[Moments Later]

"You did well… protecting Serah. And you too, Serah… good job being brave."

Despite the devastation and corpses that lay around, the compound was soon sprawling with some life after the backup guards—both warriors and mages, who were previously out on patrol or were warded off by the barrier of the Blood Mages—arrived on the scene.

They were clearing away the debris, and trying their best to account for all kinds of collateral.

Still under the canopy of darkness, a distance from the rest of the workers was Mordred, as well as the two kids who stood before him. Neron and Serah had somewhat shaken expressions on their faces, and for good reason.

The invasion had come as a shock to all of them, and since they were kids, it only made sense that they would be most affected by it.

For Serah, she still had some vestiges of fright displayed on her face, but Neron's demeanor was completely different. He looked upset.


Very… very upset.

'Damnit! They killed Aldred… those bastards!'

He gritted his teeth, completely zoning out of every word that Aldred uttered. Instead, his mind pictured the fight he had with the Blood Mages.

Frustration boiled within him as he regretted not being able to do more—kill more.

'Those monsters…' They reminded Neron about the aspects of Magic that he despised. '... Why did they have to go so far?'

His friends all died because of a greedy Magic Scholar, and now rogue Mages ended up ruining his home; nearly killing himself and his friend.


'Still… father saved me with Magic.'

No matter how he felt about it, Magic still had its place in the world. As much as it could be used as a force for evil, it could also be a useful tool for good.

That was what Neron desired to focus on.

"Thanks, father. Why are you praising Serah, though? She didn't even do anything…" Neron shrugged, smiling cheekily at the girl beside him.


As she pouted at him, he shrugged even more and acted nonchalant.It was clear that he was trying to lighten the atmosphere and quell the very tense mood in his own way. When Mordred saw this, he smiled and nodded knowingly.

His son had more tact than he let on, after all.

"Well, it's still pretty late, so what do you say I get you back t-to… to your… your—"

Mordred's eyes suddenly widened as he felt a sharp sensation surge through his body. It paralyzed him, sending his entire self into an overwhelming state of pain.

'GAAAH! No… not now!'

His condition was striking once again—right at such a critical juncture.

'No… not now!' "Are you okay? Father? Father…?" Neron looked at Mordred with confusion, followed by anxiety… then deep-seated fear.

Serah didn't understand what was happening, and her child-like brain could not process anything beyond her means. However, based on the remnant tension in the air, and her just concluded experience, she felt like crying.

Their reaction to the older man suddenly collapsing on the ground was perfectly normal, and their noise soon caught the attention of the busy personnel nearby.


'N-Neron… I'm sorry…'

Mordred felt his consciousness slipping away as the pain became overbearing. His body convulsed violently, and he felt every organ of his body scream out in pain.

He didn't think he was going to make it this time.lightsnovel

lightsnοvεl Aldred was gone now, and there really wasn't anyone around who could manipulate Mana the way he could. 'N-no… even if Aldred was here…'

His old friend was already having trouble keeping up with his condition. He feared the next time he had an episode, he wouldn't be enough to stop it.

And… for years now, Mordred had managed to go without a single one.

'I used too much Mana. It must have triggered something dormant!' He gritted his teeth as his bloodshot eyes leaked out tears.

It was all to save Neron and everyone, but it seemed he was going to lose his life now.

Without help, there was no chance of survival.


'I'm sorry, Neron… I'm so sorry!' Slipping into deep darkness with pain searing through every facet of his being, Mordred closed his eyes.

He had promised himself to see it all through—until Neron at least entered into the Academy and made enough connections to thrive on his own.

Right now the boy only had Serah and the Crimson Family to support him.


'I thought I could do more for you…' As he plunged into unconsciousness, Mordred had strings of regret filling him up.

"D-dad… please wake up…"

'... If only I had more time.'


[Several Days Later]


Mordred awoke to a surreal scene, finding himself lying in a comfortable bed in the center of a stark white room. His senses slowly returning to him, he felt a strange, soothing warmth enveloping his body, emanating from the luminescent barrier that surrounded the bed. It was as if the light itself held healing properties, gently easing the aches and pains that had plagued him.

'How am I still alive?' He wondered, slowly lifting his gaze.

Realization dawned on Mordred as he surveyed his surroundings. He recognized the room; it was a part of his manor, after all.

'It's the recovery chamber. But still… I don't think that would have saved my life. No… it couldn't have.' As Mordred thought this, his mind raced to piece together the events that had led him here. Memories of battle and pain flashed through his mind, followed by a sense of relief knowing that he was now in a place of safety and recovery.

He didn't die, after all.

'But, if I'm here, then what about everyone? What about Nero—?'

As he lay there, still processing the situation, the door to the chamber slid open with a soft hiss, admitting a figure into the room. Mordred's heart skipped a beat as he recognized the familiar face of his son standing in the doorway, concern and shock etched into his features.


Tears fell from the eyes of the son and father as they stared at each other in perfect warmth.




