To say Corey was shocked would be an understatement. He could not believe that he was unconscious for five days.

He looked at Kyle and saw that he had a serious look on his face and was not joking at the moment.

"I need to call my family." Corey said and stood, wanting to leave immediately.

His emotions were complex at the moment, he could not imagine how much anxiety his family must be feeling over his absence and silence.

Although before he left home, he was yelled at by his father causing the situation in the house to be strained and somewhat distant between him and his parents, he still cared about them.

It was not like they maltreated him or abandoned him, it was just because of his results that their relationship was a little bit strained.

They always provided food, shelter and money, no matter how little, for him, so for him to be nonchalant about their anxiety in such a situation like what their world has turned to, would be heartless of Corey and at the moment, Corey was anything but heartless.


Despite Corey's emotions and desire to leave and call his family, Kyle did not care one bit.

"Sit and finish your food. Nobody wastes food in this place."

He said without looking at Corey and Corey frowned.

"I'm not in the mood to eat right now. I want to speak to my family."

Corey gave his reason, expecting Kyle to understand but much to Corey's surprise and confusion, Kyle did not let him go.

"I don't care if you're in the mood or not in the mood. You finish that food. I can't have people wasting food that's not much in the first place." Kyle said and Corey wanted to speak.



"Besides I have your phone, how would you call your sister if I don't give you?"

Just as Corey was about to argue with Kyle, Kyle dangled his phone in front of him making him tongue-tied.

As he looked at his phone which was held by Kyle's two fingers, Corey's eyes glinted and a second later he had a look of resignation.

He sat down grumpily but just before he fully sat, he sprang up like a cheetah and tried to snatch the phone from Kyle's hands.

Kyle had a look of surprise seeing Corey trying to snatch his phone and though he was surprised, his level was higher and his stats were much, much higher than Corey's, so with a calm look, he pulled back his right hand holding the phone and at an inhuman speed, he grabbed Corey's wrist with his left hand calmly.

He looked at Corey and Corey looked at his captured hand with an open mouth, then looked at Kyle with an embarrassed look.

"Uhmm. I'd like to eat my food now. I can't use one hand to eat." Corey said and Kyle tilted his head slightly.

"But you can. You only use one hand to eat normally." Kyle said causing Corey's mouth to twitch.

"Alright I'm sorry for trying to snatch the phone you bastard." Corey apologized, although with a bitter look and Kyle tilted his glasses up slightly.

"But I'm not-"

Just as Kyle was about to complete his sentence, Corey quickly cut him off.

"Alright, alright. I'm sorry okay. Just free me and let me finish my food quickly."

Kyle looked at Corey for a few seconds, then kept Corey's phone in his breast pocket before letting Corey go.

Corey clicked his tongue then grumpily ate his food.

Thirty Minutes later.

After Corey finished his food, he wanted to leave but Kyle told him he must take his bath before he gives him back his phone.

Corey then was shocked because he remembered that before he almost died at the hands of the Smileys, he was actually covered in the blood and intestine of the first Smiley which was killed by those multiple hands.

He asked Kyle who cleaned him and Kyle told him it was one of the female nurses among the group of survivors that cleaned him up with a rag and bowl of water causing Corey to be stunned.

After having his bath properly, he thanked the nurse for washing him and collected his phone from Kyle. Kyle told him he could stay in the kitchen of the restaurant if he wants, which is where Corey currently is.

Corey holding his phone up to his ear heard a girlish anime ringing tone which caused a smile to emerge on his lips.

The song continued for a few seconds before the call was picked.

"Moshi Moshi?"

Corey smiled the more hearing the anime like tone from his phone. He was happy hearing his sister speak freely like that, which was a good sign that she was fine.

"Hey Anna. It's Corey." Corey said and he heard the sound of something dropping on the other side of the phone.

"Onii-chan?... Onii-chaaan!!! You're finally awake!!!"

Corey quickly removed his phone from his ear due to the scream and waited for his sister to stop screaming and shouting.

He could hear her shouting and telling their parents that he was finally awake and he could hear his parents voices of relief and concern over the phone.

A minute later, his sister calmed down and spoke.

"Onii-chan you don't know how much you scared us and how worried we were about you. We were afraid something terrible happened to you when your friend Kyle told us that you were asleep four days in a row."

Corey could hear the relief and happiness in his sister's voice which made him to smile a little.

"Yeah, sorry bout that. I was running away from some monsters and I got injured in the process. I didn't expect to sleep for five days." Corey apologized and he could hear a snort coming from his phone.

"Who told you to wish for wisdom? If you wished for powers like Sasuke or Gojo, you would have become like me. Awesome!"

His sister said and Corey's mouth twitched.

"You don't have to rub it in my face." Corey said but his sister obviously did the exact opposite and rubbed it on his face.

"Nope. I'll rub it on your face very well. When everybody's wishes were given, I got a legacy called Successor Of The Second Demon Queen. I also got two swords and I got three talents. I called the two swords 'Murasame' like in Akam* ga k*ll and the other one I called it Princess, cause I'm going to be a princeesss! As for my three talents, one is called Natural Talent in Swords, Natural Talent in Combat and Natural Talent in Psychokinesis, I can send people and monsters flying just with my mind and I'm currently level 45. Aren't I awesome? Hmm. Tell me I'm awesome Onii-chan."

Anna said but Corey's mind at the moment was blank and he kept on looking blankly as his sister kept on speaking.

'Successor Of The Second Demon Queen

Two Swords

Three Talents

An offensive talent.'

Those words kept on ringing in his ears as his eyes turned from blank to moist.

His heart was filled with regret. Serious regret.

