North of Washington, the German-controlled area, the German frontline headquarters.

  The German army's attack on Washington became more and more smooth, and Marshal Manstein further moved his headquarters from New York to the front line. He believes that the U.S. military has been extremely damaged. The current U.S. military is no longer capable of confronting the Germans. Even if the headquarters is moved to the front line, there will be no danger.

  Marshal Bromberg, Marshal Guderian, Marshal Rommel and others also rushed here. Everyone is very clear that the attack on the US military has entered the final juncture.

"Your Excellency Commander, the Americans are hopeless and have no fighting spirit. Now a large number of Americans voluntarily surrender to us every day. This makes us have to temporarily set up multiple prisoner-of-war camps to detain these American soldiers. It even once affected It's time for our attack on Washington," Marshal Bromberg complained.

   "This is a good thing? Isn't it? If the remaining Americans can all surrender to us, then this battle can be over." Marshal Manstein said.

   "Yes, Commander, this is good news. However, I really didn't expect that the Americans would be so vulnerable." Marshal Guderian said.

  Marshal Manstein nodded: "The empire has always regarded the United States as its greatest enemy, but they are actually nothing more than a paper tiger, and they were easily torn apart by us."


"The industry of the United States is indeed very strong, and its technology is fairly developed. Even if its war potential cannot be compared with that of the empire, the gap is still very limited. But what everyone did not expect is that the American soldiers would be so vulnerable." Long Mei Marshal Er also shook his head.

  Almost everyone believes that the attack on the United States will be a bitter battle. Even the generals of the German army are ready to fight a protracted war. However, it was not expected that the Americans would be defeated so soon. Such a result even made the generals of the German army a little unbelievable. Everyone felt that happiness came too suddenly.

"It is estimated that the Americans will not be able to sustain it soon. In order to further reduce our casualties, the offensive is suspended. However, the artillery and air force continue to shell and bomb Washington. The shells and bombs we transported to North America are thrown Go out. To avoid having to transport these shells and bombs back to the country in the future. Perhaps, after we consume all these shells and bombs, the Americans will surrender to us." Marshal Manstein said.

   Marshal Guderian and others laughed.

  Before, the German army was ready to fight a protracted war on the North American continent. This also made the German army very well prepared in terms of war materials. A large amount of war materials arrived on the North American continent, and ammunition and the like piled up into mountains. If these ammunition were to be transported back to Germany, it would undoubtedly be very troublesome. If it can be consumed on the battlefield, it is undoubtedly the best. Moreover, Marshal Manstein has asked the country not to transport ammunition to North America for the time being.

   If the last fighting spirit of the Americans can be directly destroyed through continuous shelling and bombing, that is undoubtedly the best result. Although the U.S. military has no combat power left, if it continues to attack, the German army will pay some casualties. Seeing that the German army is about to win the final victory, under such circumstances, it is natural to ensure that the losses of the troops are not too large.


  However, Marshal Manstein's plan was ultimately not implemented. Because the Americans are begging for mercy much faster than he imagined.

   On the morning of May 29, US Secretary of State Hull, under the protection of a team of guards, drove a car with a white flag, left the US military's position, and went to the German army's position.

  After the German army on the front line discovered this situation, they did not open fire, allowing US Secretary of State Hull to enter the German army's position.

   After learning about the purpose of these Americans, the front-line officers immediately reported to the headquarters.

   Marshal Manstein couldn't help being stunned after receiving the report from the adjutant.

   "The Americans want to ask for peace? So soon?" Marshal Manstein couldn't believe it.

   "Yes, why don't the Americans insist on it? We still have a lot of shells and bombs that have not been consumed!" Marshal Guderian also complained.

   "Forget it, since the Americans want to ask for peace, let's see what they have to say." Marshal Manstein said.

   Soon, US Secretary of State Hull arrived at the German headquarters.

   "Your Excellency, Marshal, I am fatal to the President of the Republic of America, and formally submit a request for peace to your country. I hope to formally start peace negotiations with the German Empire and end this war." Hull said.

  Marshal Manstein nodded. Although the speed of the Americans' summation is very fast, it is not incomprehensible. After all, the current situation is very unfavorable to the United States. Summing up is undoubtedly the best choice.

   "Your Excellency, Secretary of State, I already know your country's request. I will report it to the country immediately. However, it is not up to me to decide what the best domestic decision will be." Marshal Manstein said.

  Hull nodded: "Your Excellency Marshal, please convey to His Majesty the Emperor that the Republic of America is very sincere in wanting to conduct peace talks and end this war."

   "Okay, Your Excellency the Secretary of State." Marshal Manstein replied. However, he was quite disapproving in his heart.

  The Americans lost the war and couldn't wait to ask for peace. However, how could Germany easily let the United States go? Now that Germany already has an absolute advantage, it will obviously take the opportunity and the lion will open its mouth. Even Marshal Manstein has already guessed what kind of reply the country will make.

  Emperor Qin Tian of the German Empire said more than once that the United States is the chosen country, and the threat to Germany's world hegemony is too great. If Germany wins this war, it will definitely destroy the United States completely. Therefore, no matter how sincere the Americans are, how much they are willing to pay. However, their fate is probably irreversible.

  After Marshal Manstein's telegram was delivered to Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian couldn't help laughing. It has always been his goal to overthrow the United States, and now it has finally come true. This gave Qin Tian a sense of accomplishment.

   "Everyone, the Americans want to ask for peace now. So, should we agree to have peace talks with the Americans?" Qin Tian smiled and looked at the important military and political officials of the empire.

   "Your Majesty, you have already made a decision, haven't you?" Prime Minister Vahit said with a smile.

   "Yes, I have decided not to engage in peace talks with the Americans. The Americans have only one choice, and that is unconditional surrender!"
