"I don't care what you do to him. I just want to be free and happy."

When the intruder heard the words of the young boy, a slight frown emerged on his face.

"You don't desire revenge?"

"Are you not angry at this man?"

"Don't you hate him and the other people who made you live a terrible life?"

"Don't you want to torture him and kill him yourself?"


The intruder questioned, and the young boy released a tired sigh as he sat with his back resting against the wall.

"I hated him in the past. And I wanted nothing more than to see him die in the most painful and grievous way possible."

The young boy glanced at the blonde middle aged man who was his father, then he shifted his gaze to the intruder.

"After all I've seen and experienced. I don't desire revenge nor do I have any hate or anger."

The young boy's gaze moved to the floor.

"Now… I just want to be free and happy."action


A strange silence enveloped the room after the boy spoke, and the interest in the intruder's eyes diminished significantly as he gazed at the young boy.

"You just want to be… free and happy?"

lightsΝοvel A long pause enveloped the room for a few seconds.

Just as the intruder was about to speak, his pupils constricted and he quickly moved to the side while a hexagon barrier appeared before. But…


Blood spilled from the intruder's shoulder staining the white tiles on the floor.

A frown emerged on the intruder's face as he looked at the bullet sized hole in his shoulder.

'It was quiet.'

The intruder frowned slightly as he had this thought.

"Oh? I was aiming for your head.""I'm surprised you could dodge it."

The blonde middle aged man spoke with a tinge of surprise in his voice. In his right hand was a gun akin to a pistol. The gun had countless runes which pulsed with a blue light.

"Normally, people who don't focus on me don't know when I fire my gun and they lose their lives. My gun is meant to be extremely silent."

The blonde middle aged man spoke with an indifferent and emotionless tone as he stretched out his hand and a similar gun appeared in his left hand.

Though, this time around, the gun had countless runes that pulsed with a red light.

"Sorry to disappoint. But, my ears are quiet good."

The intruder said while looking at the two guns with a tinge of intrigue.

"I highly doubt that."

The middle aged man said, and the intruder raised a brow.

"I told you the boy is not for sale. But you've been acting all cocky for a damn tier 2."

A pressure that was stronger than what the intruder exuded instantly filled the room and immense killing intent landed on the intruder.

"Any last words?"

The blonde man asked and a sigh escaped the lips of the intruder.

"Don't die too quickly."

A vein popped in the head of the blonde man and with anger in his eyes, he fired the blue gun.

A blue light escaped the nozzle of the gun and at an extremely fast speed, it moved towards the intruder.


"You'd have to do better than that if you want to kill me."

An emotionless voice resounded behind the blonde middle aged man and a smile appeared on the lips of the blonde man.

To the intruder's shock, the blonde man was not surprised or fearful when he said those words. Instead, the blonde man placed the red gun behind him and fired.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Loud and multiple bullets erupted from the red gun, raining fire unto whatever was behind the blonde man.

"Hmm?"A few seconds later, the blonde man frowned and stopped firing.

He looked to his left where he could see the intruder holding the side of his stomach which was bleeding.

"Well this is a surprise."

"I didn't expect somebody like you would achieve a level three Mind's Eye."

The intruder spoke calmly without taking his eyes off the blonde man, and the blonde man smiled.

"I can say the same for you. I didn't expect you to possess a spatial skill."

Despite the nonchalance in the tones of the two individuals, they were both extremely wary and solemn as they faced one another.

The two of them had used abilities which neither of them expected and this caused both of them to become wary of one another.

'Since he has achieved a level three Mind's Eye, I shouldn't carelessly teleport.'

'He'd be able to perceive the spatial disturbance.'

The light blue and deep violet eyes of the intruder flashed with a solemn light as he gazed at the blonde man.

It was well known until one became a tier 3, did one truly step unto a path of shedding their mortality.

For every tier that one goes through, there's always a reward. A reward that's given to every individual in the same tier.

Passing the tier 1 and tier 2 trials increases the physical abilities like strength, agility, stamina and so on of an individual.

But, depending on the individual's evaluation in the trials, the higher or lesser the increase in the individual's physical abilities.

Passing the tier 3 trial gave the individual something called The Mind's Eye. The mind's eye basically increased the perception and intuition of the individual, and it allows them to foresee immediate dangers and make split-second decisions in combat.

It was for this reason that set apart tier 3 from tier 2's and 1's.

Not only were the physical abilities of a tier 3 higher than that of a tier 2 and 1, their perception and intuition was immensely higher and it made it more difficult for a tier 2 to kill a tier 3.

There were four levels of a Mind's Eye, and the evaluation of an individual in the promotion trial determined what level of Mind's Eye the individual gets.

The first level of the Mind's Eye was called Insightful Gaze.

Individuals with this level of Mind's Eye gained heightened sensory perception, allowing them to notice subtle details, patterns or emotions in their surroundings. They can anticipate simple actions or intentions based on observed cues.

The second level of the Mind's Eye was called Intuitive Vision: It was basically an enhanced version of the Insightful Gaze. Though, the difference was not minimal.

The third level was called Clairvoyant Sight.

Individuals with Clairvoyant Sight gained the ability to see glimpses of the future. The ability was not like True Future Sight, and was sometimes not accurate. The ability was sporadic and usually occurred when the individual was in danger.

Asides from this ability, the individual's perception and intuition was greatly enhanced. So enhanced to the point that they could sense disturbances to a certain extent.

The fourth level was called Visionary Insight.

Individuals with this level of Mind's Eye achieve a more refined form of Clairvoyant Sight. They gained the ability to foresee specific events or outcomes with increased accuracy. They can predict and prepare for future occurrences with greater clarity and detail. Their perception and intuition was also greatly increased.

Information regarding the fourth level of Mind's Eye was not well known due to its rarity. But, it was said that those with Visionary Insight even gave tier 4s and some tier 5s issues when it came to killing them.

Attaining the third level of Mind's Eye was a feat that most could not achieve. An average tier 3 would only have a level one Mind's Eye, and one could imagine the surprise the intruder had when he realized that the leader of The Dread Vipers had a level three Mind's Eye.
