1350 An Odd Relationship Beginsmagic

"So… what do you think about Lady Ser—?"

"I don't like her." Neron answered his father flatly.

It was very rare for this boy to interrupt the only man he ever truly respected, but he couldn't help it in this instance.

Serah Crimson genuinely got on his nerves.

"Why don't you like her?" Mordred asked calmly.

It felt like a trick question.


'Why would I like her?' He wanted to yell in response, but he maintained his cool facade.

"She literally picked a fight with me out of nowhere. That's enough to give me a terrible first impression of her."

No… that wasn't quite accurate.

The terrible first impression he had of her had solidified long before they fought.

"You saw how she treated that Inept guy. She has a terrible attitude, a foul mouth, a prideful heart, and… she's just annoying!"

If Neron had to pick his ideal representation of a girl, he would go for Yera.


She was someone kind, considerate, and most often that not… silent.

Her shy and timid nature was endearing, and Neron felt like girls ought to be that way.

'Not like that… that savage!'

Serah was the polar opposite of Yera—his perfect archetype of a woman—so it was no mystery that Neron would come to reset her.

"And we've not even gotten to the part where she forced a kiss on me. That girl… she stole my first kiss."

To be honest, Neron felt strange calling Serah Crimson a girl since she didn't really fit that category.

However, he also couldn't call her a guy since that would be an insult to his gender.

'P-plus, I can't don't want it to seem like I kissed a guy…' He tightly shut his eyes in embarrassment.

The more Neron thought of it, the more this awkward mix of frustration and inescapable fixation arose.

Neron always tended to ignore the things he didn't like. He had done that for Magic for years, and not once did he feel like he was missing out.

However, something about this girl made it impossible for him to ignore her.

It pained him beyond words.

"Well, I'm thinking of having her visit our Estate often. You can also come here regularly. We should set up an entire arrangement about that."

"W-what?! No way!"

Mordred smiled as his son protested, but he wasn't about to budge on this issue.

"My mind is made up, Neron. You might dislike her now, but no one knows the future."

"I would never like her in a million years." Neron retorted, fully certain of his position.

"You sure about that? I heard the girls in the Crimson Family grow up to be very very attractive. You might come to regret what you said just now…"

"W-what does that have to do with anything!"

At this point, Neron was getting agitated. He didn't know why the thought of getting along with this girl made him so distressed.

He hated feeling this way.

"Hahaha! Look at my cute boy. Don't worry about it. Just give it time and see…"

Neron sighed in powerlessness.

He knew his father had already made up his mind, so there was nothing he could do about it.

"There's a good boy!" Mordred patted Neron's head, and that seemed to cheer him up a little.

… Just a little.Both of them were currently in the special guest room—an incredibly spacious place for just two people.

The furniture and overall design of the place made it clear that this wasn't a place for just anyone—even among nobility.

"Why don't you rest? You've had a pretty long night."

"Yeah… I think I will…"

As Neron left for his own private quarters, Mordred watched from behind.

His bright smile was plastered on his face, and it was only until Neron left the room that he let out the huge cough he had been holding in for over a minute.

"Urgh! Kpleugh!"

He could taste blood in his mouth with each violent huff that proceeded from his mouth.

However, after a few seconds, his condition stabilized.

"Haaa… haaa…"

He felt his chest burning, but a few deep breaths made the pain slowly recede.

'I almost messed up just now. That was a close one…' Mordred's wry smile replaced his previous expression.

His eyes stared into the distance as he plunged deeper into his thoughts.

'I won't be around forever. It's better for Neron if he can find a friend and a second family… so he won't be alone when I pass on.'

More than anything, Mordred didn't want his son to be alone once again.

'I know Philius will take good care of him. Now that he knows how valuable Neron is, and he has seen his capabilities with his own hands, he'll probably want Neron for himself—or rather, for the Crimson Family.'

Mordred didn't particularly mind his friend's intentions since that meant Neron would be protected by the Head of the Crimson Household.

'The closer you get to them, the more indispensable they'll be as your allies…'

In essence, this was all for his son's good.

Mordred took in another deep breath as he collapsed on the big bed that he currently sat on.

'I just want to see you grow up a little more…'


[Nearly Seven Years Later]

"Come out here, Neron!" The voice of a certain girl pierced the air.

As much as the tone was melodious, it also had a crude and commanding vibe about it.

A crimson-haired girl in expensive clothes was currently scouring the large Kaelid Family Manor, her eyes peeled open for the sight of a single boy.

Her eleven-year old body was slowly approaching the ripe age of 12, so she had already begun to develop more lady-like features.

Compared to the brat she was seven years ago, Serah Crimson was almost a different person now.

As her ruby-like eyes sauntered back and forth, she kept shouting the boy's name.

"Neron! Neron!! NEROOOON!!!"

"Urgh! I'm here, so enough already." A voice suddenly manifested behind Serah, with the speaker's lips very close to her ear.

"Kyaa!" She screamed, startled.

That was the most feminine reaction she could ever make in situations like this.

Perhaps that was why Neron liked torturing her like this.

"N-Neron! What do you think you're doing?!" She yelled, her eyes narrowing on the one responsible for her nearly tripping over.

She had already turned to face him, taking a combative stance.

"Would you relax? I just responded 'cus you wouldn't stop calling for me."

Neron Kaelid's face was the epitome of handsomeness as he flexed his dark hair with one hand.His pure black irises gleamed with delight as he gave a very condescending smirk.

It seemed to piss Serah off—as always.

"I only did that because you didn't answer the first time!"

"And what rule says I'm supposed to answer?" Neron lifted his hand and began looking at his hand in a self-important fashion.

He was clearly doing this to get on her nerves.

"I came all the way here to see you, you know? The least you could do is respond when I call you!"

"Ahh… is that so?" Neron raises a brow, almost as if he couldn't care less.

"Y-you…! I don't do this for anyone else, you know? And yet you'd treat me like this?!"

Neron shrugged slightly.

He wanted to tell her that he was the only friend she had, so it was only natural that he would be the only person she acted like this for.

'But nah… it's too easy.' He laughed internally.

"That's it! Get over here… I'll teach you a lesson!"

Serah lifted her sleeves as she clasped her hands together.

"Oooh! I'm so scared!" Neron responded with extreme sarcasm.

This wouldn't be the first time that Serah wanted to teach him a 'lesson.'

But they both knew how it always ended.

"Hmph! Be arrogant all you want, Neron! But it'll be different this time!"

This too was something that Serah was fond of saying.

Honestly, they had done this so many times that Neron felt like he was stuck in a time-loop.

"Pfft! Is that so? Then let's hope you can catch me this time!"

As always, they were starting their time together with a little game called 'Catcher!'


Neron instantly coated himself in blue energy and rushed out of the building, destroying the thick walls that separated the manor's interior from the outside.

"Y-you! Wait for me!" Serah's body glowed red that instant and she also rushed after Neron.


Instead of using the same hole that Neron had destroyed on his way out, Serah made her own and flew out.

One could only feel pity for the ones who were responsible for fixing stuff like this.

However, it was probably too early to feel bad for them.

After all…


"Get back here, Neron!"


"Haha! Neveeerrrr!"



… The destruction was only just beginning.





Thanks for reading!

Does this scene remind you of a particular chapter in Arc 3?

I can picture it already, lol.
