
The moment the creature spoke, it's head swayed, it's eyeball rotated and without warning, like lightning, it's neck elongated towards a man who was the closest to the creature.



The sound of the creature eating the man's head and the sound of the man's fallen corpse shook everyone and brought them back to reality.

"Lea- Leader, wh- what's going on?" The young man who spoke previously stuttered as he looked at their leader.

His eyes which had confusion previously, now had denial.


It was not only his eyes which had denial, the eyes of the remaining survivors also had denial.

They could not just believe that their leader, their beloved leader would lead them to their deaths.

Kyle who everyone was looking at, just leaned back on the wall behind him and folded his arms, his eyes full of indifference as he looked at all the survivors without speaking.

His indifferent eyes and expression made it seem like responding to their confusions was just beneath him.

Despite everyone's thoughts, the creature did not give a damn and with renewed passion it unleashed hell.

Striking at this time, a woman, her head went missing before she could react.



Moving towards another target, the creature unleashed it's attack.

Biting off heads, leaving incomplete heads and sometimes going through the chest of some survivors, leaving behind a massive hole and staining the floor red with the blood and flesh of it's victims.

Some tried to run but to their horror, that attracted the creature's attention and made them it's main target.

Corpses with headless and sometimes massive holes filled the corridor causing people to feel despair.

"Leader please save us!!"

"Leader please forgive us!! Save us!!!"

"Leader whyyy?!!"

"Leader please save me!! I'll be your slave for life!!!"

"I'll be your sex slave!! You can do anything to me!! Please save me!!"

Various shouts of pleas spread out.

They begged

They pleaded

They offered up their bodies

They even offered up their souls

But Kyle just looked at all this with an indifferent expression, not saying a word or moving a muscle.

Mat had an expression of disdain, mockery and entertainment. Mac had a wide smile on his face, his body trembling so slightly.






Just as everything and everyone was descending into madness, the young man from before shouted, trying to bring order to all the ongoing madness and surprisingly it worked.

But just as everywhere was calm and everyone thought the situation could somehow be reversed, the creature turned it's head towards the young man and before the man or any other person could respond, the creature's neck extended and in a flash it appeared in front of the young man.

The young man could not respond to the lightning fast attack and the last thing he saw was the large sharp teeth of the creature before his head went.


"Hahahahahaha. That fool!! Hahahahaha." Mat laughed madly as he looked at the fallen headless corpse of the young man with disdain and mockery.

"Why the fuck would you be so stupid and shout as loud as that in front of the monster?!

Doesn't the fool know he would attract it's attention?

And he's so weak again!


Mat laughed while wiping away his tears, Mac shook his head softly while Kyle just looked at the young man's corpse with a raised eyebrow, looking at it with slight amusement.

"Now from courage and pleas to despair." Mac muttered softly as he looked at the dazed expressions of the remaining survivors as they looked at the corpse of the young man.

Their eyes were hollow and was slowly filled with despair.

The man who they thought would be their hero in this situation was dead.

Who would help them now?

Who would save them?

Would a hero arrive heroically?


Would the gods save them and cause a miracle to happen.

The answers to all their questions were answered the next second as they heard a sound they knew all too well.


The sounds of bones breaking reverberated throughout causing the survivors to look at their source of nightmare and despair.

Seeing the head of another survivor in the creature's monstrous mouth, the survivor's knew the answer to their thoughts.

No Hero was coming to save them

No god was going to cause a miracle

Nobody was going to save them

They were doomed

And true, they were actually doomed.

Corey who had been watching the entire scene for the past three minutes was currently hiding underneath a corpse.

After Corey saw that the survivors who tried to escape attracted the monster's attention, he thought of a plan to leave this hell and run for his life.

The plan was risky, in fact very risky and mostly depended on luck and also his observation.

Corey planned on crawling and hiding from one corpse to the other, eventually reaching the last corpse. From there he planned on activating Focus so that if the creature noticed him, he would be able to react and escape. His plan also depended on another factor.

He looked at his status window, mainly a particular attribute.

[Mana: 100]

His Mana had reduced by 50 points which meant that his focus could only last for ten seconds which he hoped would be enough.

Corey took in a very soft breath as he looked at the carnage that was ongoing.

He could see the survivors expressions of despair.

He could hear them pleading, begging.

He could hear their wails of agony and pain.

He could hear their rage filled curses towards Kyle.

He could hear and see everything but…

Corey did not plan on trying to save any of the survivors.

In fact, he had never entertained the thought of saving any of the survivors.Ever since he realized the creature was a tier 1, the only thought in his mind was on how to survive.

How to escape and make sure he lives to see his little sister, his mother and even his dad.

Ever since he was born he had never thought of being a hero.

In fact, to him the concept of heroes and villains was just stupid in his eyes.

Corey did not want to be a hero nor did he want to be a villain.

Right now, he just wanted to survive and meet up with his family.

Just as this thoughts passed through Corey's mind, he saw his chance.

He noticed the creature had it's back towards him and with that it should not be able to see him when he moves.

Corey slowly removed the corpse on top of him and crawled on his back while looking at the creature, his eyes never leaving the creature.

Just as Corey was watching the creature, he noticed something which bothered him.

The number of survivors remaining were small, which meant that very soon, the creature would no longer be distracted and he would have no way to escape.

Corey looked back and saw that he was about 20 meters away from the T- Intersection of the corridor which was far in his opinion.

He thought about what to do in this situation and looked at the intersection once again.

The left side of the intersection had stairs that led to the upper parts of the building and also the door where one can leave the building.

While the right side of the intersection led underground where the carpark of the building was located.

It did not only contain the carpark but also had a door in the carpark which led somewhere else, somewhere which he hoped would be able to save him and not fuck him up.

Corey looked at the creature then stood slowly, getting on all fours.

He crawled like a baby, not daring to run and attract the attention of the monster or the bastards who were behind all of this.

"Where do you think you're going bastard?"


Just as Corey was crawling, he heard a voice filled with hostility from behind him. And just as he heard it, he heard the sound of the air been torn apart, like something heavy and sharp was coming towards him.

Without looking back, he laid flat on the ground then rolled to the left.action

And just as he did, an object whooshed past his previous position and continued forward until it slammed into the wall in front.


Corey with cold sweat looked at what almost killed him and when he did, he immediately recognized what it was.

Mat's Giant sword!

Corey looked back and saw Mat walking towards him while cracking his knuckles with a wide grin.

Corey then looked at the main thing he was worried about, the terrifying creature.

And when he looked at it, he saw it looking back at him and a sense of déjà vu hit him.

"Oh fuck. Not again."

He cursed, then did what was 100% the best choice in this situation.

He ran.


[A/N: This is the bonus chapter for reaching the third level of the power stone target which is 30 power stones.

Thanks a lot everyone.

I still have one more chapter I'm owing you guys which is the normal chapter of March 4.

I'll do it later.

But now I sleep!

It's 2:55 a.m. here and tomorrow is a Sunday so I'll be busy for quite some time.

So goodnight and have a great day/night everyone!

Also don't forget to DROP POWER STONES!!

You're only 6 Power Stones away from getting another bonus chapter!!

