster and faster, and Xiaoqi clearly felt its explosive power, but also its endurance.

This was different from riding Tyler. When Tyler ran fast, its labored breathing revealed it was quite strenuous.

But Drum seemed to still have ample energy, as if it hadn't fully exerted itself at all.

Yet the speed was already very fast, like a gust of wind, close to a gale.

At this time, she truly felt the world was vast and boundless. The nightmare that had terrified her childhood seemed to completely vanish from her mind, blown far away by the wind. Sometimes when people stay in one place for too long, it's easy to become narrow-minded. Like staying in the dorm for too long, petty trifles might be all you see - who didn't sweep the floor, who left things lying around, whose words weren't nice, and so on. Just these little details can wear down one's will and energy.

Xiaoqi used to be that kind of person. She didn't get along very well with her former roommates either.

But when she started college, her horizons broadened, she learned to see things from others' perspective, and realized these things were too petty to even mention or pay attention to.

A person's energy and wisdom is limited. The more that's spent here means less spent there.

Drum ran increasingly faster and Xiaoqi felt extremely free and elated. It was like taking flight together.

No wonder so many people like buying cars, buying good cars. It's probably just like the state she's in now, riding the horse. As the speed steadily climbs up, that indescribable feeling of pleasure. Suddenly there's passion.

Xiaoqi raced on Drum's back feeling exhilarated with its energy.

Then Drum slowly slowed down. In the distance, Xiaoqi saw Weijin riding the date-red Yinniu. The clip-clop sound gradually got closer.

The light of sunset shone reddishly on Weijin's face too.

Perhaps because he was riding, he lacked his usual meticulous neatness. His hair was slightly messy, his clothes a little disordered.


Weijin called out a greeting to Xiaoqi from horseback.

Xiaoqi was in good spirits and returned his smile.

Weijin's heart also soared.

Just now he had waited for Xiaoqi at the stable door, but she didn't show up for ages.

Weijin: ......

By the time he realized the galloping figure on horseback in the distance was actually Xiaoqi, riding that enormous Drum, Senior Brother Shengzhou's horse, said to be hard for others to mount. Before, some had wanted Drum for looking so tall and mighty, but Senior Brother Shengzhou said it wasn't easy to ride. After failing to mount it several times, they gave up.

Yet now Xiaoqi was actually riding it with utter ease.

Weijin couldn't help taking out his phone to snap a photo, but they were too far, the picture just showing the vast riding field, sunset, a galloping horse, and an indistinct figure on its back - very much an abstract scene, but it had captured the artistic mood beautifully, even if the person couldn't be made out clearly.

He had taken riding lessons before and while not great at it, was competent enough to ride solo without needing someone to lead the horse.

He mounted Yinniu, wanting to catch up, but from afar she appeared to just be riding fast. When he actually drew level on the same trail though, it wasn't only fast - she was practically flying. He rode Yinniu yet the distance between them only grew. He was behind her yet riding Yinniu, she still managed to lap him completely, bringing them face to face.

Weijin's face wasn't red but his collarbone below his shirt had flushed. Seeing Xiaoqi galloping towards him, she sat much higher on Drum than him on Yinniu, so they were almost at eye level. Their paths intersected for a fleeting glimpse before they brushed past each other.

Li Weijin's collarbone had not only turned red, but was also tingling.

He thought, he had really fallen in love.
