Chapter 216

The first three to eight Bagua Temple had prizes, it was impressive that the president still remembered.

Xiao Qi got two towels.

The corner still printed with "Enhua University Long Distance Running Club".

However, the towel looked like it had been there for a long time, the towel itself was new, but the plastic bag packaging was dusty.

It felt like the Running Club should have been glorious once, at least able to customize gifts with their club name.

The top three got one towel each, Li Weijin took one, and asked Xiao Qi to help bring it.


Xiao Qi: ...

The president waited for a long time, all members had not arrived, and two others called to say they were invited by friends to go eat hotpot in the New District...

So the Running Club's recruitment event this semester, three people were absent, one was on sick leave, and two were on hotpot leave.

President Lu Chao was very good-tempered, said a few perfunctory words, then let everyone move freely, and then go back to school to report to him.

While waiting for people to arrive, Xiao Qi strolled around nearby, she had just passed the temple, and walked up to the lawn above, unexpectedly there was a different world on the lawn, there was an artificial pond, with lotus flowers planted in the pond, and a rockery on top of the pond, like a waterfall.

At the very top was a corridor, sitting in the corridor the wind was strong, but you could see the whole view of Enhua University New District. Very tidy.


Looking closely, you could actually see that the school buildings and student streets, student apartments of the New District, all the building complexes together, really seemed to form a Bagua pattern.

It was said that people in Meng City were very superstitious about feng shui masters and such, Xiao Qi thought it was just a rumor, she didn't expect her own campus to be like a Bagua array, she wondered how the Old District was like.

President Lu Chao came over to greet her.

Xiao Qi called out, "President!"

Lu Chao waved his hands again and again: "Just call me Lu Chao, or call me senior brother."

When Xiao Qi joined the Running Club, she deliberately looked at the president's profile, he had participated in the marathon, so she wanted to ask related questions.

As soon as Lu Chao heard marathon, he shook his head again and again: "I actually just went to join the crowd, didn't even run halfway, but the previous president really ran the whole marathon, and got a ranking of over 100, a good result, but this year he is a senior, and has contacted a company to do an internship, not in school anymore, otherwise I could ask him for you."

Over 100 was considered a good result, it felt like the marathon was more difficult than she thought.

Seeing the young junior frowning, Lu Chao hurriedly encouraged: "Junior sister wants to participate in the marathon competition, that's great, so at least our club has one participant, achieving a breakthrough from 0 to 1. The top hundred should have commemorative medals, and there seems to be marathon exclusive bath towels and water bottles given out as well."

Thinking that this young junior sister looked pretty good too, later taking photos could be used as publicity for their Running Club.

Thinking this, Lu Chao looked at the young junior sister even more eagerly... Xiao Qi: ...

She somehow felt that the club she had joined was unreliable.

She didn't stay long after looking around, and ran back down the hill.

She still ran back to the dormitory on the original route, also completing her steps for today on the way.

And today Lu Chao, who added the young junior sister on WeChat, saw the first place on WeChat Movement showing over 30,000 steps, was a bit confused, this sincere junior sister couldn't have really ran there and back right...

The next morning, Xiao Qi sat on the driving school coach early to go to Meng City to take Subject One of the driving test.

It wasn't Xiao Qi's coach leading the group, but another coach she didn't know.

There were quite a lot of people taking the test, many students from driving schools, queued in a long snake-like line, the process went smoothly, Xiao Qi got full marks, it was computer-tested, you could know the result right away.

After the test you could take the driving school bus back to school, or move freely.

Subject One was also tested up the mountain, Xiao Qi took the driving school bus down the mountain, and got off at a bus stop.

She had agreed to meet Jin Zaiyan at the bus station in the afternoon.

As a result, when Xiao Qi arrived at the station, she saw Jin Zaiyan riding an electric motorcycle, it was... hard to describe the coolness.

Wearing a denim jumpsuit, single eyelids, fair skin, smiling brightly, but didn't have any sense of femininity at all from head to toe, if Xiao Qi didn't know her, she would have no idea about her gender.

Too masculine, simply boyfriend material exploded, very sunny and good-looking.

When Jin Zaiyan saw Xiao Qi, she pressed the motorcycle horn coolly.

But the coolness didn't last three seconds, soon an auntie came to drive her away, saying motorcycles were not allowed to stop here.

Jin Zaiyan chatted a bunch of Korean that the auntie didn't understand at all, and thought she was making trouble.

Fortunately Xiao Qi came forward to defuse the situation.

Xiao Qi was also not familiar with Meng City, she had checked some travel guides before coming, and asked classmates from Meng City as well.

The two rode the electric motorcycle and first went to a market by the harbor, the most frequented by Local people of Meng City.

