Chapter 65  : A Cultivation Club Has Opened

With the emergence of Buddha the Spirit King, Fang Ning pointed out to the System that farming boss monsters took up a lot of time, effort, and also came with substantial risk. If the Buddha was a Red Named Monster, the Elder Ancestor of the Bai Family would definitely A ambush them while they were exhausting all of Vigilante A’s power. Then, they would have no choice but to escape the city and change their identity.

Fang Ning solemnly told Sir System to not focus solely on farming bosses to loot top-tier equipment. As a human, no, as a System, one must be grounded and maintain a low profile just like they did before. Farming bosses and getting top-tier equipment should be left after they’ve diligently farmed ordinary monsters, and have leveled to the point where farming boss monsters could be equivalent to farming ordinary monsters.

After all, life wasn’t a game; in reality, boss monsters knew the benefits of a group fight, and would be more than willing to gather for help for their allies. Most importantly, there’s no way that Vigilante A could respawn if they died.

Sir System the Hardheaded was finally willing to set aside its obsession towards Ultra Boss Monsters after Fang Ning chided it all over. It chose to maintain a low profile while it developed itself, and Fang Ning finally returned to his life of punching in and out of work, and continued to adopt his shut-in lifestyle outside of working hours.

Throughout the entire event with the Big Boss farming, Fang Ning also had another major realization: E-books would never eliminate actual, paper books. After all, there would be times when electricity and internet will fail them. Even though they did not have any actual rewards from the experience, Sir System still gave Fang Ning a substantial amount of extra relief time. After all, it was from Fang Ning’s suggestion that they managed to obtain the rare scripture.

Of course, Fang Ning’s insistent nagging contributed to that decision as well. He was whining about how he should get more relief time, and that he was getting sluggish after staying in too long in the System Cyber Cafe. He was worried that his lack of human interaction would get in the way of him being the brains in their daily operations.



Three days later, Fang Ning set aside the extremely mind boggling *Bodhi Scripture* before he started to nag at the System. Fang Ning declared his want to use his relief time to express himself in privacy, requesting the System to continue its cultivation and not watch over him.

Fang Ning’s way to celebrate his freedom was to use the long stretch of relief time to go to the biggest bookshop in the city. He would use his real identity to buy a pile of paperback novels home.

That’s right, the act of ‘expressing himself’ he was talking about was actually to prepare himself in the event of another solitary confinement in the System Space in the future.

Dressed like an absolute bougie in Armanis and Adidas, Fang Ning walked into the bookshop with two people by his side. Outside were two parked cars, one a luxurious sedan while the other was a truck. As a resident hermit, Fang Ning didn’t know how to drive, and both men beside him were drivers of his restaurant. Even the cars were assets of his company.

A beautiful worker noticed Fang Ning walking in with two men and hurried to serve him. It was obvious that this nouveau riche was planning to mass purchase books to show off in his residence! This was something big!


“Mister, what books are you looking for? Do you need me to recommend you some?”

Fang Ning replied, “No, I’ll be fine by myself. You can proceed with your work, while I search for some newly published webnovels.”

The worker was slightly disappointed. After all, those classics were the most effective when it came to showing off, and a set of those would also cost a fortune. It wasn’t rare for those faux classics to cost up to ten thousand, and if this rich man was willing to let her recommend a few, she could easily sell some of the sets for the rich.

She never expected this nouveau riche to have an entirely different way to show off. Webnovels were the new books that didn’t cost much, and yet were still substantially thick. She maintained her professionalism and answered cordially, “Okay mister, our new webnovels are all at this rack right here.”

Fang Ning followed in her direction, and indeed, a rack filled with numerous web novels came up before him. Each of them had colorful, vibrant covers that were so striking they confused his eyes.

“I just finished this,” Fang Ning walked past some books and picked one out to the man following him.

“This one has a shitty ending.” Another book.

“This one went on hiatus nearing the end of the book.” A third one.

Fang Ning went through the books, picking and choosing some books out of the shelves. Finally, he had around 10 books when he approached the counter, and he placed them haphazardly on the surface.

The beautiful worker was disappointed, but she maintained her smile, “Alright, I’ll scan these books for you, mister.”

Fang Ning smirked internally, but he just shook his head and pointed at the rack. “No. What I meant was that aside from these here, I want one of each of the web novel titles you have on the racks over there.”

The beautiful worker’s surprise was quickly replaced by joy, and she thought to herself, “So this is what real showing off looks like! Isn’t this the classic trope of the rich in movies when they went to buy clothes? It was obvious that this man had no interest in fashion, and had decided to replicate this iconic scene in a bookstore.

