Chapter 545   - Returning of Tong

Chapter 545   – Returning of Tong

Tong explored the admin system menu and was shocked by the privileges.

The absolute dimensional authority was too good. By typing a few words, Tong could make what everything reality without exception.

Tong checked Lilim’s cultivation strength in his admin menu. He could see the [+], [-], [Edit], and [Del] buttons. If Tong wanted to, he might be able to erase Lilim’s cultivation to zero with just a single button.

Just for a safety measure, Tong tried to reduce Lilim’s cultivation strength to 10 wings.

<<System denied. You can only tamper with immortals with 9 wings or less. Tampering with karma brings instability to the dimension.>>


He was disappointed. It seemed there were still flaws, but that was good enough. He didn’t forget to delete all quests that Lilim had imposed on him.


Tong’s action made the dimension a bit unstable, but it stabilized after Tong allocated some lifespan in the admin system pool into the karma river.

Also, Tong released all vessels who had pledged to Lilim so that her cultivation would return to 10 wings.


It worked this time. Under the effect of the eye skill, Lilim released them on her own.


Finished what he had planned to do, he got out of Lilim’s mansion for the first time after a decade.

Outside the mansion, nine giant monsters were playing bites with each other.

On the sideline, Lu Bu, Guan Yu, and Zuo Ci were resting.

Guan Yu and Lu Bu panted in exhaustion. Their bodies had bite wounds and superficial injuries. As for Zuo Ci, he was perfectly fine since he could use his system authority to self-heal.

"ZHANG TONG BRAT!!" Lu Bu screamed at Tong in anger. He forgot about his exhaustion and grabbed Tong’s collar clothes, "ABOUT TIME YOU’RE F.U.C.K.I.N.G DONE F.U.C.K.I.N.G!! I WAS ABOUT TO GO INSANE IN THIS SHIT HOLE!! GET ME OUT OF THIS WORLD!!"

"Relax. You’ll get out of this hell hole soon enough. For now, how are they?" Tong pointed at nine red dragons.

Tong was aware that he and Lilim conceived some sort of monsters during their sessions. However, the parents entrusted the children’s fate to the whim of Zuo Ci, Lu Bu, and Guan Yu.

Guan Yu, Lu Bu, and Zuo Ci refused to kill them regardless of their appearance. To them, these monsters were innocent children, but they were just born handicapped.

The three believed that if they treated them well, they could tame these unusual dragon children.

"First off, they can talk. They’re actually fast learners that I’m scared that we might have raised monsters. No pun intended," remarked Zuo Ci.

The monster children that came out of the mansion were similar to demigorgons at first. After a few years, their mass expanded, and they ended up becoming something similar to drakes.

Yet, they were no drake. They had four legs, one long tail, but their bodies could suddenly change shapes and send out tendrils to lash at their enemies. Their heads also still retained the Demogorgon characteristic, the mouth flower. And lastly, their skins could transform into mouths and chomp on anyone that touched them.

In other words, they were mass that could freely transform their bodies into anything. They were abominable beings that everyone questioned their existence.

Tong strolled forward to examine his children.

The nine monsters sniffed as they caught a whiff of their parent’s smell. The nine drake-like beings wagged their tails and charged at Tong.




Oddly enough, they released a cute voice as if they were kittens.

Tong doubted his ears for a moment and stepped backward in reflex. But after one of them bump its giant head with Tong’s, he found them cute.

"So cute!"

Zuo Ci, Lu Bu, and Guan Yu’s face twitched. When they were with them, these beasts bared fangs as if the three cultivators were food. Had it not because of Zuo Ci’s system authority, they would have been eaten ages ago.

These monsters had infinite stamina and their aura power was limitless. Even if they had 10-wing cultivation strength, they couldn’t fight these monsters forever despite that the monsters’ individual strength was only 8 wings.

Tong turned around to ask Zuo Ci, "What do they usually eat?"

"Livestock. Cows. Sheep. Alligators. Tigers. And humans. Anything that moves," Zuo Ci spoke in a monotone.



Tong laughed as he patted one of the monsters. It purred in happiness and rolled on the ground, showing its belly.

"Has anyone named them yet?"

Zuo Ci shrugged, "You’re the father. You name them."

"Alright. Hahaha!"

Tong began naming them one-by-one.

"You’re Lilith! You’re Uriel. You’re Michael. Raphael. Gabriel. Adam. Eve. Samael. And, you’re Joshua."

Zuo Ci sweated by Tong’s naming sense. He just named these monsters with archangels’ names and certain gods’ names. Moreover, he named one of them as Lilim’s mother.

"Are you sure?"

"That’s the way I can remind myself of where I came from. At least, I don’t name one of them, [Lucifer]."

"It’s good that you respect your benefactor. But, what will you explain to Lilith when the Netherworld Gate reopens? She has 16 wings, and she can reclaim this dimension’s authority on the fly, you know?"

"... I’ll just say that I f.u.c.k.i.e.d her daughter, and I’m now her son-in-law. If she kills me, that’s that."


The nine drakes cheerfully meowed and purred around Tong while Zuo Ci and others sighed in regret. They didn’t care what would happen to Tong anymore.





Tong forced Lilim to open her dimension gate and transport them to the real world.

Lu Bu and Guan Yu immediately took flight as soon as they returned.

Guan Yu rushed toward Li Feihong, who was now the prime minister of the Han Dynasty, replacing Te Langpu. Guan Yu could see that Li Feihong was the reincarnation of Liu Bei, so he wanted to return to his brother, even though the local Liu Bei was nowhere in sight.

