
Grabbing his hand, Qiang sighed, "I am not hungry brother Zian, I—"

Cutting her off, he stated, "Do you think Guang will like it if he learns that you haven't eaten anything? If you don't take care of yourself, how will you take care of him?"

Hesitating for a while, she got up and whispered, "I don't feel like eating anything, it makes me pukish and I cannot stand the smell of anything." Without waiting for his reply, she quickly added, "I will eat later at night."

Left with no other choice, Zian gave in and agreed with her. He had no idea what one was supposed to do when a pregnant woman didn't feel like eating and the worst part was he couldn't even ask anyone about it. He didn't want anyone to find out about Qiang's pregnancy until everything is okay. Taking a mental note to find out everything all by himself later, he again sat down beside Qiang.

After almost thirty minutes, the doctors came out of the operation theatre.

Mian quickly approached them and inquired, "Is everything okay? How is the patient?"


"The patient is out of danger, it was very difficult to stop the bleeding but everything is okay now. Luckily no internal organs were damaged and there was no internal bleeding. He is still unconscious but he will wake up soon. We will shift him to the room after some time and then you all can visit him but she has to stay in the hospital for a few days," the doctor explained before leaving.

After the doctor left, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Kissing the top of Qiang's head, Zian sighed, "I told you everything is going to be okay." Pausing for a while, he inquired, "When are you planning to tell him about the pregnancy?"

Shaking her head, she answered, "I don't know, I am just scared."

"Scared for what? You think Guang will not want the baby?—" Stopping midway, he asked, "But first, do you want the baby?"

Placing her head on his shoulder, she took a deep breath, "I don't know, I am just scared."


Understanding why she was feeling that way, he assured her, "Take all the time you need to think and always remember, no matter what happens I will never leave your side. I will always support you no matter what decision you take."

"Mom and dad, they—"

"Don't worry about them, I am sure they will understand. Though I am not sure how dad will react, I think he will understand. You are one of his favourite daughters after all," he explained.


Hospital room.

Looking at Guang who was lying on the bed with a bandage wrapped around his head and left hand, there were small yet visible cuts on his face which the doctor said would heal over time. Luckily, he did not end up breaking his bones and muscles were intact though he had a wound in his right knee.


"The doctor said max two weeks so I guess he will be okay," Yinhai added.

Placing her hand on her chest, Qiang started sobbing again. "He must be in so much pain."

Patting her back, Becca tried to calm her down, "Don't worry Qiang, he will be under the influence of painkillers and other medicines, I am sure he is going to be okay."

"Alright now, we all should leave and let him rest." Singtan stated before turning towards Yushen. "You are staying with Guang in the hospital and make sure that he is comfor—"

Cutting her father off, Qiang requested, "Can I stay with him?"

Before Singtan could say anything, Zian snapped, "No you are not." When everyone gave him a weird look, he quickly added, "You gotta go home and take some rest because it was a really stressful day."


"Don't argue over this Qiang and listen to—"

"I think it's best if Qiang accompanies Guang, I am sure he would want that too," Ming suggested.

Scrunching his brows, Zian retorted, "But mom—"

"Your mom is right, let Qiang stay here." Turning towards Songpa, Singtan inquired, "Are you okay with this?"

"Of course boss." Placing his hand on Beth's back, Songpa asked, "Right, honey?"

When Beth nodded her head, everyone slowly left the room.

"Call me when he wakes up, okay? And take care of yourself too." Kissing Qiang's forehead, Beth left the room along with Songpa.

After everyone left, Zian instructed, "I will go home and get some warm clothes for you and don't eat the food from the cafeteria, I will get some warm and healthy food from home. Call me immediately if something happens, okay?"

Giving Zian a hug, Qiang smiled, "Thank you so brother Zian, I don't know what I would have done without you."

Kissing the top of her head, he chuckled, "Silly, you have to take care of yourself and stop being clumsy."

"I will."


Li mansion

Inside the kitchen.

The kitchen helpers started whispering amongst themselves when Zian suddenly entered the kitchen and started asking the chef to prepare some healthy soup and other food items which were nutritious.

"And make sure not to make it too spicy or—"

"What is happening here?" Walking towards them, Ming inquired, "Zian, what are you doing in my kitchen?"

"Hmm nothing mom, I just want to take food for Qiang in the hospital so I was asking her to make some plain soup and—"

Cutting him off, Ming frowned, "Plain soup for your sister? Did you just meet her? She doesn't even touch the things which aren't spicy."

"But it's best if she eats plain food from now on."

Crossing her arms in the front, she raised her brows, "And why is that?"

Hesitating for a while, he answered, "She was telling me that her stomach was upset so I thought it would be best for her if she didn't eat spicy food."

