Chapter 1299 Consumed By The Hollow  

The clash had reached a crescendo.

The multiple hits and disruption of Kinetic Energy had rendered Stefan completely invalid.

The fight had tilted completely in his opponent's favor.

All seemed to be concluded.




… A spark ignited within Stefan.


Despite his body being disconnected from his neural network, Stefan found himself smiling.

'… It's finally ready.'

The Spell he had been working on in the background—his Primeval Magic.

Normally, he would need to cast it, the same way any other Magic was utilized.


In his current state, that would prove impossible.

However, Stefan had already designed his Primeval Magic prior to being bombarded with the impossible volleys that were being thrown at him.

The Spell was given only one directive.

'Once it is complete… activate.'


At that moment, [Hollow] returned to the world.

All color vanished from the universe's existence, and the result was the dissipation of every ounce of energy around.

The resultant anomaly—now divided into multiple stratas of layers now in a flux—caused Stefan to become untouchable.

As a result, the hooded man was repelled by the incredibly complex field.

"Haaa… this is much better." Stefan smiled, rubbing his chin as he smiled.

The sudden burst of energy from him had repaired all the damage he suffered. The neural paths of his body were restored to full capacity, and his self now operated at optimal capacity.

"Just a few more seconds and you could have won."

Stefan had actually feared for his loss right until the last second.

"Unfortunately for you, I was just a little faster."

Right now, Stefan's absolute defense was far more formidable than before. His Primeval Magic had overcome its past weakness.

It was now incredibly complex, divided into layers that were in constant flux.

No kind of interruption or interference was possible with the current state of his power. "You actually pulled it off. That's incredible." The voice of the man echoed out, but soon vanished due to sound now being erased.

"Your biggest mistake was telling me how to improve. As much as I appreciate it, that is what will lead to you downfall." Stefan murmured.

He didn't know what drove this obviously intelligent man to reveal such crucial parts of his Spell to him, but it had now led to his Waterloo.

"I won't forget this encounter. You are going to die here, but I admit… you are the most formidable foe I have ever… huh?"

Something was off.

"Something is wrong." Stefan said to himself.

His Primeval Magic was meant to consume the world and everything in it, but… for some reason the hooded man was still perfectly fine.

Something was definitely wrong.

"What? What are you saying?" Stefan couldn't hear him properly since sound had been erased in the universe.

… Or had it?

~Can you hear me now? I'm connecting directly to your mind.~

"H-huh? How is this possible?!" Stefan was shocked.

There was no way anyone could invade the anomaly around him and reach his body talkless of his mind.

What was going on?!

~You look very confused right now. I understand. Before I say anything, though, look at your hand.~

Stefan was confused.

His hand? What did that have to do with anything?

Still, out of morbid curiosity, he obeyed.

'W-what?! This is…!'

It wasn't anything he expected at all. Stefan's eyes were bulging as he took in the detail of what was happening to his hand.

'It's fading… fading away?!'

~Indeed. That is the effect of your Primeval Magic. The Hollow is consuming you.~

'No! That can't be!'

~That is the truth.~

But how?! Stefan's puzzled face clearly expressed how he felt deep within himself.

Hollow was meant to consume everything that existed in the universe—everything except him.

He was within his anomaly and exempt from its effects.

"Why am I the one vanishing and you're perfectly fine?!"

Stefan couldn't hear his voice anymore.

He could hear nothing.

~You were wondering why I was explaining so much to you. The reason is simple. I was buying time.~


~Yes. I had to figure out the full principles behind your anomaly, up to being able to replicate its effects.~ Stefan's eyes widened even further at this point.

'N-no… no you didn't!'

~I did. I was able to understand its principles, especially thanks to interacting with you on multiple occasions.~

Stefan was shaking at this point.

The Hollow's effects were increasing very rapidly, and he could do nothing to stop it.

~The lack of color. The lack of energy. Everything you think is happening… it isn't really happening.~


~It never happened to this universe. It's only happening to you.~

The moment Stefan activated his Primeval Magic, only his surrounding anomaly was affected, and nothing beyond.

In essence, his absolute defense had become a cage.

'N-no! If that's the case, then I can just cancel—!' Stefan's thoughts desperately screamed.

~You can not. Due to how complex your Spell is, even you won't be able to bypass all the layers and fluxes that you've put on it. Not in time anyway…~

Stefan's bloodshot eyes screamed of both confusion and rage at this point.

'You… you tricked me?!'

~I did. We are enemies, remember? I told you that I was not going to forgive you for what you did. You've done so many heinous things. This is your penance.~

Stefan didn't know what to say.

This man had guided him down a rencmplex path of Magic, helped him to improve, and now used his own power against him.

From the very start, he had it all under his control.

"Haha… I see now…" Despite being unable to hear himself, Stefan mumbled to himself.

More than half of his body had been swallowed by his own Hollow, and the rate only kept increasing.

In no time at all, he would be completely devoured.

'Who… who are you?' Stefan asked with his fleeting thoughts.

The man in front of him smiled, just as Stefan's vision blurred and he lost his sight.

Now buried in darkness, he heard the name of the man imprinted in his thoughts.

~I am the Great Sage of Magic. My name is Lewis Griffith.~

Stefan was still stunned by what he heard when he received Lewis' final words to him.

~You did well, kid.~





Thanks for reading, everyone!

Well, this was satisfying to write for me.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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