In front of the wooden hut, a very strange scene could be seen.

The man with white hair, beard and golden eyes sat on a rock, an open fire made from wood was just a meter away from him.

On the left and right side of this fire was a stick as thick as a man's thigh and as high as three grown men joined together vertically.

The whole setting looked like a spit where one roasts on in the wilderness, the only difference been that instead of a stick and animal meat been placed horizontally on top of the vertical sticks, it was a human that was tied horizontally on the vertical sticks, his body above the fire. [A/N: If you don't know what a spit is, check Google then you'll understand the illustration better.]

This human was Corey.

"So this is what would happen.

I'll remove the cloth around your mouth and I'll ask you some questions.


Depending on your answer, your situation might get better or worse.

Do you understand?"

The man with white hair asked with a calm and indifferent expression. In his hands was a knife and a fork which gleamed as the fire shined upon it.

Meanwhile Corey whose face was in the direction of the fire looked at the man with an expression of dread, anger and nervousness.

"Hmm, hmm, hmmm." He tried to say something but his mouth was covered.

The man raised an eyebrow seeing him trying to speak, he just moved his forefinger slightly and the cloth around Corey's mouth was sliced apart.


Corey's eyes widened slightly seeing that, he wanted to curse at the old man at first but seeing the man cut apart the cloth by just moving his finger caused all the curses in his mind to go, *poof*, disappear.

"I asked if you understood?"

The man asked bringing Corey out of his absentminded state.

Corey quickly nodded, showing that he understood.

"Good." The man nodded in acceptance.

He threw the fork and knife on the floor, then he leaned forward, placed his elbows on his knees then put his hands on his chin, a serious expression in his eyes and face.

Corey gulped, thinking hard on what the man could ask him.

"Now, the first question."

The man said, bringing Corey out of his thoughts.

"Which do you prefer?"

"Breast or Ass?"


The man asked and Corey's mind blanked out for a second before he looked at the man, wondering if he heard right or if the man was just toying with him.

"Are you-"


Corey tried to ask if the man was serious with his question but the moment he spoke, the two vertical sticks reduced in length and was absorbed into the ground causing Corey to curse.


Corey's heart palpitated with fear as the distance between him and the fire beneath him was reduced.

"Just answer my questions, don't say anything else.

If you say something other than the answer, the sticks would shorten and well, let's just say you would have a fiery end."

The man said and Corey looked at him, seeing a small smile on the man's face made the fear Corey had for the man to increase.

"Now answer my question."

"Which do you prefer?

Breast or Ass?"

The man spoke and Corey's face contorted into a frown.

His mind spun, thinking of the right answer to this question.

He didn't dare to believe that he could just give any answer and he would be safe.

There was definitely a right answer.

But the more he thought about the right answer, the more he realized there was no way for him to know the right answer.

His frown deepened.

"Excuse me Sir-" He tried to speak after a few seconds passed but,


"Fuck! Just listen to what I have to-" Corey cursed as the sticks dropped once again, bringing him closer to the fire. He tried to speak again but,


"Thighs! I prefer thighs!"

Corey quickly answered, fearing that he would truly have a fiery end.Meanwhile the man had a frown mixed with confusion as he heard Corey's answer.

No one had ever given him such an answer when he asked that question.

It was either they said ass or breast, and well like Corey feared, if one gave a wrong answer, his end would be a hundred times closer.

As for the right answer?

That did not matter.

The man looked at Corey with a strange light in his eyes.

'Does he truly prefer thighs?

Or is he trying to be smart?' The man thought as he looked at Corey.

'Or maybe his sexual life is just that sad?' The man thought once again.

"You prefer thighs over breast and ass?" The man asked.

"Yes, yes, I prefer thighs." Corey repeatedly nodded his head in approval.

"So what type of thighs do you prefer?

Thick or lean thighs?"

The man asked and Corey blinked a few times.

"… uhmm. Anime thighs?"


"Fuck you old man! I gave my answer!" Corey cursed with indignation in his tone.