“Okay, okay. I’ll get someone to immediately move all of them into your truck.” Even though she finally understood the context, she didn’t call him out on it. After all, the sales made by selling almost a thousand books was quite substantial. He did have the right to brag about it if he wanted to.

The worker was grinning ear to ear as she calculated the bill. This dude with a peculiar taste nearly bought all of their webnovels, amounting to a thousand books. It would cost him tens of thousands of RMB, effectively skyrocketing her commission. This was a huge transaction indeed!

During the process, the System remained quiet as if it didn’t exist. It finally spoke just seconds before Fang Ning swiped his card to pay, “Don’t waste your money. Without my permission, it’s impossible for you to keep anything into the System Space. No matter how many of them you buy, there’s no use whatsoever…”

Fang Ning froze. He looked at the books that were already sitting in the truck, and looked at the smiling worker. He gritted out, “You still have me under surveillance after all! You want to see me make a fool of myself, huh? Even if I can’t store them in the System Space, I can still put them at home to show off, right?”

Sir System answered, “Well, no one’s stopping you if you’re willing to boast about these webnovels. No matter what, you’ll have burnt through 3 months of your budget after this…”

Alas, the beautiful worker did not have to suffer, and she sent the nouveau riche away with the truckload of webnovels.

Two weeks went past in a blink of an eye, and today, Fang Ning slacked off by reading novels and playing games during working hours, capitalizing on the fact that Sir System was too busy farming for Morality to care about him. Suddenly, the QQ chat box on the bottom right of his screen blinked.

Fang Ning clicked the chat open. President Zhao! What was going on? This future father-in-law of his had a high-level mechanical puppet tending to his needs at all times. He would even come here each week for free food! What else did he want?

The only problem was how the man spent half a day shaking his head and sighing in disapproval. He even wanted to recommend Fang Ning some motivational books, probably worried about how the younger’s taste was not up to standard.

Fang Ning immediately rejected his offer. Internally, he mumbled about how being taken over by the System would render him basically immune to any sort of Chicken Soup for his soul. Hell, he’d probably be unaffected even if it was poisonous.

Currently, President Zhao was typing, “My son-in-law, no, wait, wait, that’s a typo. My good man, I recently heard that an Aristocratic Cultivation Club is actively recruiting members from all over the country. I think your progress with the Dragonization Ability is quite slow, and I wasn’t able to learn. Your mother-in-law, wait, no, your aunt said that we should go and have a look. There’re some basic cultivation methods in there that are legitimate. The membership fees are RMB 8,888,888 a year, with a total of 12 lessons. There would be a weeklong lesson every month. I paid for you already, so we’ll go to class 2 days later. We’ll stay in the Sky Gardens located at the outskirts of Ji City during lessons.”

Fang Ning felt a headache creeping up his spine. This future father-in-law of his had apparently figured out his modus operandi. He knew that Fang Ning’s shut-in ass would certainly reject the offer if he had asked him about it. Now, he executed the plan before he informed the younger one, and Fang Ning would never have the audacity to ask him to get a refund then.

Fang Ning typed lethargically, “Thank you sir for your kind intentions. Sorry to inconvenience you. I’ll let them transfer the money over when they close the company accounts next month. I won’t transfer it directly to you then, is that alright? ”

He agreed to this because he knew that it was time for Sir System to explore the world outside and start farming outside of Qi City. Even though Fang Ning was hopelessly lazy, he still could look at the bigger picture.

President Zhao answered, “We’re a family here, there’s no need for you to pay us. I’ll let the driver go and get you when it’s time. There’s no need for you to pack for travel either, your aunt and Yao Yao have prepared them for you already.”

‘Wow, the high-level mechanical puppet is indeed amazing. Zhao Family’s satisfaction rate shot up after it went to tend to their needs.’ Fang Ning thought to himself.

Although something felt off, Fang Ning didn’t bother with it. That mechanical puppet had a personality identical to his, and even if he took its place, they would have the exact same behavior. It would be difficult for the Zhao Family to spot the difference.

Fang NIng answered, “I must thank them for their work. I must go and handle some matters now, goodbye.”

President Zhao thought to himself, ‘Probably went to fool around again, that brat.’

Fang Ning thought, ‘Sir System has come to patrol…’

Fang Ning gave a few exaggerated coughs. “Uh, ‘To yearn for a heavenly horse, one must focus his will into the heavenly horse before he could achieve it.’ Hmm, I’ll need to go online and check a few words…

The System noted: The Host did not slack off, but his comprehension of traditional Chinese must be improved.

Then, the System continued its pickpocket capturing.
