Chapter 68

When An ZhiAng saw Know Xia's carefree attitude, he looked at her solemnly and disapprovingly, "Since you already guessed she has ulterior motives, why don't you just reject her outright? Why go through so much trouble and put yourself in danger?"

Know Xia sighed, "If I don't agree, she may not fare well in the future and bring this up to pick fights again. My parents would feel bad for her and regretful. I figured this would alleviate their sadness and self-reproach."

Speaking of Zhou Nan and An JingZhi's attitudes, even their own son An ZhiAng felt disappointed. He comfortingly patted Know Xia's head, "They don't care about you, so don't bother how they feel. If they act muddleheaded again, just move in with granny. I'll give you all my military stipend to spend however you want when I start getting it. We don't need them."

That must be the so-called money brings confidence. Although the money hasn't arrived yet, at least the confidence is there.

Yet to be seen is how An JingZhi and Zhou Nan would feel when they hear these words.

"Big brother, just listen to me okay? I'm not stupid so I won't let them bully me recklessly," Know Xia hugged An ZhiAng's arm and pleaded, not knowing if it would work since this was her first time acting coquettishly.


But the effect emerged quickly. An ZhiAng was clearly very receptive. "Alright, I'll do as you say. I'll go find Liu Jun now. I remember another buddy whose family is close with the Lins. I'll have him prepare a gift tomorrow and attend the Lin wedding banquet."

"Oh right, there's another thing," Know Xia held back the leaving An ZhiAng, "Didn't grandpa and granny say they'd sever ties with her? Big brother, you should also go to the newspaper office and confirm this so it's finalized early."

An MeiYun and Lin Hao already registered their marriage. She couldn't get away from the Lin family matters now. But An MeiYun still carried the An surname. It would be bad if this implicated the An family.

Publishing the announcement was to absolve the An family of relations and force An JingZhi to make a choice.

Tomorrow, An JingZhi must sever ties with An MeiYun. Know Xia believed he wouldn't be stupid enough to implicate the entire An family for An MeiYun's sake.

"You're right, I didn't think of publicizing it. Once it's in print, dad can't deny it even if he wants to." An ZhiAng's eyes lit up at once, then hesitated, "But placing an announcement costs money. Little sister, you haven't spent all your money, right?"


An ZhiAng's face turned red. Just earlier he haughtily said he'd give her money, but now he had to take back his words and ask for money instead. After all, second and third brother weren't here, so he couldn't take money from the Zhou family without Nan Zhou knowing. He also had no justification to take money from home.

Having lived extravagantly himself, not much was left on him either.

Know Xia took out the money from her pocket. She hadn't touched the 150 dollars at all and handed it all to An ZhiAng, "Is this enough?"

An ZhiAng only took 50, saying, "Enough, enough. I won't even use it all up. I'll return the remainder when I get back."

Know Xia forcibly gave him the 100 as well. "Take it all, big brother. Granny gave me pocket money so I'm not lacking. Don't feel bad. Make the announcement big with more words to draw attention. I want everyone to know An MeiYun is no longer a daughter of the An family. Also, Liu Ge and them used to be your followers, but now we're asking them for help. We can't skimp on proper etiquette. Use any remaining money to treat them to a meal and renew your ties. After all, once you're gone, I may really need their help."

"Alright. I'll go to the news office first, then find Liu Jun." An ZhiAng didn't decline again. After all, he grew up well-off and wasn't that stingy despite sometimes being tight on cash.

Know Xia was in great spirits. Zhou Nan made egg drop soup and she volunteered to feed Wen Qing.

In the afternoon, Zhou Granny brought her two sons over, carrying lots of stuff in bags.

Zhou Nan figured since her mother-in-law said she was coming, it probably wasn't to joke around and would point out her mistakes again. So she gave Zhou Granny a heads up and explained in advance. Not only did Zhou Granny scold Zhou Nan, but she also took the initiative to visit the old lady.

As a midwife, she was looked down on as a busybody back then.

But she gained status by marrying into the wealthy and prestigious An family. The old master even had military merits, donating money before the PRC founding and planes after. The plane donation certificate was framed in the living room. The family still boasted social standing today.

Zhou Granny valued this in-law family greatly. Vanity was one reason. But the family was also beyond her own social reach, so she admired them. Every time Zhou Nan returned, Zhou Granny would berate her.

Yet she still didn't expect the girl to be so muddleheaded this time.

Seeing Know Xia return enthusiastically last time, Zhou Granny thought the young couple doted on their daughter-in-law. But instead, they hurt their own daughter for an adopted daughter, even upsetting the old lady.

This was the daughter-in-law's mistake indeed, so even through gritted teeth, Zhou Granny couldn't blame the in-laws for not giving face.

At night, the family gathered.

No one understood Know Xia's decision to deliver An MeiYun for marriage, especially given An MeiYun's urgent attitude aroused more suspicion. Oddly, Know Xia, who never got along with An MeiYun, agreed this time.

The Zhou family's two uncles sat silently. The An family's matters weren't their place to comment, but they thought that when attending tomorrow, they couldn't just eat, drink and be merry. They had to watch over Know Xia as well.

From their discussion, it almost seemed like An MeiYun wanted to harm Know Xia.

Everyone had their own thoughts, but things were decided this way.

At daybreak, the An family bustled about even without hosting a banquet.

Know Xia helped peel and boil eggs to treat the groom later. Another girl was also going to deliver An MeiYun. She was An MeiYun's classmate, a prima donna at 17. She was also very friendly to Know Xia.

Know Xia knew her. Also a pitiable girl.

Last life, An MeiYun got her drunk and pushed her into fourth brother's room. Fourth brother had just rushed back from the countryside then. With family members dead or gone, he let his guard down with An MeiYun and was schemed against.

Later her family, afraid of the An family's implications, locked her in and claimed she killed herself in fourth brother's room. Mutual affection could've meant light punishment, but rape was a major crime.

An MeiYun's viciousness combined with her family's selfishness led to fourth brother being sentenced to 10 years of labor reform. She also grew increasingly silent amidst rumors, eventually committing suicide by drowning.

Know Xia looked outside. The yellowing tree leaves split the sunlight into speckles. Nice weather.

Firecrackers sounded loudly when the groom came to fetch the bride.

After the groom Lin Hao finished egg and tea, he brought An MeiYun out of her room.

Know Xia and Wang Li followed behind the bride and groom in the bridesmaids' car, while the Zhou uncles would be going too. An ZhiAng volunteered to deliver the dowry and had already gone ahead.

At the Lin house, Know Xia and Wang Li were led into a room to be entertained while the bride was taken to the bridal chamber.

Bridesmaids had no other duties in the later process.

Know Xia peeked outside. The bridal chamber was very lively, with frequent loud laughter. The yard had very few people now.

The person entertaining them perfunctorily let them sit before leaving. Then a sweetly smiling girl came in with two cups of tea for them, asking them to drink up.
