Chapter 39 [Bonus chapter] Darkness

There are countless stories that were passed down from the times of old.

Tales of mysteries that have yet to be deciphered. Legends of beings that have long since existed and defy imagination.

Of these many tales, one of them has always been embedded into the hearts of men. The Celestial War.

In a world of magic and swords, the natural and the supernatural, there were bound to be concepts of gods and demons.

Where there is light, there is bound to be darkness lurking about… and the existence of good births a notion of evil.

And so, now lost to humanity and civility, far beyond the lands inhabited by beings of light, exists a kingdom of eternal darkness.


The Demon Realm!

In this world of the vilest creatures with the most depraved natures, something spectacular was occurring… it was a battle, which was between two creatures of darkness.

The stage was set, the spectators were present, and the high seat was erected. With everyone watching and the two already standing on stage, there was only one thing the denizens expected.

A Fight!

No signal was given before both creatures lunged at each other. Like shadows piercing through the night, their distorted bodies exchanged blows, moving fluidly according to the tempo of battle and clashing.

This frenzied dance lasted for so long, yet none landed a solid blow on the other. They kept attacking and defending, and used all manners of abilities to achieve a stalemate.



One of the fighters turned its limbs into blades, and started charging at the other fighter, desperate to win. If no action was taken by the latter, it could lose its life.

However, it appeared that the one on the other end of the blade was faster than the shadow who was trying to attack first. The shadow dodged the fatal hit, and in an instant vanished, becoming one with darkness.

Puzzlement filled the eyes of the assaulter, as It tried to figure out the location of its target. However, the moment it realized what was going on, it was too late.

A large spike, big enough to tear anyone to pieces, while being sharp enough to rend even the toughest of materials appeared from the ground, materializing from the shadows.


It pierced the other dark being in the chest. The sudden force raised the wounded one high, and it was unable to do much except struggle and squirm as a result of the pain. The being's powerless struggle didn't last very long, as it turned into a shadow too, dissipating from the spike and materializing far away from danger.

After reaching a considerable distance from the spike, it fell to its knees and clutched the wide hole that appeared in its chest.

Grunts of pain were heard, and even though the wounded one tried its best to stifle it. It still leaked out, and from the posture they had, it was clear to everyone who watched, that the one who landed the first hit was superior.

Like clockwork, the successful one appeared, returning from the shadow where he had disappeared to. It walked towards the kneeling one, already assured of victory.

After all, this match had one simple rule. In order not to waste the time of those who watched, the first to land a solid hit would be the winner.

Following the rules of the bout, the champion had been decided.

Now standing before the loser as the sole winner of their bout, the shadowy figure gave a very condescending look to the one beneath him.

"I win… you lose. Just as I told you before this all began."

If the loser had any teeth, it would have definitely gritted them. Unfortunately, for beings of their race, such parts of the body didn't exist.

The kneeling one could only clench its fist in anger due to its powerlessness, and realizing the loss and shame he had incurred .

"I can… I can still…"

The loser could not complete the statement, though. Even it was aware… of its weakness, and how much more powerful the adversary was.

"That is enough." A voice echoed from the highly esteemed seat of the most revered among those who watched.

Seven seats were present there, indicating the highest members of the society of darkness where the beings all resided.

The highest seat, the one in the middle was unoccupied. The supreme ruler of the realm of darkness was absent during such an occasion. However, no one thought it to be strange.

No one could question the Demon King, after all.

There was one other empty seat. It was the seat to the far left, the throne which both Shadow beings currently fought for.

As for the voice that interrupted the fight, it belonged to none other than the second in command of the forces within the Demon Realm.

"The result of the battle is set. The next 6th Seat has been decided!"

A hushed silence spread across the open arena. None of the spectators could move or even utter a single word. This was a sacred moment, one that could not be tainted by the slightest bit of sound other than by the one who would make the declaration.

"Kahn. You are hereby stripped of your role as a Demon Lord. From now henceforth, the title 'Noir' of Shadows shall be passed to the one who has bested you. He is now the new ruler of the Shadow Demon race, 'Noir' of the Six Demon Lords!" Kahn, the defeated fighter, couldn't say a single word. He had lost, and in such a cruel world, it was only natural for the weaker one to lose everything to the strong.

But, to think that the person he lost to was none other than his previous subordinate and right-hand man.

Kahn's fury, bitterness, and shame knew no bounds.

"Thus, the ceremony and rite of succession shall now begin!"

The Demon Lords who were seated rose from their thrones, and the spectators all instantly removed themselves from their seats and bowed in homage to the existing Demon Lords, and the new one who would now be crowned soon.

The rite began, and the time finally elapsed. Finally… it was done. At this point, Kahn was excused, cast out of the sight of everyone and the attention of the masses was on their new leader.

"All Hail Kyron, 'Noir' of Shadows!" The deafening cry of the leader of the Demon Lords echoed throughout the vast lands.

In response, everyone who heard, whether spectators around the arena or denizens who were in their abode, all bowed and paid homage.

"Hail! Hail! Hail!"

"All Hail our Demon Lord, Noir of Shadows!"

The voices of the Demons roared, and all of them were paying homage and reverence to the victor. At least all except Kahn, the loser.

The former Demon lord narrowed his eyes, tightened his fist, and swore to himself on that very occasion.

Even as he heard the deafening cries and hails of his successor, he could not accept it.

"I swear… I shall regain my position as Demon Lord… no matter the cost!"

At this point, there was no way to do that. However, no matter how long it took and what he needed to do to earn it, Kahn was ready.

To kill, to destroy, to plunder and to wage war! If he could bring back an achievement great enough to be recognized by everyone, including his lord and master, The Demon King, then he would regain his position.

In a land full of darkness and strife, there was hardly any hope for ambition. All he had left was shame and reproach.

To achieve his goals, Kahn's eyes went beyond the dark plains that surrounded him and saw what lay behind the horizons.


If he couldn't achieve his ambitions in a land of evil and chaos, devoid of hope, he would find his answer in the very place where hope resided.

A place where denizens of chaos were scorned, hated, but most especially… feared!

"I will win… no matter what it takes!"


Welcome To The Second Arc!
