Chapter 2925: A Decision Of Life And Death  

Even if there was only a chance to hear the truth from Nutjob Lu, Lu Yin did not want to let the opportunity go.

He still remembered the moment that the hand had appeared. As he looked at its scars, someone had asked, “Is it worth it?” That question gave Lu Yin a heavy feeling, though he did not know it came from the question itself or from something else.

"Hahahaha, kid, even if I told you that it was all just a lie, would you dare to believe it? Hahahaha." Nutjob Lu let out a wild laugh.

Lu Yin gave the man a cold stare. "What are your conditions?"

Nutjob Lu's expression grew cold, and he leaned forward. The movement caused the chains to rattle violently. "I don't want that old bastard Lu Yuan to deal with me! Even if I end up dying tomorrow, I want to die an honorable death.

"Boy, let's have a deathmatch. No one will be allowed to interfere. If you beat me, I will tell you who that person is before my death. If not, you will never know."


This answer thrilled Lu Yin. "You, a Sequence Progenitor, are challenging me? How is this anything less than trying to kill me?"

Nutjob Lu grinned. "You can choose when the fight takes place. It can be now, or whenever you think you are capable of beating me. It would actually be a good time to do it after you break through to become a Progenitor. Do you dare?"

Lu Yin turned around and walked away as Nutjob Lu continued laughing wildly behind him.

When Lu Yin met Lu Tianyi once more, he shared Nutjob Lu's condition.

Lu Tianyi grew solemn. "Are you completely sure?"

Lu Yin nodded. "Who is that person? I really need to know."


"Nutjob Lu is definitely a spy, so in a deathmatch, he might even use divine energy and the Corpse King Transformation. The reason why I was able to defeat him so easily before is that he did not dare use either of those powers. He was prepared to be taken away by me, but there is a big difference between being captured and facing death," Lu Tianyi warned.

Lu Yin responded in a solemn tone, "I'm sure. Don't worry, Ancestor. I won't fight him unless I’m completely confident of victory. I’ll take everything into consideration."

Lu Tianyi stared at Lu Yin for a long moment. "The descendents of my Lu family do not fear death. Since you have made your decision, the family will fully support you. No one will deal with him before your deathmatch."

This was most likely exactly what Nutjob Lu had wanted. Lu Yin understood the man’s thoughts, but that also meant that he understood the madman’s weakness.

“Is it worth it?” Just what had that person paid?

A figure arrived at the New Inn on the border of the Voidforce Universe. "Is this the place? How odd."

The door soon opened, and the person stepped through, tossing in three corpses, which all belonged to Semi-Progenitor-level corpse kings.

Everyone in the New Inn turned to look at the newcomer, and they were shocked by the sight of the three dead Semi-Progenitor-level corpse kings.

To them, such monsters were elusive and powerful enemies.

A woman with heavy makeup walked over and carefully examined one of the corpses on the floor. She then looked up at the person standing inside the door and gave a sweet smile. However, caution still filled her eyes. "Senior, might I ask the meaning of this?"

"My name is Shan, and I am from the Heavens Sect. This is to fulfill the agreement that our Dao Monarch Lu made—to kill three Semi-Progenitor-level corpse kings."

Master Shan was the deliverer of the dead corpse kings. There was no need for Lu Yin to personally make a visit to the New Inn. He had already learned all that he needed to from the New Inn, and he had sent Master Shan to settle any possible cause and effect from karma with the inn.

The woman looked upstairs, and Chou Bao descended from the stairs to approach Master Shan. "Lord Lu has fulfilled his promise. Please pass my New Inn’s greetings to Lord Lu."

Master Shan nodded and turned to leave.

"By the way, the old man died. Please inform Lord Lu on our behalf," Chou Bao reported.

Master Shan had no idea who Old Dian was, as he had merely been completing Lu Yin’s promise.

Back at the Heavens Sect, Master Shan delivered the message to Lu Yin. Lu Yin had not expected to hear of Old Dian’s death.

