"Compile a record of all the recorded beings into a single book and bring it to me."

This was something Corey could do as the holder of the talent skill, Record. He didn't need to walk and search every bookshelf for the records he wants, he could will for it to appear in front of him anytime.

And three seconds after Corey spoke, a book manifested out of thin air in front of Corey and Corey grabbed it.

"I should name the book." Corey muttered and stroked his non-existent beard. A few seconds later, his eyes flashed and with a smile, he spoke.

"I'll call you Book of Recorded Beings. Simple and smart I like it." Corey nodded in satisfaction and willed for the name to appear on the book cover.

"I should be winning awards for my naming sense." Corey muttered, believing his naming sense to be something only a genius could do.

Despite what he believed, he decided to focus on the book. He opened the first page and a hologram appeared hovering above the page.


On the hologram were three translucent screens which were side by side.

The one on the left showed a picture of the first Smiley he encountered. The one in the middle showed a video of his first encounter with the Smiley up until it's death. The one on the right showed the results of the analysis of the Smiley.

Corey watched the video first and saw how he ran from the Smiley in what could be called a disgraceful manner. He cringed a little and decided to stop watching the video and looked at the analysis of the smiley.

[SPECIE- LEVEL 10 REVENANT: An incorporeal monster lacking in intelligence. Cannot survive for a long period of time outside of a physical object and would possess the closest physical object to it, objects with life force are the species favorite choice of possession.

Their true body cannot be harmed or touched by weapons or objects that do not possess a special type of rune.

The senses of the possessed body reduces, though the level of reduction of the senses of the possessed body reduces the higher the level of the revenant.


The attributes of their true body is basically non-existent. The main ability that increases with their increase in level is their increased power in their possession ability which devours the spirit of the targeted body.

The strength of the true body of the revenant increases the more spirits they devour and also the higher the level of the spirits devoured.]

Corey's mouth was wide open as he read the description of the first revenant he encountered. In fact what he read was not everything his ability had analyzed.

He had to stop reading at that particular place because he felt that there was way too much information just for a level 10 revenant.

He had a headache when he thought of how much information his ability would give him if he's able to record a very powerful being.

'Even in the apocalypse one must study.'

Corey sighed then opened the book to the next page where he would be able to see the next recorded monster, but this time he was not reading the description, he was only going to check their levels.

Reading their description would take way too much time.

When he opened the book to the next page, a hologram hovered on top of the page and Corey saw the four monsters who were in the sealed room with birthday decorations and a birthday cake.

He looked at the right screen on the hologram and skipped all the details and just looked at their levels.

[Level 75 Unknown Monster (Insufficient Analysis)][Level 80 Unknown Monster (Insufficient Analysis)]

[Level 90 Unknown Monster (Insufficient Analysis)]

[Level 95 Unknown Monster (Insufficient Analysis)]action


"Holy shit!"

Corey exclaimed with sweat dripping on his forehead as he saw the absurd levels of the monsters in the first sealed room.

When he remembered how he was so close to monsters of those absurd levels, Corey felt a shiver down his spine.

He was just a door away from death.

Absolutely nothing could have saved him if the monsters were not sealed.

Corey then remembered the remaining sealed monsters and with trepidation he looked at their levels.

He looked at page 3 of the book of Recorded Beings which had the monster with a goat skull and four horns and what he saw almost made his fragile soul to leave his body.

[Tier 1 level 120 Unknown Monster (Insufficient Analysis)]


Corey opened to page 4 which had the aquatic mermaid like monsters.

[Tier 1 Level 110 Unknown Monster (Insufficient Analysis)]

[Tier 1 Level 110 Unknown Monster (Insufficient Analysis)]


Corey opened to page 5 which had the monster with the lower body of a snake and the upper body of a human.

[Tier 1 Level 150 Unknown Monster (Insufficient Analysis)]


Corey opened to page 6 which had the multiple hands.

[Insufficient Analysis but creature analyzed to at least be Tier 1 due to the energy readings.]


Corey looked at the analysis for a few more seconds before he closed the book and placed it in one of the empty spaces on a shelf.

He then willed for himself to leave the record space and after doing that, he laid on the bare floor in the kitchen and closed his eyes to sleep.His fragile heart could not take the consequences of those analysis nor did he want to face the reality of the analysis.

'It's all a dream. Everything would go back to normal the moment I sleep and wake up.'

Corey thought and slept, hoping just hoping that everything he saw was a lie.



[A/N: This book was sponsored by Blank_Blank and deathmonarch for dropping one power stone each. Thank you so much.

Okay so people, I have a few things to say.

First, I have two more chapters I have to write because Prime_Zen donated three power stones and deathmonarch donated one power stone yesterday. (That's one chapter)

Another is because I didn't drop the normal chapter I'm meant to drop yesterday. (I mean a chapter that's not bonus chapter).

I don't like to cheat people, so I don't plan on not writing it.

That's the first thing I have to say.

Second is that I didn't know that the power stones would reset today. I don't know when the power stones reset but I thought it would reset on the first of March cause that's when I planned to stop the 2 power stones= 1 Bonus Chapter

So now that it has restarted, I plan on changing the requirements for Bonus Chapters.


Which means it'll be like this:

P.S = 1 Bonus Chapter

P.S = 2 Bonus Chapters

P.S = 3 Bonus Chapters

P.S = 4 Bonus Chapters

Zelanous and The_Founder both dropped power stones before I dropped this chapter and I'm thankful for that.

Since you dropped the power stones before I made this announcement, I'll still drop 2 Bonus Chapters.

So that means I have to release 5 Chapters in all. At least by tomorrow.

bonus chapters and 2 normal chapters.

Please don't forget to donate to drop power stones. Let's push the novel up the power stone rankings no matter how small.

Like I always say, I'll work my ass off and make sure to release the Chapters.

The last thing I have to say is sorry for the short chapter. I didn't expect it to be this short at all but it was.

I'm really sorry.

I'm going to sleep at the moment. I want to have a very long sleep if possible. I don't like my writing speed and efficiency.

Have a good day/night people and please don't forget to vote.

You might think I'll see it as too much work but I don't, I'm so happy whenever I see you guys vote thank you.