"What the hell is anime thighs?!

Don't toy with me boy.

And besides who's old?

Your ancestors are the ones that are old!" The man shamelessly argued back despite the fact that he was at least five thousand years old.

"If you don't know anime thighs then just say it!

Don't bloody drop me into the fire!" Corey cursed but,


"Shit! Old man!" Corey cursed once again.


"…" Corey kept his mouth shut.

"That's good. Now you're using your brain." The old man, *cough*, the man rubbed his beard with satisfaction seeing Corey not saying a single word.

"Now you better answer me properly.

Which do you prefer?

Thick or lean thighs?"

The man asked and Corey had an expression of frustration.

"Thick thighs damn it. Bloody thick thighs!"

A smile appeared on the man's face hearing Corey's answer. Rubbing his long beard, he spoke.

"So that means you prefer fat girls?"

"What? How would I-"


"No! I don't prefer fat girls!

I don't fucking prefer them you mad man!"

Corey replied with a tone containing frustration, despair and tiredness.

'I knew doors were truly bad luck for me. Anytime I open suspicious doors I always suffer.' Corey thought with tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

Had he offended the god of doors in his past life?

Never in his life would he imagine himself been in this type of situation.

Meanwhile the man not caring about the thoughts of Corey had a smile on his face seeing the despair and frustration on Corey's face, he rubbed his beard with glee.

"Another question.

Since you don't prefer fat girls, which ones do you prefer?

Slim girls, busty girls, short girls, tall girls?

Oh by the way, if it's guys you like, don't be shy to say it.I won't judge you."

The man said and Corey looked at him with a blank expression.

"Old man-"


"You bastard!"


"Shit! Shit! Hot! Hot! That's fucking hot! That's fucking hot!!"

Corey cursed as he felt his body getting cooked. He turned towards the fire and started blowing at it. Foolishly hoping that the fire would be extinguished.

The man had a strange expression on his face seeing Corey's actions.

'So he's an idiot?'

The man thought before he decided to speak.

"Answer the question young boy."

Corey turned towards the man with anger in his eyes.

"Fuck you old man!"


"FUCK! I don't have preferences old man!

It's all about the vibe I feel from the girl.

If the vibe is good I don't care whether she's short, slim, busty or tall.

As long as she's not ugly, I don't care alright.

I don't give a damn!"

"Now let me go old man!

Fucking let me go you crazy old man!"

Corey cursed and wiggled, trying to escape the extremely tight ropes which bound him.

Meanwhile the old man's smile widened before it erupted into a full blown laugh.


After laughing he waved his hand causing a soft wind to blow towards the fire and pile of wood. The fire was extinguished while the pile of wood were blown away.

He moved his forefinger in a swiping motion and the two vertical sticks were sliced apart.


"Hmm. Shit."

Corey cursed as he fell face flat unto the floor.

The man swiped his finger horizontally once again and the ropes binding Corey was cut off.

Corey rubbed his sore wrists as he mumbled a few curses under his breath.

Step Step

He looked up and saw the old man walking towards him.

"Now was that so difficult?

You only had to answer my questions but you just made it difficult for yourself."

The man said and Corey muttered.

"When you were asking extremely weird questions."

"Hahahahaha!!" The man laughed for a few seconds before he stopped.

He wiped a few tears off his eyes as he looked at Corey.

"What's the fun in asking extremely serious questions from the start? Hmm?"

The man said and Corey was about to reply but his words were forced back to his throat when he saw the man's eyes and expression become serious and cold.

"Now, you better answer me honestly or your end would not be so pleasant."

"How did you get to this place?"


[A/N: Bonus chapter for reaching 100 power stones. Thanks guys.

The next target is 200 power stones. We currently have 102 power stones.

power stones to go.

It seems much but y'all can do it.

I believe in you guys.

Don't forget the golden tickets also by the way, only 8 more golden tickets to go for another bonus chapter.

Let's goooo

Oh wait, I forgot the gifts, very, very important. Drop gifts, even if it's a cola. I appreciate it.

