“I welcome all the students gathered here!”

The voice that boomed out caused all the young-looking people who stood in orderly lines to straighten up their postures and don serious expressions.

Now was no time for laughs or any sign of ease. The Academic Supervisor, and a senior lecturer himself, Damien Lawcroft was standing right before them.

On an elevated platform that looked like a wide stage, the man stood upright— having a slightly dissatisfied look on his face. Looking around the students, his eyes scanned them at what seemed like lightning-fast speed.

There were a total of eight lines, all stretching backward. The first six lines were in accordance with the Class System. They belonged to the members of the senior stages 2 and 3. As for the new entrants, they had two lines— for boys and girls.

Looking green and more nervous than the others, the first years gulped and shuddered in the presence of the overwhelming presence the man before them carried— with a few exceptions, of course.

Damien smiled softly as he saw those who maintained their cool in the senior classes, down to the new entrants. The strong-willed ones who would be the future of the magic society. Those in the high class all had a confident air around them compared to others.


Even among the new entrants, mixed amid those who jittered their teeth and looked around the hall to distract themselves from the unease felt down to their bones, those who weren’t fazed were present.

‘Stefan Netherlore, Maria Helmsworth, Ivan Smith, Trevor Kysel…’ Damien Lawcroft’s thoughts trailed as he was noticing the riding buds among the students.

They were exemplary, all donning an exuberance that depicted the very essence of Upper-Class members of Ainzlark Academy.His eyes suddenly came to a halt when he saw another student who gave off the same atmosphere as the others he had seen— no, his was far more intense. It was as though he was the very essence of confidence. No sign of hesitation, and a pure brilliant smile that made the others look like pretending fools in comparison.

‘… Jared Leonard!’


Damien looked uncomfortable seeing me, one could guess the reason why.


He must have been informed of my clash with Ivan— after all, we were being monitored. Even Klaus treated me differently while on our way to the hall, looking at me more than a dozen times. It was a good thing, though. It meant I was already gaining a reputation that would inadvertently lead to my greatness.

His scowl deepened once our eyes came into contact, and I could tell he was upset at me. Of course, I knew of the whole faction governing this school. It wasn’t explicit Information, but by deducing the facts I had gathered so far— it made perfect sense.

During the orientation, I made sure to learn as much as I could about Ainzlark. It was an interesting place, but the procedures of teaching in the past compared to the present had a dissonance. Investigating further into it, I realized that there were two warring factions— I didn’t know the details, but apparently one side was the one who brought about this new method of learning called the ‘Class System’.

Damien was a member of the board, as well as the new Academic Supervisor. Certainly, he was all for this idea.

That meant he despised the fact that I was able to gain so much merit in my exams despite being a White Core Grade— even beating Ivan up. Still, he was an inevitable ladder I had to cross.

‘Don’t worry, Damien… I won’t cause you any trouble if you stay out of my way.’

I somehow doubted that, though.

“As current students of Ainzlark, I am certain you are all aware of the workings of this institute. Even the new entrants have already been informed of most of the details concerning your stay here.” Damien Lawcroft began.

“— I will be skimming through the most important ones.”

He spoke concerning the duration of our education at Ainzlark Academy. Three years was the standard amount of time spent within the institute— after that was an internship that took a year. At the age of 16, one became a legal adult and could pursue any path that opened up for them.I already had my plans, so this was not an issue.

Damien further emphasized the Class System, bringing out a list of names. A grin of satisfaction formed on his face as he began sorting out the good eggs from the bad. The first years were called to the stage according to our ranks and presented before everyone present.

“Joining the Upper Class, a total of twelve students.” Damien began happily.

I knew the numbers would be so small, but I didn’t expect them to be so few!

“Maria Helmsworth. Stefan Netherlore. Ivan Smith. Trevor Kysel. Lily Pienhart…”

The students trailed to the elevated platform by climbing the very short flight of stairs by the side. They all presented themselves before the seniors and juniors alike— just like honor students.

I felt a little sting of envy since I had every right to be among them, but suppressed my annoyance. The start hardly mattered in a race. I simply had to save my strength and channel it toward something more productive.

Damien’s eyes went to me and he gave a disgustingly condescending glare, as though telling me not to even dream of achieving any great heights.

‘I wonder how he’ll feel if he realizes he’s dissing one of the immortalized figures in this Academy…’ I mused.

After he called upon them, Damien ordered the twelve to return, forming a separate line for them. Next, he called the Middle-Class Students.

By the time he was done with the names, I calculated a total of eighty of them. That was a huge spike from the first call.

‘So, the Lower Class Students are a mere 38, uh?’

Well, all things considered, it was plausible. Most students would fall in the middle class, while the ones considered dregs— who barely got into Ainzlark, had to be fewer.

I was a little happy, though. Most of those in the Lower Class who hadn’t been called to the stage yet were from the Martial Arts and Scholar divisions.

I didn’t have to deal with the snubs of the Magic Arts Department. It was like a brand new chance to make comrades.

Tightly gripping my fist in resolution, I made up my mind to make a better impression on those who would be my future friends.

‘We’re all in this together, guys!’
