"Your Excellency Marshal, the bombing operation in the morning has ended. All 107 targets in Maine have been destroyed." Major General Günther Korten, Chief of Staff of the Strategic Air Force, reported.

   "Very well, it seems that we have won the first battle." Marshal Edward Milch nodded in satisfaction.

   "Is our loss big?" Marshal Edward Milch asked.

  The German Air Force hopes to continue the strategic bombing, at least until the German Army launches a large-scale attack on the United States, the strategic bombing must continue. Only in this way can we weaken the war potential of the United States as much as possible and create more favorable conditions for defeating the United States in the future. Therefore, the air force's losses during the bombing must be effectively controlled.

"Your Excellency Marshal, in this operation, we lost more than 200 fighter jets and more than 100 bombers. The navy's carrier-based aircraft force also lost hundreds of carrier-based aircraft." Jingte? Major General Korten reported.

   Edward? Marshal Milch could not help but frown. Such a loss can be regarded as relatively large.

"Your Excellency Marshal, this is mainly due to the interception by fighter jets of the U.S. Army Air Corps. In addition, the Americans are clearly prepared, and the ground anti-aircraft firepower is also very fierce. As the U.S. fighter jets lose more and more, they In the following battles, the threat to us will become smaller and smaller, and our casualties will continue to decrease." Major General Günther Korten continued.


Marshal Edward Milch nodded: "Try to control the loss as much as possible. Our strategic bombing will not only last for a day or two, but will last forever. In addition, I will contact the country and try my best to Send more troops to reinforce the front line."

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal." Major General Günther Korten replied.

  The continuous domestic support in Germany is an important guarantee for the German Air Force to finally complete its mission.

   "This afternoon, start bombing New Hampshire and Vermont. Targets in these two states will also be eliminated." Marshal Edward Milch ordered.

   "Yes, Your Excellency the Marshal."

   At the same time, in Washington, the capital of the United States, President Roosevelt also summoned General Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, and General Henry Arnold, Commander of the Army Air Force, to inquire about the loss.


"Your Excellency, the Germans dispatched thousands of combat planes to bomb us. The airports, important factories and some cities in Maine were all destroyed by the German bombing. Only this time the Germans The bombing caused a devastating blow to the industry in Maine. Especially the heavy industry, which was almost wiped out." Admiral Marshall said with a serious face.

  President Roosevelt's expression was also very difficult. He also knew very well that once the industry was destroyed, they would have no way to continue fighting the Germans.

   "The Germans are planning to destroy our industry step by step! Once their strategy succeeds, I'm afraid we really don't have the capital to continue fighting." President Roosevelt sighed.

  Modern warfare is fought against the comprehensive strength of the country. And industry, especially heavy industry, accounts for a very large share in the overall strength. Because it is directly related to the weaponry of the army.

   Without the support of heavy industry, it is impossible to provide enough weapons, equipment and ammunition for the army. You can't let the army fight with bare hands, right? In that case, it is no different from sending the army to die.

   "General Arnold, can the Army Air Corps stop the German bombing?" President Roosevelt asked.

Admiral Henry Arnold shook his head: "Your Excellency, this is almost impossible. The Germans have been prepared for a long time. They not only dispatched a large number of bombers. At the same time, there are also a lot of fighter jets escorting these bombers. The number of TA-152 fighter jets is as high as more than 1,500. Even if the Army Air Force tries its best, it is not the opponent of the Germans. In the air battle in the morning alone, we have already lost Thousands of fighter jets."

  President Roosevelt's eyes darkened when he heard the news. Perhaps, now he understands that it is a bit too presumptuous for the United States to fight against Germany. Not only did they lose completely in the navy, the Army Air Corps and the Army were also no match for the Germans, and even their country was gradually reduced to ruins under the heavy bombing of the Germans. How are they going to fight this battle?

"Your Excellency, the remaining fighter wings of the Army Air Force have begun to assemble in the northeast direction. We will do our best to intercept the Germans. In addition, I suggest that at various airports, important factories and cities, as much as possible Deploy more anti-aircraft firepower. In this case, it may be able to achieve good results. If it can cause greater losses to the Germans, perhaps their bombing operations will stop." Admiral Henry Arnold suggested.

  President Roosevelt nodded: "This is a way, let's implement it immediately!"

   "Yes, Your Excellency the President." Admiral Marshall nodded.

   "In addition, Your Excellency, many of our important factories must be moved as soon as possible. Move them to the south or west, so that we can prevent them from being violently bombed by the Germans." Admiral Henry Arnold said.

"The transfer of the factory has already started. However, the conditions in the west and the south are not as convenient as in the north. In addition, the transfer of the factory cannot be done in a short time. We did not expect that the German attack would come so soon Ah!" President Roosevelt sighed.

   Admiral Marshall and Henry Arnold were silent. They had also previously thought that the German attack would not begin until next spring. But who knows, the Germans launched a large-scale bombing in winter. This completely caught the Americans by surprise, and at the same time made them pay an extremely heavy price for it.

  In the afternoon, the Luftwaffe bombed airports and important factories in New Hampshire and Vermont, further causing losses to American heavy industry.

  Next, the Luftwaffe's strategic bombing continued, and the states in the northeastern United States were bombed one after another. A large number of airports and important factories were bombed into ruins, and American industry was being continuously weakened by Germany. If this continues, the heavy industry in the United States will soon be extremely weakened.
