Two days later

"God damn it!"

Corey cursed as his body spasmed for a few seconds before it stopped.

He was currently sitting in a cross-legged position with numerous plates around him. His eyes which were closed, opened after his body stopped spasming.

The moment he opened his eyes, a sharpness and coldness which was not there previously could be seen in his eyes.

"I can't just seem to kill a level 20 Smiley one on one unless I utilize my surroundings." Corey sighed after speaking then sniffed subconsciously.

He grimaced immediately he sniffed and then sniffed his armpit to be sure what he perceived was from him.


"Fuck I need to take a bath."

After Corey spoke, the door to the kitchen was opened and Kyle walked inside. He walked towards Corey and looked at the plates all around.

"Zane, we need to talk." Kyle spoke and Corey hiding his disgust due to his body odor looked at Kyle.

"What's up?" Corey questioned.

"It's been more than a day since the day your body spasming and I think you're better now." Kyle spoke then gestured to the plates all around causing Corey to feel embarrassed.

"No survivor here stays for free. It's either they cook, clean or do other chores. But most of them follow Mat, Mac and I to kill the monsters outside and level up cause the monsters are a lot and it's like they just keep on reappearing. So what I'm trying to say is that will you follow us when we go out to kill monsters tomorrow since your body should be fully healed. You'll get most of the soul stones of monsters to level up and bring you up to the average level of the survivors at least."


Kyle offered and Corey pondered over Kyle's words.

He knew what Kyle was basically trying to tell him was that he could no longer be a free loader. Either he does menial chores or he clears the monsters with the group.

"What if I want to clear monsters alone?" Corey asked.

Although it would be safer and wiser for him to work with the group. He was itchy to fight in real life and see how far he has gone in his combat experience, besides he knew that Kyle would become suspicious if he saw him suddenly become better at fighting since he practically did nothing ever since he came to the cafeteria.

Meanwhile Kyle after hearing Corey's words was somewhat surprised. He looked at Corey's facial expression and saw that he was not joking.

Kyle was confused since he knew joining the group was the safest and probably the fastest choice of growing stronger.

He knew Corey didn't have combat experience unlike him, which he had since that was one of the things he gained due to his legacy.So he was wondering where Corey got the confidence to do something like that considering how he ended up after fighting eight level 9 revenants which one would rarely find now since the weakest revenant one would find would be level 10 and that was if somebody was extremely lucky to encounter one.

"Do you know the average levels of the revenants outside now?"

Although Kyle didn't have to ask, he didn't just want to send Corey to his death since having one more person might increase his level after his plans are accomplished.

Meanwhile Corey was confused hearing Kyle's question. He tried to guess but since he had actually only been to two places ever since the apocalypse started: the dormitory and the cafeteria he was in now, he truly did not know the average levels of the Smileys outside.

"I don't know." Corey replied after he stopped trying to guess.

"The average level of the revenants is 30. Most of the revenants outside are level 30. Do you still want to go?" Kyle said, stunning Corey and causing Corey to exclaim subconsciously.

"The fuck?"

" It's true. Today is the eight day after the apocalypse, so those monsters got stronger fast. You've not been able to level up ever since I saved you.." Kyle paused then asked " Do you still want to go alone?"

Corey thought about it for a few seconds before he made his decision.

"I'll still go. Thanks for the warning."

Although it was dangerous levelling up alone, he decided to do it because he wanted to fight and gain combat experience real life. He didn't just want to gain combat experience in The Library Of Records.

Also, he needed an excuse if Kyle sees that he suddenly became good at fighting while with him.

Meanwhile Kyle looked at Corey for a few seconds, then shrugged.

"Whatever, it's your choice. But if you're doing that and you want to come back here, you'll have to pay." Kyle said confusing Corey.

"Pay with what? Federation Cash?" Corey asked with a confused tone and Kyle looked at him with a confused look also before something clicked and he slapped his forehead and spoke.

"Oh yeah I forgot. You probably never killed a level 10 revenant since you're level 5."

"What do you mean and how did you know I was level 5?" Corey asked.

"Oh, I know because of a skill. It can show me the levels of beings weaker than me. Also revenants that are level 10 or higher drop coins. Level 10 revenants drop bronze coins but the drop rate is pitifully low. If you kill a higher level revenant, there is a higher chance for it to drop coins." Kyle explained causing Corey to thank him.

Although he has absorbed the soul stone of a level 10 Smiley, he had no reason to tell Kyle since it actually didn't matter."How much is the fee?" Corey asked after Kyle spoke.

"Just one silver coin." Kyle replied and Corey nodded. He didn't know whether it was costly or not, but he didn't really care. He was not the boss of this place.

"I'll leave tomorrow morning. Can I take some food and water with me?" Corey asked.

Although he had canned foods, eating the delicious foods of the cafeteria made him want to take some with him.

"You can but not much." Kyle replied and Corey thanked him once again.

"When you're level 50 at least, call me. There is a place I want to take everybody and I need everybody to reach level 50 at least."

Kyle said causing Corey to look at him with a questioning look. Kyle seeing that smiled and spoke.

"It's a secret but don't worry it's not a dangerous place as long as you reach level 50."

Kyle then walked towards the door after speaking.

Corey looked at Kyle's back and he lowered his head slightly. Just as Kyle was about to reach the door, Corey spoke.


"Hmm?" Kyle paused and turned towards Corey.

Corey still with his head down spoke.

"Have you heard about the group? Harry? Set? Janet? Tom? Becca and the rest?

Have you heard about anyone of them?

Do you know if they.. if they.."

"If they are still alive?" Kyle cut Corey off and looked at Corey who still had his head down.

He sighed, then turned to the door.

" Except for Harry and Becca, the rest, I think are all dead. I couldn't contact them." Kyle said, then turned around. Walking out of the door, he spoke.

"You should have your bath Zane, you stink."

Corey didn't reply even after Kyle left. He just kept on looking at the floor with Kyle's words repeating in his ears.

A few minutes later, Corey sighed and looked at the ceiling.

" I see."


[A/N: This chapter was sponsored by Zelanous. Thanks a lot man. I really appreciate.]
