Chapter 2461: Playing With Them (2)

Yes, even though they were only three years old, the three babies she had given birth to were already sensible enough to know how to take care of their grandparents.

When they were at home, the three children would pour water for their grandpa and grandma and bring their medicine to them. If they weren’t feeling well, they even knew how to call for someone to take a look at them.

The more obedient the three children were, the more reluctant the elders were to leave them.

However, Zhai Yaohui and Miao Jing were already in their seventies. The triplets were only three years old. Sometimes, Zhai Yaohui and Miao Jing wanted to treat the three children well, but they were strong in will but weak in power. Take today for example. Accompanying the children out to play was the furthest place that Miao Jing could travel to now.

Qiao Nan couldn’t stop a grandma from wanting to accompany her grandchildren. If she thought of ways to stop her, Miao Jing would feel uncomfortable.

In the face of such a situation, Qiao Nan didn’t know what to do at all. She could only work harder and let the elder be happy.


“Grandma, eat a piece of dragon fruit.” When San Bao came out, she sat next to Miao Jing and personally forked a piece of purple-red dragon fruit and fed it into Miao Jing’s mouth. “Grandma, is it sweet?”

The fruit was ripe and it was full of water. It was sweet with a little sourness and tasted good. This was especially so since her granddaughter had fed her. The taste would naturally improve because of her granddaughter.

After eating the fruit satisfactorily, Miao Jing replied, “It is. It’s so sweet. Grandma won’t eat it anymore. San Bao, eat. If Grandma wants to eat, she’ll take it herself.”

Miao Jing said sweetly as she touched her granddaughter’s little braids that were gradually longer and thicker.

San Bao was greedy as well. After fulfilling her filial piety, San Bao forked the fruit that she liked and placed one piece after another in her mouth. Her small mouth moved like a little squirrel, and she looked exceptionally cute.

The children who were tired of playing gathered around Miao Jing and San Bao. Very quickly, the three children finished the fruit box.


Children at the triplets’ age had stomachs like bottomless pits. They would get hungry after a while.

After finishing the box of fruit, not only did the three children not feel full, but they felt hungrier instead. “Mom, let’s go and eat something delicious. I’m hungry.”

“What do you want to eat? I’ll say this first. No KFC.”

Qiao Nan had first informed the three children. It wasn’t good for children to eat too much fried food. Qiao Nan had long set the rules for them. They could only eat fried food once a month at most.

The children had already fulfilled this month’s quota. Qiao Nan would not become softhearted and change her mind just because they acted like spoiled children.

Er Bao stuck out his tongue. See? He knew that his mom wouldn’t agree to it. San Bao insisted on trying and said that she might agree.

Sigh. On this matter, how was there the possibility of ‘might’?

Rather than looking forward to the day when their mom would allow them to eat KFC twice a month, they were better off looking forward to the day when their dad no longer snatched their mom away from them so that she could accompany them more.

The latter would definitely not happen. Based on this difficult relationship, Qiao Nan would similarly not agree to the three children eating KFC twice a month.

San Bao sighed like an adult. She felt that adults were too rigid and there wasn’t any room for discussion at all.

The friends who studied kindergarten together with them were better. For example, she didn’t like vegetables. As such, she discussed with her friend sitting next to her. She would give him the vegetables she disliked and let him eat them.

The next time the teacher distributed a fruit that he didn’t like, she would help eat it instead.

How good was this?

As such, she no longer needed to eat the vegetables she disliked, and her friend no longer needed to eat the fruits he disliked.

San Bao didn’t understand why it was so easy to discuss things with children but not adults. It was better being a child. She didn’t want to grow up. Growing up wasn’t good.

San Bao only dared to have such thoughts in her mind. If she dared to say these words out, Qiao Nan would definitely go to school and report to the teacher about this situation.

Of course, aside from this, in order for San Bao to make up for the uneaten vegetables at school, she would definitely include more vegetables in the dinner menu such that San Bao had no choice but to eat them. In fact, she had to eat more.

After getting away with the first meal, would she let her get away with the second?

Da Bao looked at Er Bao and San Bao helplessly. He couldn’t understand. Their grandpa said that Er Bao and San Bao were born at a time similar to him and were only a bit younger than him.

Why were Er Bao and San Bao so childish and not clever at all?

Wasn’t it just a meal of KFC? He didn’t feel that it was very delicious. Most importantly, they couldn’t eat whatever they wanted now. However, their grandpa said that after they grew up, they could do whatever they wanted.

As such, what they should do now was to eat well and grow taller. They could have the final say on everything in the future.

Da Bao, who held his chest, expressed that he was going to eat more later during the meal. Their grandpa and grandma were old. He wanted to grow bigger and stronger so that he could take good care of them.

Sigh. He didn’t know if their grandpa was well at home and if he ate his meals and medicine obediently when he was playing with Er Bao and San Bao during this time.

Upon thinking of the disobedient grandpa at home, Da Bao felt helpless.

Aside from their dad and mom, their grandpa and grandma were as disobedient as Er Bao and San Bao. They needed someone to take care of them.

As the older brother, he could only be tougher.

After the three children discussed it for a while, Da Bao decided to have steak.

Why was that?

Da Bao expressed that he heard that eating steak would allow one to grow muscles and become taller. He wanted to grow up quickly.

Steak tasted good. Er Bao and San Bao had no objection. After the three children decided, the adults only had to follow behind them. They would follow them into whatever store they entered.

As they passed by a store, one of the three children would always point to it and ask, “Mom, what is this store? What does it sell? What delicious food does it have?”

Qiao Nan didn’t mind the trouble. She told the three children that this was a BBQ shop or a sushi shop.

When they encountered relatively simpler words, Qiao Nan would teach the three children. “This is the character for meat. The meat that you love is spelled like this.”

Da Bao widened his eyes. “Mom, there are two ‘humans’ in this meat character.”

“Yes. That’s because meat is delicious. There’s more than one ‘human’ who likes it. As such, there are two ‘humans’.”
