"Poison Infinity Crystal?"

Corey had a confused expression hearing the name of the item inside the box.

It sounded cool, ominous and evil.

'Does the old man want me to learn a poison skill or does he want me to be somebody that uses poisons?'

Corey wondered as he looked at the box.

"An infinity crystal is a very priceless treasure that any knowledgeable and powerful being would fight for.

Terrible wars would be waged by powerful forces if they ever get a sniff of where an infinity crystal is.


I can't tell you everything about an infinity crystal because you are not ready, not strong enough nor knowledgeable enough to understand, even if I explain it to you.

Just know that an infinity crystal is something that grants great power to anybody that possesses it."

" Also, know that there are various types of infinity crystals.

There is fire infinity crystal, lightning infinity crystal, earth infinity crystal, saber infinity crystal, spear infinity crystal, sword infinity crystal, chain infinity crystal, blood infinity crystal and so much more.

There are so many types of infinity crystals that experts believe that there are actually infinite types of infinity crystals."

The man said and took a pause, he stroked the box with an expression of longing.


"If there are so many infinity crystals then doesn't that mean it's not so rare?

Doesn't that mean a lot of people have infinity crystals?"

Corey asked with furrowed brows as he realized that something was not right.

"You're right to ask those questions but the problem with your thinking is that you don't know how vast the universe is.

Although there are so many infinity crystals, to find one of them would require luck and determination.

The universe is so vast that even though there are different types of infinity crystals, it is still extremely, extremely rare to find one.

Only the top powers would have more than one infinity crystal in their possession." The old man clarified and Corey had a slightly dazed expression on his face.

'Does that mean if I get extremely powerful one day I'll be able to see outside of the planet, I'll be able to explore the universe?'

Corey thought but he immediately pushed down this thought and decided to focus on the present.

The old man who still had an expression of longing finally looked away from the box and looked at Corey.

"Although infinity crystals are treasures to every being, infinity crystals are extremely important to us Paragons.

They are one of the main reasons we Paragons can stand toe to toe against Supremes.

You probably don't understand all that I've said but when you meet the ancestor, he'll explain everything to you."

"The Ancestor of Paragons?

Why would I meet him?

Don't I need to be strong enough before I meet the ancestor?"Corey questioned with a confused expression.

Wasn't meeting powerful figures meant to be difficult?

Who was he for him to meet a being who the old man said had reached the peak of power?

Meanwhile the old man looked at Corey with a strange expression.

"Of course you need to meet him.

How else do you think you'll be able to absorb the ancestor's blood and the poison infinity crystal?

I dare not try and help you absorb the ancestor's blood since you'll die if I do that.

It's the same for the All-Father's blood essence, why do you think the merchant told you not to absorb the blood, you'll definitely die."

The old man warned and Corey became confused.

"So how do I now meet the ancestor to absorb his blood? Is he around here?" Corey asked while wondering when meeting high level figures became so easy.

"Of course he's not here. He's in the Realm Of Paragons which he created in the universe he was born in. The universe is far away from ours.

Also, the Realm Of Paragons is where the strongest and most talented Paragons stay, it's also the dream of most Paragons to go there." The old man said with an expression of pride, desire, ambition and regret mixed in his tone.

Meanwhile Corey's face and mind became blank hearing the words of the old man. He shook his head then rubbed the middle of his brows with a confused and frustrated expression.

"So right now you're confusing me.

First, I don't know what a realm is and I don't want to know right now. I have a feeling that I'll just get more confused.

Second, if the Realm Of Paragons is where the strongest and most talented Paragons stay, why are you here?

Are you not strong enough to go there?

Third and most importantly, if the ancestor is in another universe, how the hell do I meet him?" Corey asked and the old man sighed.

He leaned back and looked at the ceiling.

"For your second question, it's complicated but let's just say I'm not strong enough to go the Realm Of Paragons, besides I don't think I can ever go there in my lifetime." A bitter smile appeared on the old man's face as he spoke.

"Why?" Corey was confused.

'Was the old man dying?' Corey thought

"Do you know why I'm here? Why I'm in this place alone, with nothing but water around me?"

The old man asked and Corey rolled his eyes.

"You know I don't old man. You literally went through my memories." Corey spoke causing the old man to chuckle softly.

"I'm dying young boy, and the reason for that is because of a Supreme I fought. I sealed the bastard beneath this island and I plan on guarding this place till my last breath or until the bastard is truly dead."

The old man said with extremely cold eyes, and a little bit of his aura spilled out causing the hut and Corey to tremble.

Corey looked at the old man with trembling hands and with sweat dripping down his forehead.

Although he knew the old man was strong and he absolutely had no chance whatsoever in defeating him, the tiny bit of aura released by the old man made Corey to feel like he was facing a terrifying beast he would never be able to defeat, he felt like a mountain was about to fall on him and crush him into pieces.

Just as he thought he was going to die, the aura vanished like it never appeared and Corey exhaled and inhaled deeply for a few seconds before he regained his calm.The old man who had also regained his calm cleared his throat then spoke.

"Sorry about that." He apologized then continued:

"For your third question on how to meet the ancestor, it's when you're taking advancement test you'll be able to meet the ancestor."

Corey became confused and it showed in his tone.

"I thought I would be able to gain the power before I reach Tier 1.

Also, how would I reach tier 1? You must have read my memories so you know there's no evolution center in the academy.

Or is there one here?"

Corey questioned and the old man tilted his head slightly and spoke.

"Of course there's no evolution center in this place. If there was, I would have taken you there right away."

Corey's mouth twitched as he heard the tone in the old man's words. It was a tone telling him that the answer was so obvious that he should have known already.

Rubbing his eyebrows in frustration, he spoke.

"Alright old man, the issue is this. If you want me to absorb the blood by meeting your ancestor, I'll need to reach Tier 1 and to reach Tier 1, I need an evolution center.

There's no evolution center in the academy and there's also a Tier 2 creature at the gates of the academy.

I need power to either escape from the tier 2 creature or to kill it. Currently, I don't have the power or the ability, so can you help me with that?"

"Hmm." The old man rubbed his beard with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"You can never kill the tier 2 creature even with the help I can give you."

The old man said and Corey's eyes dimmed slightly.

"Although I said you can't kill it, I meant you can't kill it on your own. You'll need to work together with others."

Corey's eyes brightened hearing the word's of the old man.

It was true.

He had never thought of attacking the tier 2 creatures with other people, and in a way, it was not his fault.

Ever since the apocalypse happened, Corey always worked alone. The number of survivors he had seen were not much since he had not actively looked for survivors.

Corey was also usually not the type of person to work with people, in a sense, he was a loner.

"Thank you old man"

Corey bowed his head, thanking him for reminding that he was not alone.

The old man smiled then spoke:

"Don't thank me yet, although I can't give you items that can kill the tier 2 creature nor can I make you so strong to the point that you would be able to kill the Tier 2 creature, I can make you stronger and solve a major problem that you don't even know about?"

Corey tilted his head with a confused expression.

"What problem?" He asked.

"Your body is severely limiting your talent and I intend to solve that problem for you."


[A/N: Don't forget to vote with Power Stones and Golden Tickets y'all. We're so close to getting another bonus chapter. Good job everyone.

Gifts are also appreciated, no matter how little.

Have a great day/night.]
