Chapter 1328 Conclusion  Lemi and Edward were officially together, and they had become tourists and nomads who visited planets and worlds for fun.

Lemi personally explored various things—mostly the natural minerals and materials of the other world.

She was slowly developing an interest in universal ecology, and was hoping to soon branch out to the interdimensional level.

Edward on the other hand spent a lot of his time in the world he was stranded in; observing their culture and introducing new facets to their entire civilization.

He only ever interfered on rare occasions, though.

"We'll, the two of you are cute together. I think I'm finally ready to accept that." Jared smiled.

Gasps of shock spread among the group as they all stared at him.


"It was a difficult journey, but I can finally understand my daughter getting with my friend."

Before long, claps began to echo among the squad. They were truly proud of the growth and maturity that Jared had developed over the years.

It was by no means an easy feat, but here he was.

"How's ambassador work going for you two, by the way?"

Jared was smiling as he changed topics and turned to Ana and Kuzon.

The two of them were ambassadors of their planet, and they were responsible for a lot of diplomatic actions between the United Alliance that Jared developed and the representatives of the other worlds.


Since their world now has interactions with alien worlds, peace treaties and regulations were commonplace.

"A lot is going on in the international and interplanetary scene, to be honest." Kuzon responded with a smirk.

"I still wonder why you don't participate in any of it."

Once again, all the attention went to Jared.

For a moment, there was silence.

"Aren't things too boring for you as they are right now?" Kuzon added, breaking the silence.

"Na… Haha! Not at all!"

Jared and Maria exchanged knowing gazes and chuckled even more.

No one could understand the meaning behind their glances—none but them.

"I just want to enjoy life with my family and those I love. I'm content with that, at least for now." He answered with a calm tone.

"It's never a dull moment; especially with the kids. Those two are a handful."

Right now, all the children were busy playing in the house while Jared and the group were enjoying the vast outdoors.

"The fact that we can meet like this once a year, and you can all regale me with your outlandish tales… that is enough for me."

Jared had never looked happier and more satisfied.

Everyone instantly believed him.

"It is as Jared says, to be honest." Neron's voice instantly got everyone's attention.

Everyone knew he and Sarah were pretty much retired, like Jared, and they could both testify that it was nice to have nothing but peace in the world.

"The only trouble these days are the adventures we have with our kid."

Neron and Karlia only had one child, Neia, and even she was sometimes too much to handle.

"You know, I noticed something weird." Jared smiled, his voice as soothing as ever.

"Ever since our altercation with Legris, and its conclusion, there has been no conflict at all."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I noticed that too."

"It's all just woven out very nicely."

"To be honest, you're right!"

Of course, he was right! He was Jared, after all!"We'll, what can I say?" Jared gulped down a bit of the drink he had in his hand.

"Can't complain about—"


Before he could say another word, a massive portal suddenly appeared a dozen or so meters from where the group were hanging out.

A single man jumped out of the swirling wormhole, landing on the ground in a heavy thud.


The man who appeared from the portal had auburn hair, with long and shaggy beards.

One of his eyes was blue and the other was amber. He was dressed in tattered clothing, and his body was smeared in dirt.

He raised his head and stared at the group who were all staring at him in casual silence.

This wasn't… quite what he was expecting.

"Edward? Edward Alter? What are you doing here?" Jared asked with a creased brow.

Edward Alter was among the people Jared had stayed with when he was stranded in the first alternate world he went to.

There, he helped defeat an evil version of himself and even liberated the world from the tyranny that Evil Jared caused.

That was perhaps why he was shocked to see someone he had completely forgotten about suddenly appear before him in the state that he did.

"J-Jared… I need your help!" Edward Alter gasped as he rose to his feet.

"We all… we all need your help!"

From his desperate expression, anyone could tell it was serious.

"Relax. I understand the situation. It's about Neron, isn't it?"

Of course, Jared wasn't talking about the Neron who was currently eating the last slice of a meal called Pizza.

He was referring to the Neron of the alternate world that Edward Alter belonged to.

Neron Alter.

"Y-yes! He's changed, Jared! He has developed a plan to wipe out Magic from all existence, and he started with our world!"

The pain that radiated from Edward Alter as he explained was palpable.

"Everyone bought me time so I could travel to this place and reach you. You have no idea how arduous my journey has been… how much we need you!"

Edward Alter derived no pleasure in groveling like this. He still had his pride as a Martial Artist and a man with him.

However, the situation was currently too dire for him to consider any of those things.

As it stood right now… he was desperate.

Jared listened intently to everything, nodding slowly as he internalized all the information.

"Looks like you were wrong about conflict, Jared." Neron smiled, swallowing the pizza he thoroughly enjoyed.

"Nice point." Jared raised his hand, sighing as he now shook his head.

"That guy really went and did this…"

Jared stood from his seat and approached Edward Alter, having a sympathetic look on his face.

"Don't worry, I understand your situation."

"So… you'll help?" Edward Alter asked with a relieved smile on his face.

"Well, I can't just let Magic be removed from the world, can I? Not if I can help it."

Worry still tugged at Edward Alter's heart, but having Jared utter those words gave him reassurance.

Jared turned back, his gaze landing on his wife—Maria—and his friends.

He smiled at them and gave a wink.

"Need some assistance, Jared?" Kuzon asked, his voice connoting nothing more than sarcasm.

Everyone burst out laughing, and even Jared leaked out a slight chuckle.

"Nah! I think I'm good."Jared covered the bottle he was drinking from and tossed it towards Kuzon.

"Hold my beer."

Everyone who sat knew he meant it.

"Guess it's finally time for you to get some action."

"Tell us all about it when you return."

"Get back before the rest of the food gets cold."

As all these words echoed in the air, Jared smiled and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Hey, Nero! Emilia! Want to see your father in action?"


In a flash, the two kids appeared from portals that even exceeded the energy density that Edward Alter's portal possessed.


"Finally! Will you use Spellcraft?!"

As Jared listened to his kids and gazed upon their excited faces, he began to feel fired up.

He couldn't disappoint them now.

"Hey, Edward…"

Edward Alter had been so immersed in his confusion, seeing how casual everyone was reacting despite the severity of the situation that he didn't hear Jared.

He couldn't believe that these people were behaving this way when an entire world was in danger.

When the entirety of Magic was at risk.

"Edward! Edward, listen to me!"

Edward Alter was finally brought out of his trance by Jared's words, and he stared deeply into Jared's bright eyes.action

It was radiating a multitude of colors—many of which defied definition.

"It'll be fine. Trust me."

Somehow, Edward Alter's heart calmed down after hearing Jared's words and seeing his face.


Jared's smile broadened and he nodded.

"Now lead the way."

Edward Alter obeyed, tapping his device. This caused a massive portal—like the one from earlier—to open up.

"We have to hurry. The spatial pressure is collapsing, so the portal can't be maintained for too—!"

"Relax. It'll remain for as long as I want it to." Jared smiled as looked at the wormhole, as well as everything beyond it.

"Now let's go."

Edward Alter was the first to enter the portal, and the two kids followed right after.

Jared stole one final glance behind him, staring straight into the hearts of everyone who saw him—who had been seeing him throughout his journey, up till this point.

He smiled at all of them.

… All of you.

"I'll be right back." Jared whispered, before also venturing into the portal of light.

Once again, the world of Magic called him.

And he answered.




[The End Of Part 1]

[Note: There's going to be a final chapter for my address concerning this story and the one coming after, so I encourage all readers to check it out.

Please stick around to read it.