He could take it if Kyle had an attack skill but his sister was just too overpowered.

What was up with all those abilities she got. Why did it seem like the heavens was favoring her.

And how the fuck did she reach level 45 so quickly?!!

He didn't even have one offensive skill!!!

The only thing he had to protect himself was Smile Reaper

And the worst part of it was that he doesn't know how to fight!

He doesn't know how to wield a dagger properly unlike his sister who probably knew how to wield a lot of weapons because of his talent.

He wished to go back in time.

Just as Corey was wallowing in the pit of envy, he heard his sister's voice.

"Onii-chan. Onii-channn!!!"

"Yes? I'm here." Corey replied with a weak voice and sniffed, trying to pull back the tears threatening to come out.

"Are you crying Onii-chan?"

Anna asked and Corey quickly cleaned his eyes and sniffed.

"No. Why would I cry? It's not like I'm jealous of you at all. Why would I be jealous of you? Because of all the cheat talents you got? Nope, never. I can never be jealous of that."

Corey said and a loud laugh could be heard from the other side of the phone.

"Hmm, hmm. Onii-chan is definitely jealous of me. That's good. Don't worry, this big sister will definitely protect you."

Anna said and Corey's eyes widened.

"Which big sister? Who is the big sister?"

Corey questioned and Anna giggled mischievously.

"It's me obviously. My big brother cannot be weaker than me. Since I'm the stronger one then I'm the big sister."

Anna said with a mischievous tone causing Corey to shiver and feel a deadly sensation of crisis.

He could not imagine what would happen if his sister remained stronger than him in the future. When he thought of the all the time he beat her in pillow fights or bullied her using his strength and older age, the sensation of crisis increased.

"Who said you're going to be stronger than me forever or before I get home? I'm definitely going to be stronger than you." Corey said.

"Lies. What level are you at?"

Anna asked and Corey became quiet. He looked at his status window.

[Level: 5 (Unawakened)]


"Does it matter?"

Corey tried to sound nonchalant but his sister knowing him, giggled.

"It's obviously lower than mine since you're talking like that. Even if you're level 20 you won't be able to pass me at all." His sister giggled.


Corey looked at his status screen once again.

[Level: 5 (Unawakened)]


'I'm not even level 10' Corey thought depressingly and wondered how his sister was level 45.

"Don't worry little brother, when I become strong to take over the world I'll protect you and you can become like those arrogant young masters with a powerful backing. Hahahahahahahaha."

His sister laughed and when Corey was about to say something, he heard a knock on the other side of the phone, followed by his sister's groan of pain.


"Ouch… Moomm?!"

"Don't talk to your older brother like that. Next time it won't just be paper I'll use on you, it'll be a wooden spoon."

He heard his mother's threatening tone and he could hear grumbling from his sister. He chuckled inwardly hearing this.

'No matter how strong you are sis, Mom is always going to be on my side.'

He thought and spoke.

"Hey Mom. How are you?"

"I'm fine my baby boy. When will you be able to come home?" His mother asked.

"I don't know yet. School is still dangerous. When I'm strong enough to leave I'll come." Corey said.

"Just stay safe okay. Your father and I did not expect the world to become like this. If not because of your sister, I don't even want to think of what would have happened to us." His mother said and Corey could sense worry and pride when she mentioned his sister.

"Don't worry I'll come back very soon hopefully. Just stay safe also." Corey tried to comfort his mother.

"We will don't worry. Your sister is actually very strong. Also, don't mind what she's saying about you been weak. A lot of people here are weak also. Your sister is one of the strongest in the neighborhood and because she has saved a lot of people, people are calling her a hero and saint. Just don't stress yourself too much and make sure you come back in one piece alright. We don't know what'll happen if we lose you."

His mother said and Corey smiled lightly.

"Thank you Mom. Don't worry I'll come back safely. Greet Dad for me." Corey said.

"I will. Oh, your sister wants to talk to you again." His mother said and Corey could hear his mother warning his sister to treat him with respect making his sister grumble.

"Onii-chan I forgot to tell you something. Can you remember that I said Mom wished for a better house and the best kitchen?" Anna said and Corey raised an eyebrow as to why Anna was telling him this.

"Yes I remember." Corey replied despite his confusion.

"Sooo, the thing is that our house now looks so cool and awesome and the kitchen is the best place in the house. It even has a fridge and freezer that has unlimited foodstuffs and ingredients and the foodstuffs are the best foodstuffs in the world. I eat delicious foods everyday. Can you relate? Muahahahahaha."

His sister laughed and Corey looked at his phone with a dead expression. Without saying a word or waiting for his sister to finish laughing, he ended the call.

A few seconds later, he sighed, then looked around and then looked at the ceiling. As he looked at the ceiling, he spoke.

"I'm definitely going to be stronger than her and spank her. I'll definitely spank her, I don't care what anybody says. She deserves it."


[A/N: This chapter was sponsored by Zelanous for dropping two power stones. Thanks a lot man.

I'm so sorry readers for dropping this chapter late. When I was writing last night, my mind felt sluggish, like very sluggish and my eyes felt droopy so I decided to sleep cause I could not write anything.

I wanted to sleep for just 2 hours or so but I slept for like 3 hours 30 minutes and I started writing around 1:45 am.action

I spent so long writing this chapter cause this chapter was mainly a dialogue chapter and I honestly do not like writing dialgoue chapters but I had to, for this chapter.

Today is a Sunday here and I'm not sure if I'll be able to write all the chapters I have to because I have to go to church with my family and our church doesn't end until 12pm.

Hopefully, Monday would be better and I would not have anything that'll take away my time.

Have a good day/night.
