[1 Week Later]

"So… were you able to find anything more?"

Mordred was currently seated in a luxurious room, with two Mages bowing their heads before him.

The chandeliers and fine carpets, along with the spacious surroundings and luxurious decor, showed the level of wealth that went into the room's construction and design.

"No, Lord Mordred."

"That is all we were able to find."


These two Mages who were bowing appeared elderly—even more so than Mordred, and yet they addressed him with reverence.

"I see. So it seems we are yet to fully know of the Blood Stone's origins, or how it was able to surface in the Kingdom once again…"

Mordred's eyes narrowed as he stroked his bald chin.

He could feel something was off, but without enough evidence to go on, the investigation had reached a dead end.

"To think this is how things would end. It's a shame. I was really hoping to solve this mystery before my tenure as Grand Mage was over." He murmured.

"Lord Mordred, if I may, you can still remain a Grand Mage if you choose to."


"Someone of your caliber… it will not be easy replacing you among the triumvirate."

Within the Kingdom, there existed three Grand Mages.

There was the Royal Court Mage, the Headmaster of Ainzlark Academy, and the Supreme Battle Mage.

These three positions were occupied by the strongest of Magic-Users within the Eastern Kingdom.

Mordred occupied the latter position, and he had served under it for only five years when he suddenly decided that it was time for him to retire.

His decision made sense to no one—not even to his closest disciples—the two Archmages that now bowed their heads in his presence.

"Na. It's all good. I might have reconsidered it if this was a week ago, but now… nothing is going to change my mind.

The two Archmages glanced at each other and wondered what could have happened within this one week that caused their Master to be set in his decision.If they had to guess, it would be the one major change that had happened in his life within that period.

"Is it because of the boy you just adopted?"

Mordred smiled the moment he heard this from one of the men.

"You mean my son? Well… sort of."

The Archmages exchanged glances once again.

They had both decided to dedicate their lives to Magic, so neither of them had a wife or child. As such, they could not properly relate to the words of their Master.

"I genuinely thought I would be doing this Magic stuff until the day I died, but… right now, I think I'd rather just raise that child."

Mordred's smile widened once more as he pictured the face of his son.

After leaving him in the house, Mordred had traveled to the capital and registered him as his legal child.

He had also tendered his resignation to the Royal Court, and the last few days he had spent in this place was to finalize his investigation on the Blood Stones that were now resurfacing in the Eastern Kingdom.

"Mr. Duffy was the last of the trail, but we've already apprehended eleven of such practitioners." Mordred addressed the Archmages.

With no further thread to follow-up the investigation, they had to suspend everything for now.

"Kieran, Landon… I suppose this will be the last time we will be seeing each other for a while."

Mordred was hardly one to get emotional. As the Supreme Battle Mage of the Kingdom, he was known by many to be invincible.

He had that image to maintain regardless of the occasion.

"Your youngest brother… I heard he just recently gave birth." Mordred glanced at Kieran.

He was the younger-looking of the two Archmages, and he was the most gifted. This was simply because he belonged to a superior bloodline.

The Alphonse Household—one of the top Mage Families in the Kingdom.

Apparently, the youngest—Gerald Alphonse—had a pre-marital affair with a lady, so he had no choice but to marry her.

They had just recently birthed a girl.

"A-ah… that was about three years ago, Lord Modred." Kieran chuckled.

All the men in the room laughed instantly, quickly remembering how dull the retired Grand Mage's memory was when it came to things other than Magic.

It made one wonder how he would fare in raising a kid.

"Oho! What's her name, then?"

"Her name is Anabelle. She's apparently a very wild and rebellious child. But at least she has been shown to have some aptitude for Magic."

"I see. I see…" Mordred smiled, now turning to his second disciple.

"And how about you, Landon? Have you gotten into contact with your family yet?"

The Archmages shook his head to the question.

"I see. Well, I won't force you to do what you do not want to. But… you know, time is short."

The two Archmages did not know why their Master was being so sentimental, but they bowed their heads regardless.

"I'll be leaving for home tomorrow." Mordred grinned.

Not this luxurious Estate he had to himself in the capital, but the house he planned on staying after his retirement.

A place that existed in a remote countryside where he could live in peace with his son.

"I plan on living out the rest of my days there."

Kieran and Landon respected their Master's wish, and he was glad to have them as his disciples.

'But, even with all your talent and knowledge… you still do not compare to him.'

The person in Mordred's mind was none other than his only son—Neron.

'That boy is a genius beyond anything I have ever seen.'

Mordred was more than determined to pass on his legacy to the boy.

'I want him to have it all. If it's him… I should be able to teach him everything I know.'

That thought alone was enough to put a smile on his face.

"I truly can not wait…"





This chapter doesn't show the MC at all, but I hope it helps you comprehend the 's world a little more.
