Chapter 227 - Tier 2 Quest  

( virtual world , Purplehaze city )

Rudra had just wrapped up his duties as manager of the city , he would probably be out for the next 7 days on the tier promotion quest , hence he made sure to complete enough work for that period of absence.

Rudra knew about the tier two promotion quest for the Knight class , it could be issued from the knight training hall in Purplehaze city , however unlike tier one promotion, it did not involve a series of tests , but a single pass or fail quest , where the evaluation of the quest would be done on the basis of completion.

For others tier 2 promotion was probably the easiest of all tier promotion exams , however for Rudra , who needed to only get SSS rating , in accordance to his promise to Patricia , the tier 2 promotion quest was a nightmare , as a single mistake and he would fall down to a SS rating.

While most players would mistake the tier two promotion quest as a regular quest , Rudra knew better , the knight training hall evaluators would disguise themselves as normal people , and meet the quest undertaker at various parts in the quest. Evaluating the decisions made by the quest undertaker.

The evaluation criteria was based not only on skills and actual completion of the mission , but also had hidden tests such as test of valour , test of honor and test of courage.


And in all such situations one could not make a single mistake , one could not break the appearance of a dignified knight for a single moment , else the evaluation would drop from SSS To Ss or below.

There were basically only three types of missions given :

) firstly there was the escort mission , where a noble was supposed to be escorted to a neighbour city.

The catch was that the noble would be a member of the knights division playing the part of an arrogant young master , who would constantly abuse and mistreat the accompanying adventurer.

If the knight undertaking the test lost his temper and attacked the noble they would fail the test.

) Delivering precious goods : A sealed box would be given to be delivered to a location in a nearby city , at the time of taking the quest the quest undertaker would be informed to not open and check the contents of the box.


If the adventurer succumbed to basic desires and opened the box to see its contents , they would be failed.

This test was to determine the mental strength of a knight , to check their mental strength to resist basic desires.

) Bandit camp eradication mission : the toughest of all three missions , as the quest undertaker had to go to a nearby bandit camp to get rid of the bandits there.

The challenge of the mission was that , although the bandits robbed people , they did so because they lived in utter poverty and had no food or farmland , they needed to hunt to survive .

While seeing their poverty with his own eyes , the adventurer was supposed to handle the situation.

The ideal way out was to arrest the wrongdoers and turn them in to the law enforcement. While also helping the poor tribesmen someway.

And the easy way out was to just kill everyone in the camp.

Rudra knew that the moment he killed a single person he would not be able to get a perfect evaluation. Only by turning the culprits who were actually in the wrong to the local authorities as well as helping the poor tribesmen in their absence could one get the complete SSS rating.

Rudra felt the pressure to perform , he knew that it was either go big or go home , as failing to get SSS rating would spell the end of the aspiring Won Knight special class dreams.

Rudra already had his subclass useless since he chose the explosion artist class and decided to sign the agreement with cuber corporation.

He was already at a massive disadvantage because of that in game , hence things like the tier promotion quest became even more important than normal for him.

Only by getting a SS or above rating could one learn one of the best class specific skills , to be a great player in Omega , and to dominate the world scene in the Olympics , these innate class traits would take a player a long way.

After completing tier two promotion quest , one would have +200 all stats bonus , and one special skill and one class special skill as a completion bonus , if the clear conditions satisfy the requirements.

Rudra knew he needed to take the class promotion quest , as although he was without a doubt a strong in the game currently , however come to the world stage , where the Titans compete , he knows that in December , they all will be tier 2 and ready to fight.

Hence he needed to use his advantage as much as possible and build strength . It was no longer about the flashy moves anymore , it was about consolidating the strength and be comfortable with it 100% before the tournament starts.

Rudra walked in the Knight training centre in Purplehaze city , determination in his eyes , as he selected the option to take the tier promotion quest.

He was desperately hoping to get the quest to safely deliver the package to neighbouring city , that quest was probably the easiest of the three , while the hardest being the quest to eradicate the bandit camp.

The attendant came out and after a while said " Your mission , should you choose to accept is to eradicate a bandit group seen camping near the village Tolaknagar, the bandits are infamous to raid food granneries and other food related items , and have recieved a lot of loot by pillaging travelling merchants , your mission is to bring the bandits to justice ..... Good luck!??".

Rudra cursed his luck .... It turned out to be the bandit camp eradication mission!?The toughest of the bunch of three!

/// Bonus chapter for hitting the golden ticket target , good job everyone ///
