Around 300meters to the academy gate, a group of around 20 people stood. As they looked at the gate which was not too far and not too close, they all had solemn and nervous expressions.

Mrs. Ashley who was also among the group had a solemn expression as she looked at the academy gate.

"Corey, you're sure your plan would work right?"

She looked at Corey who was dressed in all black clothes and shoes.

"Yeah. As long as we all do our parts right, it should work."

He replied without looking at her, his eyes were on the academy gates, an extremely solemn expression could be seen on his face.

"Alright. The worst that could happen is that we all die."


Mrs. Ashley shrugged causing Corey to glance at her.


She asked perceiving Corey's glance.

"I never expected you to be so carefree and say those words."

His words made a small smile to appear on her lips.

"Well, let's just say, I believe that one should try to calm their nerves when going into a battle. I was tense and worried before but then I remembered that, so I'm trying to calm my nerves.


You should too."

She advised and Corey just nodded then tried to calm his nerves but no matter how much he tried, he could not.

Not when so many people's lives depended on him.

When what was just stopping him from reaching his home was a very powerful tier 2 creature at the academy gate.

Clap Clap

A clap resounded in the surroundings causing Corey and everybody to look at the source which was Mrs. Ashley.

"Alright people, listen up."

"As you can see we're extremely close to leaving this prison but what is stopping us from leaving is a tier 2 monster, which is actually very powerful.

Now we all know about the plan we've set up with Corey's help, so people!

Follow the plan if you want to leave this place alive!

Follow the plan if you want to kill that monster!

Follow the plan if you want to see those you care about!Some of your friends, family members and those you care about are outside

Even if you don't have anybody you care about outside the academy, you must want to leave this place

So make sure you follow the damn plan and do your best!

Also, make sure you don't die."

"Now, let's go!"


Corey looked at everybody who was riled up, the previous nervousness on their faces had disappeared, only determination could be seen in their eyes as they matched towards the gate.

'She's good at been a leader.'

Corey thought as he looked at Mrs. Ashley.


His eyes then moved to the members in the group and a slight frown filled with worry appeared on his face.

'I hope nothing goes wrong.'

He thought as he looked at the members of the group which consisted of mainly females.

Corey's main problem in their upcoming fight was the fact that in their group of 28 people, 20 were females while the rest were males, including him.

Corey was definitely not a misogynist, it was just that most of the women did not wish for things that would give them fighting ability, for example, Becca. And because of that, the plan was more dangerous.

Although the ones that didn't wish for fighting abilities were somewhat weak, some got skills due to the number of monsters they had killed with the group.

As for why most of them were females?

It was mainly because of the way their school was constructed.

The male dormitory was far away from the female dormitory and Mrs. Ashley's hideout was the female's dormitory which was not a dungeon.

So with the way the school was constructed, there were more females in the 'female' part of the school.

Just as Corey was lost in thoughts as he was walking, he felt a glare full of anger, hate and even killing intent.

He looked back and saw Luke glaring at him with eyes full of anger and hatred.

Corey looked at him for a few seconds before he ignored him and looked at Becca who was not too close and not too far away from Luke, a complicated expression in his eyes before he sighed and looked away.

He wanted to apologize to Becca but at the moment, she did not want to meet him at all.

Despite the fact that she rejected him, he still cared about her.

He didn't love her anymore, he just cared about her like a true friend since throughout his university life, she was always there for him.She never caused him any harm whether physically or mentally, okay maybe except a broken heart.

But still, she was a good person that let's just say fell in love with the absolutely wrong person.

He just wished the bastard won't cause her anymore harm.

"Focus on more important things Corey. Now's not the time for that."

He turned towards Mrs. Ashley who spoke and nodded his head in response, dispelling all unnecessary thoughts.

A few minutes later, the entire group arrived in front of the academy gate which was now in ruins.

An aura that sent shivers down everybody in the group including Corey permeated the entire air causing collective gulps to resound in the surrounding.

Corey with his heart pounding louder than normal looked at the monster they were meant to fight.

A dark grey bird which was at first sleeping peacefully until it's eyes fluttered open and it's eyes gazed upon the group causing the heart's of a few to skip a beat.

A spark of annoyance, anger and disdain appeared in it's eyes seeing the group.

It slowly stood, allowing the group to see the monster's entire body.

Despite Corey having seen it before, his heart still couldn't help but pound intensely seeing the creature.

Having a height of at least 10m, it towered above every member of the survivor group causing everybody to look up at the creature with sweat dripping from their foreheads.

'How are we meant to fight that?'

'We're meant to fight that?'


Thoughts like this appeared in each of the member's mind as they looked at the creature which was a bird with dark grey skin, the bird had three heads with each head having different colors of pupils.

The left head had fiery red eyes, the right head had bright green eyes and the central head had extremely black eyes causing anyone that looked into it's eyes to feel a chill from the depths of their souls.

Corey's left eyes changed and rapidly changing numbers, letters and symbols appeared.

[Bird of Oblivion- Tier 2 Level 250 (Extremely Weakened)]

Taking in a deep breath, Corey's left eyes changed back to normal.

Ignoring the questions he had several days ago when he saw the information on the Bird of Oblivion, he steeled his mind and looked at the bird with battle intent visible in his eyes.

He was close.

Close to been able to leave the academy and finally reach his home, reach his family.

Nothing, nobody, not even this damn tier 2 bird was going to stop him from going home.

He worked hard so as to finally reach his father, mother and sister.

And there was no damn way he was going to die.

He took in a deep breath and with calm, cold eyes, he spoke.

"Let's go."


[A/N: 6 more chapters to go!!!]