However, it very likely had no connection to the New Inn. Chou Bao was not someone who would go back on his word. Also, Old Dian had already learned the truth of who was destroying the Bai family, and he would have never gone after Chen Le to avenge that family. Old Dian had done all that he could, and he also had not belonged in the New Inn. It was possible that death had actually been a liberation for the old man.

"Thank you for your hard work, Master Shan."

"It is my honor to bear a bit of the Dao Monarch's worries."

Time passed, and the Heavens Sect remained quite peaceful. Things were quiet across the Sixverse Association, and even the Endless Frontier was quiet.

The Aeternals did nothing to try to get revenge. The Star Devourer in Giants’ Purgatory might as well have been sleeping. Even if Lu Yin sent people to monitor the beast, it did not react at all.

Lu Yin had taken control of the Transcendent Universe, but no one voiced any objections.

Backyard was transferred to the Transcendent Universe, along with a group of experts to protect it. At the same time, Wang Wen was tasked with sorting out what sort of strength and power would stay in the Transcendent Universe. Both the Bestowal Art and energy converters were powerful enough for the Transcendent Universe to join the Sixverse Association, and Lu Yin wanted all of their cultivation technologies for the Heavens Sect.

Both Lord Wei and You Fang had died, while Bai Qian had vanished. Bai Qian’s disappearance should have been a matter of the utmost importance, but the Transcendent Universe was simply returned to He Ran’s stewardship.

Ironically, Lu Yin had personally forced He Ran into the abyss, making her serve as the Heavens Sect’s mascot for so long, but now, he thrust her back as the overseer of the Transcendent Universe. However, he had had no real choice in the matter. There was no one more suitable for the task than He Ran.

She had never dreamed that she would one day be able to return to her universe and sit atop the staircase again. Beneath the stairs, Uncle Mo was even more excited than He Ran. He had never thought that he would be allowed to once again serve as He Ran’s protector.

The two remained silent for a very long time.

In the past, they had received absolutely everything from Lord Wei, and now, everything that they had had been given to them by Lu Yin. The ruler of the Origin Universe had clearly tricked the two people, but he had ultimately become their master.

He Ran had conflicting thoughts on the matter, and she considered it a great deal. She felt resentful, angry, and even panicked. She hated Lu Yin for stealing her away from heaven and casting her into the abyss, but he had raised her back up once again. However, no matter how much the woman might hate Lu Yin, she would never dare to reveal the slightest hint of her feelings.

After all, everything that she had had been given by that man.

He had toyed with her from beginning to end.

The affairs of the Transcendent Universe did not cause the slightest disturbance within the Sixverse Association. Lord Wei had died, which meant that, logically, another parallel universe should have been selected to replace the Transcendent Universe as a member universe of the Sixverse Association. However, no one had brought that up.

In the past, promoting a universe into an official member of the association, or revoking a member universe’s status had to be approved by the Great Sovereign. However, many people had started questioning that practice. Should they look to the Cyclic Universe, or to the Heavens Sect?

Half a year quickly passed by. During this time, Lu Yin remained at peace. The only thing he was anticipating was the arrival of the four ruling powers’ star essence. Their wealth had not yet been delivered to the Heavens Sect, but he remained confident that he would receive enough star essence to stun him. There was no doubt that this influx of wealth would allow him to shake things up.

One day, Wu Da arrived from outside the Heavens Sect, and he listened to his subordinates' reports regarding recent events. "By the way, what happened to that young man who wanted to become the Dao Monarch’s disciple? How has he been doing?"

Wu Da still remembered the young man from the Cyclic Universe who wanted to become Dao Monarch Lu’s disciple. The young man possessed no cultivation base whatsoever, and it seemed impossible for him to succeed from all that Wu Da could see.

However, Dao Monarch Lu had asked Wu Da to keep an eye on the young man because Wu Da had met him before.

For three years, Wu Da had monitored the young man, and then for two years after that, he had given the task to his subordinates. Not once had Wu Da ignored his orders, and he asked about the young man every time he returned to the Heavens Sect.

Already, more than five years had passed.

A subordinate replied, "He is still here. It’s clear that he has no intention of giving up."

Wu Da nodded and then thought for a bit. "I’m going to go check on him."

