Chapter 25: A Beautiful Scene  


Chapter 25: A Beautiful Scene  


In a high-class house near heavens arena, In a well decorated room with a sense of elegance, a young boy estimated to be no older than twelve could be seen sitting on a chair with his legs crossed.

He was wearing a long chain earring on his left ear and seems to be playing around with it using his left hand while holding a cup of coffee in his right hand, taking a sip once in a while.

The strange thing is a book floating in front of him as pages seemed to turn once in a while by themselves.


However, what an ordinary person can't notice is the dark purple aura shrouding the book.

The aura's source seems to be the dark-haired boy as the aura was enveloping him as well while being connected to the book.

It could be noticed that he is focused on reading the book as the pages only turn when he finished reading it as if the book is within his control or is heeding his every wish, even the unspoken ones.

He closed the book once he finished his coffee. He then changed his clothes and sauntered out with the forest near heavens arena as his destination.

A calm smile adorned his pale face while walking in a relaxed manner yet no sound could be heard from his steps.

He reached a strange area in the forest, strange as in a big hole with a vast area with no trees around to be seen.


He passed the area until he reached an area with plenty of trees around, he stood there and he closed his eyes hiding the dark abyss within. As he stood there, the air around him seemed to change yet his posture remained as relaxed as ever until he silently disappeared, seemingly merging with void and drifting into the unknown and unseeable darkness.

However, he appeared near instantaneously after that, as if space was no obstacle to him. This has nothing to do with space, it's just pure insane speed only possible by the long days and nights of pure agony and pain, his perseverance.

His hands seemed to transform becoming sharper as his fingernails turned into razor-sharp claws.

As the distance between the tree and the tip of his fingernails became less than an inch long, dark purple lines with a hind of darkness surfaced all around his arms as his hand passed through the tree leaving a purple line behind it.

The purple lines around his arms disappeared as fast as they appeared only for the tree to vanish from existence with them.

The disappearance of the tree seems to be a signal as he disappeared only to appeared in front of another one with his left hand striking towards it as the same scene seemed to repeat itself.

A scene that kept repeating several times until he appeared close to a massive half sphere-shaped stone though it took a fraction of a second from appearing to his next action.

He simply jumped seeking to reach the other side hidden by the stone though with minimal distance between him and the massive stone, a perfectly measured jump.

He looked like a bird flying in the sky as reached the top of the stone with just enough distance between them for his hands to reach it.

They shined purple disappearing only leaving dark purple marks that shaped a long line across the stone before he landed gracefully.

He closed his eyes with a beaming smile adorning his face that looked a bit mature for someone his age.

The dark lines around his arms disappeared with the enormous stone behind him vanishing as well.

He slowly opened his eyes as a large amount of purple aura concentrated on his legs, then he disappeared only to appear fifty meters above the ground as he turned over facing the ground in a horizontal position.

He began falling as he Started curling the tips of his fingers into his palm, then wrapping his thumb around the first knuckle of his ring finger.

He seems to be ready to deliver a heaven devastating punch as a large amount of aura flowed all over his right hand until the dark purple color got overwhelmed by the darkness.

Though a small amount of aura still surrounded his body giving it a small amount of protection. He pointed his left hand to the sky as aura flowed all around it creating an explosion towards the skies making his falling speed faster, just the push he needed.

The aura around his right hand seemed to have condensed to such degree that it became inc dark with a hint of purple around it as an Intense atmosphere surrounded the place signifying what's to come.

As the ground became within his reach his hand instantly moved with the dark sphere surrounding his right hand made contact with the ground before him

A faint thundering sound echoed across the forest, birds flocked out of the trees from their nests and escaped to the opposite direction.

The deafening sound scared the soul out of every creature in the forest. They heard that same sound many times in the past but they will never get used to it.

The dark haired boy could be seen standing in front of a crater with a diameter of about one meter.

A diameter quite small considering the amount of aura he concentrated on his fist though it will make perfect sense once you look at the depth of the crater.

A hollow hole that started with a diameter of 1 meter only to continue shrinking until it reached a depth of more than 15 meters forming a cone-shaped hollow.

And like that, 6 seconds since he reached this specific place passed only for him to create another strange place among the many around the forest.


'Hmm, not bad, I got it to the required shape.' I looked at the perfectly shaped hole my attack formed with a tranquil smile on my face.

I focused a lot on enhancement since I made the vow and got what I desired and I found out that there is no specific limit to what you can do with each category as enhancement turned out to be more complicated than what was shown.

If Nen to a certain extent gets affected by the user's willpower and emotions, then If I will it enough and with enough experience, I could potentially perform a specific desired action with the use of any ability.

The previous attack is similar to Uvogin's 'big bang impact' though it's not an ability, I simply condensed a large amount of aura around my hand with the purpose of performing a certain feat in mind.

Of course, I needed quite a bit of training to get my Nen to do what it can do right now since my fighting style focuses on being fatal and something as simple as 'big bang impact' with a large area of damage is not suited for me.

I closed my eyes as a bright smile surfaced on my face, 'It's fascinating how much I can take Nen with willpower alone, which makes me wonder how Ging mimics other users' abilities, is it really something he is born with? or...'

Anyway, I should go and issue the challenge for the floor master title, according to what I know It takes about a month from issuing a challenge to the match's scheduled date.

That means I have more than enough time to finish the ability of my desire. The time for creating my Specialization ability has come.