Lu Bu followed after Guan Yu since Lu Lingqi and his wife stayed in Li Feihong’s city, Luoyang. He wanted to tell them that he was freed from Lilim’s grasp, and he was still alive.

As for Zuo Ci, he remained by Tong’s side, acting as his aide.

"Won’t you return to your family?" Asked Zuo Ci.

When Tong stepped into the real world again, he planned to return to his wives and his children. However, his all-seeing eyes caught something in the direction of Jiujiang.

Something ominous underground leaked the same aura as his nine monster children. Tong’s instinct cried that he shouldn’t leave it alone, or he and his family would face a serious problem.

"There’s something at Jiujiang. Come with me. You, too, Lilim."

Tong dragged Zuo Ci and Lilim with him. However, he didn’t release his monster children outside of Lilim’s dimension.

Their movements were noticeable from the direction of Ye and Luoyang. Tong could see from his immortal sense that Diaochan, Dong Bai, Sun Shangxiang, Li Feihong, and many other 8-wing cultivators were rushing toward himself.

Yet, Tong disregarded them and flew to Jiujiang at his max speed.

Upon arrival, Tong and Zuo Ci could see the problem. The soil beneath the ground emitted strong purple miasma fog, which was hazardous to the livings. It was unnoticeable if one didn’t pay attention to the soil since it was black. However, Tong could sense the familiarity with this type of smog.

It was the same fog that covered the Hell Realm, the eternal poison gas.

But when Tong got near, the purple aura receded back into the underground as if it was a mole hiding from predators.

Tong’s heart pounded at a rapid rate as if it was about to burst. He could sense some familiarity with this aura.

He could never forget the smell and the aura of his nemesis, who he had once repeatedly killed for several thousand years in Hell.


"Oi, Ping. How long are you planning on hiding?" Tong yelled at Ping, "I’m here, asshole. Come out and meet your daddy."


The ground shook for a brief moment. However, everything stopped as if the lurker changed his mind.

"If you don’t want to come out, I’ll just spread words that you’re nothing but a coward sissy who is only good at using his father’s authority. When you’re on your own, you’re nothing but a pushover."


An earthquake occurred again. Yet, Ping calmed down and went into hiding once more.

Tong sneered. He opened his system admin menu and searched for all surviving otherworlder names.

Unintentionally, he found Pu Jing, who was rampaging the European countries at the moment. It seemed that this former premiere was doing well abusing his modern knowledge along with Chen Gong and Zhang Miao.

’None of my business. Where is Liu Ping’s name?’

Tong couldn’t find Liu Ping’s name among the list.

’Bah, I’ll just manually locate you with the universe map and delete your existence from this dimension.’

It took Tong a few seconds to find Liu Ping underground.

Currently, Liu Ping had mutated into a giant skeleton dragon tree. He spread his bone roots everywhere underground and absorbed nutrition from buried corpses, livestock, animals, and humans who wandered into Ping’s hunting area.

Judging from Ping’s aura, he was as strong as an 8-wing demon. Tong didn’t know if Ping had the same stamina characteristic as his children or not, but that didn’t worry him.

After all, the admin system ruled over the entire universe, and that tool was in Tong’s control.

’I can get used to this.’

After pushing a few buttons, the system began its combat program. It uprooted Liu Ping’s bones from the ground by forcing the soil the push Ping on the surface.

A humongous 50-meter-tall bone tree emerged from the ground. On top of the tree, Liu Ping’s skull took the shape of a dragon skull. His red flaming eyes glared at Tong while his tree trunk transformed into a torso, two arms, and two legs. All bone roots retracted into his body to increase Ping’s mass and strength.



Li Feihong, Diaochan, Dong Bai, Liu Yang, Sun Shangxiang, Xu Huang, Zhang Liao, Zhang He, Guan Yu, Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, Sun Quan, Zhang Min, and many other officers rushed out of Li Feihong’s dimension gates. They regrouped behind Tong, wanting to ask about his 10-year disappearance and the monster bone tree.

"Seriously, this bastard has been lurking here for years, but none of you noticed him?" Tong complained before anyone spoke up.

Zhang Min and Zhang Ying ignored all commotion and hugged Tong from the front, "Welcome back, dad."

Sun Shangxiang also hugged Tong from behind, "Welcome home, Tong. We need to talk about your harem and your next castration schedule. You need to be neutered."


Liu Ping got annoyed that he was ignored. Yet, he transformed his skeleton body into a giant bone saucer airplane before he flew away, running away from Tong.

"Oi, Ping! I’m not done with you! Why are you turning into a UFO!?"

Tong freed himself from his daughter and the yandere wife before he chased after Liu Ping.


Zhang Min gazed at her father with a sad expression, "Mom. Don’t threaten father. See that? He’s run away from you."

The girl already learned about Sun Shangxiang’s previous life after she had gotten her 8th demon wing. She threw a tantrum to Hua Shi that the latter never visited her or revealed her identity. But later on, they reconciled and got their mother-daughter relationship back.

"He deserves it, though. If we don’t cut it off, he will spread his seed everywhere. Once he gets his 16 wings, even Lilith might end up becoming his wife."


Zhang Min gazed at Lilim, who was still under the effect of Tong’s [Eyes of Dominance]. She glanced at Lilim’s round belly and sighed.

’Indeed. How many children are you planning to have, dad?’
