"Well done, Neron… though you didn't have to go that far."

As Mordred approached his smiling son, he cast a concerned gaze on the flames that still licked the grass around.

With a single thought, he extinguished it and restored the burned grass to their prime state.

The same restoration applied to the shattered earth that disfigured the perfect landscape

It was almost as if no fight had happened just moments earlier.

"Did I hurt your pride?" Neron smiled as he looked at the last of the Golem's parts turning into nothing but Mana Particles.

"Did you, now?"


Once he heard the amused words of his father, Neron turned to see Mordred smiling at him.

"So, what do you think?" Neron asked with bright eyes—despite his pure dark irises containing no light.

Somehow, he had grown attached to his father's opinions.

Mordred had proved immensely knowledgeable and competent in so many fields that it was impossible for Neron to resist his charm.

He never had a role model growing up, so the man before him was the closest thing he had to one.

It was thanks to him that he had come this far.


And even now… he sought his approval.

"Splendid, as always." Mordred beamed, patting Neron on his head.

It had taken some getting used to, but Neron no longer squirmed when his father did this.

In fact, he sometimes liked it.

"Hehe! Any pointers? Don't worry, I can handle criticisms."

Mordred rubbed his chin as he looked at Neron as if in deep thought. As his brown hair fluttered with the wind, he made a small smile.

Only after that did he give his answer.

"None that matter."


"So, I won the bet, right? You'll spend more time training and studying with me, right?"

As both Neron and Mordred exited the 'Sanctuary', they found Aldred waiting for them.

The old man stood with poise and unparalleled dignity—almost like a statue.


Neither Neron or his father flinched at this considering the fact that they were already used to it.

"A letter has arrived for you, Lord Mordred."

"Oh? From who?" Mordred quickly responded.Aldred brought out a sealed envelope, and from its look alone, it was clear that it was sent from a prestigious noble household.


Mordred was currently in a casual outfit, but even now he looked incredibly noble.

While he didn't currently have a title, I would be foolish for anyone to assume he lacked influence.

"It's from the Crimson Family."

Modred could already tell that was the case by looking at the emblem on the envelope, as well as it's grandiose seal, but he didn't bother voicing that out.

"The Crimson Family, huh? Could it finally be that time…?"

Neron watched this whole exchange, a little puzzled by what was going on.

Other than learning about Magic, he was also being taught general knowledge.

He had only recently gotten the hang of how to read and write, and while he wasn't as ignorant as he had been in the past, there was still a lot he had to learn.

A lot of things were beyond his current knowledge, and his few months of learning was nowhere near enough to catch up to them yet. were a

Matters pertaining to the Nobility was one such topic.

"You go on ahead, Neron. I have some important business to attend to."

When Mordred spoke like this, Neron had learned to listen.

"Okay. But don't forget our deal!"

Once Neron said this, he scurried off, leaving Mordred and Aldred alone in the massive hallway.

"This kid…"

Mordred felt tempted to tell Neron that he never specified a specific time or condition necessary for what the boy wanted.lights

In the end, it was his choice—which meant he could conjure whatever requirements and use them as excuses.

But after witnessing the young lad brilliantly excel in his first proper Magic Duel, Mordred didn't have the heart to say that to his son.

"How did the Young Master do?"

"Flawlessly. You should ask him for the details later. I'm sure he'd be happy to regale you with everything."

Aldred smirked as his Lord said this.

Of course, he was going to ask Neron later. It was only natural.

"Is that jealousy I sense in your voice, Lord Mordred?"

"Jealousy? Whatever could you mean?" Even though he tried to hide it, Mordred's facial expression was enough to give it away.

Aldred couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"Maybe the fact that the Young Master and I have gotten very close these past few months…?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about.""Mhm… is that so?"

Both men knew precisely what was going on.

Aldred was in charge of Neron's study, so it only made sense that he would spend more time with the young lad.

However, what made their dynamic a lot more than just Teacher and Student was Neron's growing interest in Aldred's past as an Adventurer.

It initially started as plain curiosity, but Neron was currently very enamored with the stories that Aldred told him.

Almost to the point that it was beginning to overshadow his interest in Magic.

"All I know is that he'll have to go to the Academy and properly study Magic first before he tries out the Adventurer life."

Aldred couldn't help but smile at his Lord.

Who would have thought the Great Mordred Kaelid would become such a doting father?

"In any case, if this letter is what I think it is, then I need to prepare for the ceremony." Mordred eventually broke the mood with the more serious topic at hand.


The Crimson Family was one of the Eastern Kingdom's Four Ducal Households.

They were one of the major pillars that held the Kingdom together, wielding so much influence and power—especially the Magical kind.

The Patriarch of the family also happened to be Mordred's dear friend.

"I hear the young lady has grown fairer these past few years. It would be nice if the Young Master could make a friend…"

The moment he heard this subtle suggestion from Aldred, Mordred raised his brow.

"You think I should take him?"

"It is your choice, my Lord. But… if I may speak freely, then yes. I would advise you to do so."

Aldred was very big in formality, but he was also very honest with his words.

In essence, he expressed his true thoughts despite all the flowery attachments his speech contained.

"Your reason?" Mordred inquired further.

"The Young Master has no friends his age. He's been cooped here for the past few months and hasn't stepped foot outside the Manor since he arrived."

All of these were facts that Mordred hadn't properly considered due to his inexperience as a parent, and also other distractions.

"The Young Lady of the Crimson Family just turned five, so this should be a good way for him to be friends with someone his age."

Since Mordred was a good friend of the Crimson Family's current Head, then it made sense that their children would also get along.

"You're right! That would indeed be optimal." Mordred smiled while rubbing his bald chin.

His lips curled up to form a wide grin.

"Break the news to Neron and prepare him for the ceremony." Mordred began to walk in hastened steps.

"And where will you be headed, my Lord?"

Mordred didn't stop walking, but made a quick glance at his butler while waving casually.

"Well, I have to write a response later, don't I?" His brown eyes were beaming brightly.

Mordred could not hide his excitement no matter how hard he tried.

"It's probably better to inform him that my son and I will be attending his daughter's birthday celebration."
