Mordred continued his barrage of spells, keeping Neron on his toes.

As they fought deeper into the thicker and denser unnatural woods, Neron found himself at a disadvantage.

The thick trees restricted his movement, forcing him to adjust his tactics.

Mordred, on the other hand, used the forest to his advantage, maneuvering effortlessly between the trees and launching precise attacks.


'Damnit! His experience in fights is beginning to show.'

Neron gritted his teeth as he struggled to keep up, dodging and countering as best he could.

He attempted to trap Mordred in another barrier, but the elder mage anticipated the move and slipped away, using a gust of wind to knock Neron off balance.

Finally, Mordred saw his chance.

He led Neron to a specific area where he had prepared a magical trap. As Neron lunged forward with a spell, Mordred stepped aside, causing the young mage to stumble into the trap. The ground beneath Neron gave way, revealing a magical pit surrounded by thick, pulsating roots.



The roots wrapped around Neron, holding him tight and suppressing his magic.

"Nngh!" He struggled against the trap, but the roots were strong and unyielding.

Mordred stood at the edge of the pit, his expression calm but firm.

He had led Neron into this trap not just to win the duel, but to teach his son a valuable lesson about strategy and awareness.

"Remember, Neron," He said, his voice echoing slightly in the night. "Power is one thing, but knowing how to use it wisely is another. Letting your opponent dictate the pace can lead you into dangerous situations."

He gestured around the pit, emphasizing the trap Neron had fallen into.

'How could I have been so… ahh…' Neron's now blue eyes blazed with frustration, but he did not lash out in anger.

Instead, he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and think clearly.

He knew his father was right—he had allowed himself to be drawn into this position.

Mordred watched his son intently, waiting to see how he would respond.

The boy's magical abilities were remarkable, and Mordred wanted to see him use his intelligence and resourcefulness to overcome this challenge.

Neron closed his eyes, feeling the roots constricting around him, but he didn't panic. He took control of his emotions and focused his magic on the roots.Slowly but surely, he began to manipulate the elements, loosening the roots' grip with small bursts of fire and ice. It was a delicate balance of using just enough power without causing harm to himself.

Mordred nodded in approval, seeing his son's determination and adaptability.

Neron's approach to the situation was commendable, showing he had absorbed the lesson well.

After several tense moments, Neron finally freed himself from the roots' grasp.

He landed gracefully on the ground, taking a moment to catch his breath.


His gaze met Mordred's, and the latter could see the fire of determination still burning within his son.

"Good work," Mordred said, a hint of pride in his voice.

"Now, let's see how you recover from this setback."

Neron nodded, grateful for the acknowledgment from his father. He was ready to continue the duel, but he knew he needed to be more cautious and strategic.

"I won't make the same mistake twice."

"That's the spirit!"

The two mages squared off once more, their eyes locked in a battle of wills.

Neron took the initiative, summoning a series of ice spikes from the ground and launching them at his father.

Mordred countered with a wall of slime, blocking the attack with ease.

The ice dissolved in the corrosive jelly-like substance, and once the stuff was sent back to Neron, the lad had already prepared a barrier to defend himself from its attack.lightsnovel

With that, he was safe.

As the battle raged on, the two mages exchanged spell after spell, testing each other's defenses and responses.

lightsΝοvel Neron's control over the elements was precise, and he used his knowledge of his father's tactics to stay one step ahead.

Mordred, however, was a seasoned Mage, and he anticipated Neron's moves with skill and experience.

He used quick bursts of wind to redirect Neron's attacks, forcing the young mage to adjust his strategy on the fly.

The duel reached its peak as the two mages exchanged their most powerful Intermediate spells.

Neron summoned a massive tempest, combining wind, lightning, and fire into a single destructive force.

Mordred countered with a surge of earth and water, causing the ground to rumble and a wall of mud to rise in defense.

The clash of their elemental powers sent shockwaves through the forest, and the ground shook with the intensity of their battle.

The trees fell, one after the other, all unable to withstand the shockwave that was sent forth by the clash.It was a powerful exchange, one that caused everything to rumble and quake.

But in the end, Mordred's experience allowed him to gain the upper hand.

He deftly maneuvered Neron into a position where he could launch a precise counterattack.

Mordred created a sudden surge of water that caught Neron off guard, washing him off his feet and into a muddy embankment.

Neron quickly tried to recover, but Mordred seized the opportunity and cast a spell that bound Neron's hands and feet in a web of roots.

The kid struggled against the magical restraints, but they held firm.

"You're out of Mana."

That statement caught Neron off guard, but it was true.

That last spell had drained him of so much Mana, but he thought he would have a bit more time to recover.

Unfortunately for him, Mordred noticed this—or rather, had been waiting for it—so he seized the opportunity to attack.

He now stood over his son, his expression a perfect mix of satisfaction and pride

"You've done well, Neron," he said, his tone gentle. "Way better than I thought you would."

Mordred was not one to mince words or give needless compliments.

This was simply how he felt.

"Thanks…" Neron nodded, absorbing his father's words.

Though he had lost the duel, he had gained invaluable experience and knowledge. Mordred offered his hand to his son, helping him to his feet.

"Come," Mordred said, placing a hand on Neron's shoulder.

"Let's go back. The way you are now, I'm sure you'll get distinctions in the Academy. For now, though… freshening up is top priority."

For a moment, no one said anything to each other.

Then, the two burst out laughing.


They continued this until they left the damaged yard and went into the manor.

The workers of the Kaelid Household would have to take care of the mess; as per usual.

As they stepped into their mansion, Neron turned to his father and smiled.

He was beyond grateful for his father's guidance, but more than that… he felt happy and fulfilled.

As they climbed the stairs and went to their respective rooms, recognizing they would see each other pretty soon after freshening up, Neron couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in having fought his father so closely.

Yes, his father held back from using more advanced kinds of Magic, but still…

'This is pretty exciting. Give me a few more years, and I'll challenge you again.'

His black irises gleamed with anticipation as he gave a bright smile.

'Next time… I won't lose!'
