Boucher Port, the German marines who landed are chasing the US defenders here. Although, the first to land were troops without heavy equipment. However, with the fire support of helicopters and Air Force fighters, they still fought against the US military and retreated steadily, vulnerable to a single blow.

  In the port, the transport ship of the German Marine Corps is transporting a large number of personnel and equipment ashore. At the same time, the 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division, and 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division of the German Army's 1st Army were also coming ashore. In order to send tanks and armored vehicles of the armored and mechanized units ashore, the German army specially mobilized a large number of tank landing ships.

  According to the current speed, it is estimated that at noon tomorrow, that is, at noon on December 12, the German 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division and 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division will be able to all go ashore. At that time, two marine divisions will be responsible for defending Buscher Harbor and blocking the American and British coalition forces coming from the direction of New Glasgow. The German 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division and 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division are attacking the Canso Strait, cooperating with other troops of the 1st Army to encircle and annihilate the US 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division and 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division. The infantry division wiped out all the most elite armored units under the US First Army in one fell swoop.

  New Glasgow, the headquarters of the US First Army. Now, the atmosphere in the headquarters is a little dignified. When the US armored forces launched an attack, everyone cheered, thinking that the German army was about to be crushed.

  However, when the German army dispatched a large number of armed helicopters and bombers to slaughter the U.S. armored forces, the officers in the entire headquarters were all mournful.

"General, General Smith requested a retreat. The 1st Armored Division lost more than a hundred tanks. The 1st Mechanized Rifle Division and the 2nd Mechanized Rifle Division also suffered a lot. Also, the 1st Heavy Artillery Brigade was bombed by the Luftwaffe , lost more than half of the heavy artillery." Major General Thomas reported.

   Lieutenant General Omar Bradley's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot. He did not expect such a change in the originally smooth battle.


"Let General Smith suspend the attack temporarily, gather the troops, reorganize and attack again! This time, we must drive the Germans into the sea. Otherwise, we will not be able to prevent the Germans from landing on the Nova Scotia peninsula. Once the Germans have established themselves on the Nova Scotia peninsula, it will be impossible to push them down," Lt. Gen. Omar Bradley said.

   "Yes, General. However, our armored forces lack anti-aircraft firepower. In the face of German helicopters and bombers, the losses will be very large." Major General Thomas reminded.

  If their armored forces are allowed to attack against the German air attack. I'm afraid it won't be long before their armored forces will be slaughtered by German helicopters and bombers.

   "I immediately called the Army Air Corps and asked them to continue to provide us with air cover." Lieutenant General Omar Bradley said.

  The U.S. Army Air Forces suffered a lot of losses in today's battle. But after receiving a rescue call from Lieutenant General Omar Bradley himself, they had no choice but to promise to continue sending fighter jets to provide them with air cover.

   "Tell General Smith that we have no time, and we must drive all the Germans into the sea before dark!" Lieutenant General Omar Bradley issued a stern order.


   However, when the US armored forces had just resumed their offensive, Lieutenant General Omar Bradley once again received bad news.

"General, the Germans launched a raid on the Port of Bucher with the Marines. They launched a raid with a large number of helicopters and landing craft. Our defenders there were not able to resist. Now, the Port of Bucher has fallen to the Germans. It is under control." Major General Thomas reported.

   "What? How could this happen?" Lieutenant General Omar Bradley was stunned for a moment.

  Bucher Port fell into the hands of the German army, which means that their left wing was completely exposed.

   "Damn it, organize your troops immediately and take back Port Bucher!" Lieutenant General Omar Bradley ordered.

  Before, the U.S. military had an infantry division in Port Bucher, but as the battle in the Canso Strait became more intense, the U.S. military deployed a large number of troops from Port Bucher to reinforce the front line. Only one infantry regiment remained in Port Boucher. Now, they finally tasted the bitter fruit.

   "Yes, General." Major General Thomas immediately went to convey the order.

   It's just that, after the Port of Bucher has fallen into the hands of the German army, it is almost impossible for the US military to retake the Port of Bucher. As the German troops landed in large numbers, the U.S. troops were beaten back steadily. Port Bucher will never return to the hands of the US military.

  Similarly, the attack launched by the US armored forces was once again repelled. Although the U.S. Army Air Force once again dispatched nearly two hundred fighters to provide air cover for the attack of the ground forces. But as soon as they arrived on the battlefield, they were beaten up by the TA-152 fleet of the Luftwaffe waiting here.

   Soon, the fighter group of the US Army Air Forces suffered heavy losses. The remaining fighter planes were driven all over the sky by the German fleet. There was simply no way to provide cover to troops on the ground.

  The dive bombers and ground attack aircraft of the German Air Force, the dive bombers of the German Navy, and the helicopters of the German Marine Corps all took the opportunity to enter the battlefield and launched a fierce attack on the US armored forces.

  One after another tanks and armored vehicles were blown up into a pile of scrap metal. Countless American soldiers were killed in the battle, and their bodies were scattered everywhere.

   "Oh my God! Where did those sons of **** of the Air Force die?" A US tank commander watched a tank next to him being blown into scrap metal, filled with horror.

   "Those **** have been kicked out by the German air force, and there is no way they are supporting us."

   "Bastard, you can't fight anymore, turn around quickly. Otherwise, we will all die here!"

  Although the U.S. Army is well-equipped and well-trained. However, after all, they were on the battlefield for the first time and lacked combat experience. Especially after a large loss, the morale of the troops will drop to the bottom, and they will not have the courage to continue fighting. This made it very easy for the U.S. military to collapse after suffering a heavy blow.

  The US 1st Armored Division, 1st Mechanized Infantry Division, and 2nd Mechanized Infantry Division gave up their offensive at 4 pm on December 11 and routed into the forest.
