Over Cape Breton Island, the battle between the British Royal Air Force and the German Navy and Air Force has become more and more intense, even more eye-catching than the ongoing war on the ground. Hundreds of fighter planes from both sides fought fiercely over this island with an area of ​​only 10,000 square kilometers, and fighter planes were shot down almost every moment.

  Port Morion, the German Marine Corps has defeated the troops of the 14th Infantry Division of the British Army deployed on the beach, and began to attack the city. The port area is their key target of attack. Admiral Ernst von Busch gave an order that the port area of ​​Port Morien must be taken down, and it must be taken down as intact as possible. This is related to whether the heavy equipment of the German Army can go ashore in the shortest time.

   A dozen amphibious tanks are advancing along the road, and the tanks are full of hitchhiking soldiers.

   "Good job, shot down another British plane!" The officers and soldiers of the German Marine Corps couldn't help cheering when they saw the German Air Force and Navy showing great power and continuously shooting down the British Air Force fighter planes.

   "How could the British be our opponents? They will only be defeated by us like a turkey."

   "Okay, stop talking nonsense. The Air Force and Navy's carrier-based aircraft units are buying us time. We must take Morion Port as soon as possible." An officer said.

  Although, the losses of the Royal Air Force are far greater than the carrier-based aircraft units of the Luftwaffe and Navy. However, Germany also paid a certain loss. Even, this was originally North America, the home of the British. Maybe the Americans will also join in. However, Germany has been greatly constrained in strength because of its distance from the mainland. But even so, in order to obtain favorable combat conditions for the German Marine Corps, they are still insisting on fighting desperately with the Royal Air Force.


"Sir, don't worry, Port Morion is right in front of us, and we will take it soon. The British have already suffered heavy losses, and it is impossible to stop us. Soon, we will take the The British are torn to pieces." The German marines were full of confidence.

   "Report, the air search radar has found that the British have increased their troops, and more than 200 fighter jets are rushing to the battlefield. It is estimated that they will arrive at the battlefield in 20 minutes." An officer reported to Marshal Lütjens.

   "Order the aircraft carrier formations to take off a squadron of carrier-based aircraft again. Since the British want to fight us for consumption, let's fight them to death!" Marshal Lütjens said with determination.

  Although, all the aircraft carrier formations of the three major fleets of the German Navy add up, and the number of carrier-based aircraft on board is not large. However, they are not afraid to compete with the British for consumption. With Newfoundland already in their hands, they can also get support from the mainland at any time.

  The German Navy can send more carrier-based aircraft to the front line through Norway, Iceland and Newfoundland.

  Similarly, the German Air Force can also be supplemented in this way.


  And, when the German Air Force completes the expansion of the airport on Newfoundland and builds more airports, it will be able to deploy more aircraft here. At that time, the carrier-based aircraft units of the German Air Force and Navy will be able to fully control the air supremacy of this airspace.

   When the navy's carrier-based aircraft force sent additional reinforcements, the German Air Force's 1st Aviation Group also sent additional reinforcements. Two battalions of fighter jets took off.

  This time, the German side sent more reinforcements than the British side. In addition, the situation on the battlefield was already very unfavorable to the Royal Air Force. So far, the number of fighter planes lost by the Royal Air Force has far exceeded that of the German Air Force and Navy carrier-based aircraft forces.

   "Boom boom boom!"

  A P-51 fighter was bitten by a German TA-152 fighter, and several cannon shells roared in, instantly disintegrating the P-51 fighter in the air. The pilot was also killed on the spot, and he couldn't even parachute.

   "God! Kevin was killed." A pilot of the British Air Force said in horror.

   "Idiot, don't worry about this, focus on me. Otherwise, you will be the next to be killed!" The squadron leader cursed.

   "Sir, I was bitten by the Germans. They are very fast and maneuverable, and I can't get rid of them!" A British pilot's tone was full of panic.

   "Dive down low and see if you can outrun the Germans."

   "Idiot, don't dive, the Germans will take advantage of the opportunity to open fire!"

   However, the reminder is still a step behind. When the P-51 fighter jets of the British Air Force began to dive, the FW-190 fighter jets of the Luftwaffe immediately launched an attack.

"Da da da!"

   The aviation machine gun fired dense bullets, and the bullets punched the P-51 fighter jet with bullet holes all over it. If it was elsewhere, it might not be fatal. But the engine was shot, and it was all over.

  P-51 fighter jets dragged billowing smoke and fell to the ground. The pilot did parachute in time, but the fighter plane fell to the ground and became a pile of burning fireballs.

   "Shit, **** his new fighter. German, I must shoot down your new fighter!" A British pilot was driving a P-51 fighter, biting a TA-152 fighter tightly. No matter how the TA-152 fighter maneuvered and evaded, it could not be thrown away.

   A few minutes later, the TA-152 fighter seemed to give up resistance.

   "Haha, German, I'm going to shoot you down soon!" The British pilot laughed excitedly.

  However, the bullets that fell from the sky penetrated his glass cockpit, the bullets hit his body, and blood shot out from his body. The strength in his whole body seemed to flow away with the flow of blood.

   Soon, he felt that his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier. By the end, the whole eye is closed.

  The plane lost control because the pilot was killed, and fell directly to the ground.

"Your Excellency, Marshal, we are still at a disadvantage in the air battle. More and more fighter planes are lost, and the sky on Cape Breton Island is about to be completely occupied by the Germans." An air force general said to Air Force Minister Cyril Neville The Baron Marshal reported.

   "I have no choice. The Royal Air Force has sent out all the troops capable of fighting. Except for an air force defending Toronto, Qi Meng has no troops." Baron Cyril Neville looked very helpless.

  Although he knew that the losses on the front line were very large, he had no way to send more reinforcements.

   "Where are the Americans? Have they dispatched fighter planes to reinforce us?" asked Cyril Baron Neville.

   "Your Excellency Marshal, the United States has agreed to send fighter planes to reinforce us. However, no fighter planes have joined the air battle yet." The general replied.
