Chapter 1325 Jared’s Wedding  [Several Months Later]

Today… is my birthday.

However, more than that, it's something else.

It is my wedding.

"Do you, Jared Leonard Alphonse Sereth, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? Till death do you part and all that?"

I currently stand in front of the woman of my dreams. Her silvery white hair perfectly matches her wedding dress, and I can't help but smile as her blue eyes look at me with such amazing wonder.

As Neron asks me this question, serving as the priest that'll join us together, I feel elated.


Right here and now, I get to say the two words I've wanted to utter for what has felt like an eternity.

"I do."

The moment I say this, I hear stifled cheers from the crowd.

Everyone sitting in the pews are staring at me—at us—with excitement. They all appear to be impatient, but they have to hold all of it in for now.

It isn't time for the big celebration—not until the bride says the same.

"And do you, Maria Helmsworth, take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? Till death do you—?"


"I do!" I can see her excited smile burst through as she replies so loudly.

'It seems I miscalculated…' My thoughts trail as I gaze deep into her.

'Maria ended up being the most excited and impatient.'

That was perfectly fine, though.

This is one mistake I am glad to have made.

"I see. I hereby deem you husband and wife… for all eternity."

When Neron—the best in Time Magic—says something like that, it carries so much weight.

My heart races as I hear the word 'eternity' ring over and over in my mind.

But I am not scared.

Not at all.

I feel ecstatic. This… this is the best birthday present ever!

"Well, you know what next to do. You may kiss to seal the deal."

As Neron says this, I can see his proud smile. He winks at me and nods with full approval.

I can tell that he's thinking 'THAT'S MY PROTEGE!' in his mind.It feels silly, really, but I feel really good.

Is this how all couples getting married feel like? I can't help but disagree.

What I'm feeling right now is exclusive to this moment!action

No one is happier than I am!

"So, are you going to kiss me or what?" I hear Maria ask me.

"Well…" I draw her closer to me with my arm arched right behind her.

"… What do you think?"

We both giggle sheepishly, almost as if we are kids.

This isn't the first time we're kissing, but why does it feel so different?

Well… who knows?

All I know is that I love this woman, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her.

We kiss, and the roars of celebration kick off.

The entire Aether Tree trembles in joy as we lock lips, and even the Nether Tree has slight tremors.

Maria's lips taste sweet, and she feels even sweeter.

She dislodges her lips from mine, the both of us moaning gently.

I can see her smile clearly—the smile of a goddess.

She pulls her face closer to mine and reaches for my ear where she whispers certain… things to me.

My eyes light up and I can't wait until we are all alone in the night.

"You better make good on that promise." I smile broadly.

"Just kiss me, Jared." She giggled, and out lips crash upon each other again.

With a lofty heart filled with nothing but joy and gratitude, I take all of these sensations in.

This truly is the best day of my life.


"Congratulations, Jared." Neron shakes me first, being the closest to the both of us.

I smile in appreciation, but before I can say another word, Serah appears seemingly out of nowhere.

"When will you throw the Magic Missle?"

I'm not startled by her appearance, but it seems she shocked Maria a little.

The two of them exchange pleasantries as Serah congratulates my wife. I can spot her baby bump already, and I look at Neron, who is also looking at the same place.

In no time, he'll have his kid.'I'll recommend naming him Jared Junior…' My thoughts trail in amusement.

"Don't even think about it." Neron's words interrupt my thought, causing me to grin even further.

Before long, we burst into laughter.

Soon after, it's finally time for us to launch the Magic Missle to see who should be the next lucky person to get married.

As Maria prepares to cast the simple, harmless Spell, I can't help but account for probability.

'If I calculate strings of events following up this moment and utilize plausibility to determine the respective outcomes, it is actually possible to—'

I can see Maria smiling at me as I make these thoughts, so I just stop and decide to enjoy the moment.

At times like this, perhaps ignorance is truly bliss.


The Magic Missile launches, and the entire audience waits for who it will hit.

I take this moment to recognize the numerous people in attendance, and I couldn't be more proud.

I can see my parents occupying the front seats, their bright smiles like gems.

Maria's parents are right beside them, and I think… I think they're actually smiling at us.

It's unbelievable!

Nothing really is impossible.

Alphonse, the Court Mage, the Royal Family, the Elf Queen, her consorts, and pretty much all the important figures in this world.

I saw Jane also show up, but it seems she's disappeared all of a sudden.

I know why, and I'm happy for her.

Lewis and Karia showed up. Kuzon, Ana, Edward, Aloe, Ciara, Lemi, Jerry, Beruel, and all my friends are also here.

Maro is here with his wife, and all the people I care about—all the friends I made in this new life—can be seen in the crowd.

It's so amazing.

Even the Constellations are watching from their Realm, occupying their new Avatars, and enjoying the wedding that has long been awaited.

What more could a guy ask for?





This is so beautiful! At long last, it's finally a thing!

I'm so glad!

One or Two more chapters, and it's a wrap!

Thank you everyone for following the story this far!

It is much appreciated.