Wu Da quickly approached a spacecraft. Because this young man had absolutely no cultivation base, he needed to stay in a spacecraft to stay outside the Heavens Sect. The man was still respectfully kneeling down, asking to be accepted as Lu Yin’s disciple.

The man did not know if Lu Yin even knew about his existence, but the man could only do this. As long as even the slightest chance of success remained, he would not give up.

There were many, many other people kneeling outside of the Heavens Sect, begging to be accepted as Lu Yin's disciples. This indicated that there was at least a chance of success, even if no one had ever managed to do it.

"How long will you wait?" When Wu Da arrived, he walked over to the young man and knelt down to look at him.

The young man remained determined. "As long as I don't succeed, I won't get up."

Wu Da sighed. "Really, what you’re doing is useless. Dao Monarch Lu doesn't even know that someone like you exists."

The young man did not give up and remained kneeling on the floor.

Wu Da was quite curious. What was it about this young man that had attracted Dao Monarch Lu’s attention?

The young man had no idea that he had already drawn Lu Yin’s attention. As long as he could endure, he was guaranteed to ascend into the sky.

The reality of the universe was that the majority of people would want to know the results before attempting something, but this man’s actions were clearly delusional.

Knowing that one’s efforts would surely pay off would make one’s dedication to a task completely different from someone who had no idea if they would succeed or not.

Knowing that a gamble would pay off would make people willing to risk their lives.

If someone knew that they could make a fortune by learning a given skill, they would make sure to learn it, even if they did not enjoy it.

This was the advantage of knowing the final outcome, but such knowledge was nothing more than self-deception. Who could know the future for certain? Countless people would follow the same path, but ultimately, all those who reached the end would possess powerful determination and impressive luck. This was what determined the heights that people could ascend to.

However, the man from the Cyclic Universe had already succeeded. As far as Wu Da was concerned, attracting Lu Yin’s attention was a success. As long as this young man persevered, he would absolutely become Dao Monarch Lu's disciple.

Truthfully, Wu Da was envious of the young man. If Wu Da had known while attending the Astral Combat Academy that Lu Yin would eventually reach such amazing heights, Wu Da would have dropped to his knees and begged to be Lu Yin’s disciple, even if they had been classmates at the time. No, Wu Da would have sworn loyalty to Lu Yin, even if he was not acknowledged as a disciple. Even having an indirect connection to Lu Yin would be acceptable.

Wu Da sighed. "Then keep going. I hope that your persistence pays off."

If the young man gave up, Wu Da had no idea if he would pity the young man, but he would definitely wonder about what could have been.

As Wu Da was about to leave, a woman arrived and gave him a flat stare. Her gaze caused chills to run across Wu Da’s entire body. He had never felt such a sensation before. It was as though this woman was the master of his life and could decide whether or not he died at any moment.

This was not a completely foreign sensation to Wu Da, but throughout all his years of roaming the universe, the feeling had never been this strong. This woman radiated an indescribable authority as she slowly approached.

Wu Da stood frozen as he stared at the woman.

She merely glanced at him. "Leave."

Wu Da did not dare argue, and he quickly ducked his head and made to leave.

However, just as Wu Da was leaving, ripples appeared in the void in front of him, and someone stepped out. Wu Da stared blankly before being overcome with joy and offering a respectful bow. "Greetings, Dao Monarch."

It was indeed Lu Yin who had arrived in the spacecraft, as the woman who had appeared in front of Wu Da was the Cyclic Universe’s Yao Lan.

While the woman had not attacked Wu Da, he had felt as though his life had been threatened, and that thought terrified him. Lu Yin’s arrival completely relieved Wu Da’s fears.

Lu Yin glanced at Wu Da before looking back at Yao Lan. "Is it appropriate for you to visit my Heavens Sect without even saying hello to me?"

Yao Lan had not expected Lu Yin to notice her, as she had arrived while suppressing her aura.

She took a deep breath and slowly bowed. "Greetings, Lord Lu."

Wu Da felt much bolder in Lu Yin’s presence, and he lifted his head to get a good look at the woman. She was beautiful, but if Dao Monarch Lu was speaking to her in such a manner, she had to be a Progenitor-level expert.