It was a bit messy inside, but there were a lot of things, just mangoes had seven or eight varieties, all kinds of vegetables were very fresh, there were also local pickled salted duck eggs, all kinds of seafood caught, huge yellowfin tuna, and lizardfish as big as a small pig, different sizes of pomfrets.

Walking in, there was a strong local marketplace flavor, many aunties carrying poles on their shoulders, wearing headscarves, smiling to reveal the silver teeth added afterwards.

There were also those with rotten black teeth, because of the hot climate here, many people liked to chew betel nut, and their teeth became like this.

Most of the vegetable sellers were women, Meng City was coastal, with many fishing villages, it was said that the men in fishing villages didn't work on land normally, they were only responsible for going out to sea to fish, during off seasons they would spend time at teahouses drinking tea, chatting and playing cards, drinking all day, all the household chores were done by the women.

Apart from the colorful varieties of fish, there were also all kinds of shrimp and crabs that Xiao Qi couldn't name.

Jin Zaiyan looked very excited, felt it was so fun, seemed even more unaware of the world than Xiao Qi, wanting to take photos of everything.

Xiao Qi still remembered what the two of them came here for, seeing good napa cabbage she bought some, as well as radish, bamboo shoots, apples, shrimp paste, oyster sauce, by now the electric motorcycle's advantage was apparent, just load everything into the back box, nice and clean. There were also live seahorses and starfish on the roadside, Jin Zaiyan looked reluctantly, really wanted to buy some back to raise.

Xiao Qi asked the boss, the boss said they couldn't be kept alive, Jin Zaiyan didn't want to buy them just to die, reluctantly left.

Xiao Qi also bought a few big green mangoes, very cheap, more than half price compared to in school, tasted one and it was very sweet, no fibers, a bit sour, texture was also very good, she planned to bring some back to the dorm, one per person.

Jin Zaiyan felt the salted duck eggs were delicious, and bought twenty in one go.

In short after wandering this one street, they had filled up the big box on the little motorcycle, also not sure exactly what they bought.

Loaded up, it was almost dusk too, the two also went to eat local noodles and congee by the market.

Only then did Xiao Qi discover that noodles and congee outside school had more variety, you could even add things like pork liver and fried dough sticks, basically anything you wanted.

Xiao Qi chose a bunch of ingredients, and selected quite a few spicy ones for Jin Zaiyan too.

After eating, both were sweaty indeed, there must have been a lot of pepper in the noodles and congee.

Jin Zaiyan didn't know much Chinese, it was rare for her to come out and have such unrestrained fun, she exclaimed it was awesome.

Eating their fill, the two had to prepare to go back to school.

Because of the little motorcycle, Xiao Qi didn't go line up at the bus station either, she just rode back to school with Jin Zaiyan on her little motorcycle.

The whole way back was sunny, with a cool breeze, it was quite comfortable, just the distance was still somewhat far.

Jin Zaiyan was a foreign teacher, she could ride her electric motorcycle into campus.

At this time it was dusk when there were many people, some who had stayed in their rooms all day also came out to eat, those who had wandered all day also came back to shower, to continue wandering at night.

Having agreed to make kimchi at her apartment tomorrow, Jin Zaiyan sent Xiao Qi to her dorm entrance.

The two were under the pineapple guava tree at the female dorm entrance, Jin Zaiyan in her denim jumpsuit, very cool, smiling especially brightly.

Just a bit skinny, gave the feeling a gust of wind could blow her over.

The two communicated in English, with Jin Zaiyan interjecting the occasional Korean.

Xiao Qi took her big green mangoes, as well as some other food, said goodbye to Jin Zaiyan.

Because they were taken out of the box behind Jin Zaiyan's electric motorcycle, it looked like they were given by Jin Zaiyan.

At this moment, Wu Xinyue from the English Major had just finished taking a shower and dressing up in new, pretty dress. She came out from the dormitory area.

She did not expect to see this scene. Su Xiaoqi, she was quite familiar with her. After all, they had participated in the Top Ten Singers together. Su Xiaoqi was the one who lost, but Wu Xinyue did not expect to see Su Xiaoqi being so intimate with a young boy. She glanced over and shook her head then walked away. Although she was dating Li Taiping and some other boys, she would not behave too intimately in public because she did not want to confirm the relationship so early.

In fact, the boys she was dating now were not who she considered her ideal match. She did not want to make a decision so soon.

She did not expect Su Xiaoqi to be so rash. Originally, she still admired Su Xiaoqi, but when she thought about how Su Xiaoqi had to work part-time at the racetrack, she probably came from a poorer family background. People from disadvantaged backgrounds can easily have their eyes blinded by small benefits and be fooled.

Moreover, she saw that the boy had given Su Xiaoqi a bag of mangoes and some snacks.

Wu Xinyue looked down on this even more. Mangoes and snacks were worth little money. Su Xiaoqi really had short-sighted goals.

She walked past Su Xiaoqi with her head held high, without greeting her.
