Chapter 228 - The Quest  

Tolaknagar village was about 35 kms out of Purplehaze city , the village had a small population of about 2,000 residents , and was currently being managed by a third rate guild galaxy Pegasus.

The bandit camp was about 2 kms south of Tolaknagar village , where they had settled near a freshwater lake , the bandit camp had reportedly 17 fighting male adults , 13 women , 10 senior citizens and 18 children.

The leader of the camp is a level 60 tier one fighter , and the average strength of the camp is at level 45 .

The crimes of the bandit camp include , looting the harvest from the fields of nearby villagers , looting the passerby merchants , as well as a recent crime of taking two merchants hostage in exchange for money.

The quest in itself was not overly difficult for Rudra , as fighting 17 men was not an issue for a player like him. For the average player trying to attempt the tier promotion quest at level 60 , this would have been very difficult , however for Rudra fighting and defeating the men was not difficult , the difficult part was to capture them alive and turn them in to the neighbouring village authorities.

Rudra knew that the two merchant hostages were actually men from the knights training hall , there to secretly evaluate his performance. He had to be very careful to uphold the honor of the knights , as the women and elderly would throw themselves at Rudra the moment he would gain the upper hand in the fight. Should he deal harshly with them , their evaluation of him would go down.


Rudra needed to be very careful in such things , he rode out on his direwolf mount , as covering the distance would approximately take him. One to two hours.

Rudra sighed , how he wished to set up the teleportation formation as soon as possible , land mounts were great , however they took too much time , the teleportation formation once set up would open soo many doors for him , he could cross countries in just seconds .

Even then , small villages like Tolaknagar would never be connected to the teleportation array , hence small journeys like these would always be needed to made on land mounts.

and a half hour later , Rudra finally arrived at the Tolaknagar village , when he approached the entrance , he was stopped by a guild member of galaxy Pegasus who wanted to know his purpose for visit.....

The guy said " Sir , may I know the reason of your .... HOLY S*** , IT'S A TRUE ELITE , The direwolf mount , those robes .... are guild leader SHAKUNI!!!! ... HOLY MOTHER OF GOD , I'm dreaming , I'm dreaming .... The demon of death valley is here . I'm such a big fan of your guild , and your skills , can I please have a autograph ? ".

The guy spoke soo much in one breath , he was left gasping for air , however Rudra awkwardly scratched his nose .... This was the first time someone requested autograph from him , was he a celebrity with fans now?


This was new for him , but he knew it felt great , hence in the happiness of meeting a fan boy , Rudra gave him a dagger stamped with guild insigna , and tossed him a bag of gold to pay for his toll.

Doing so Rudra rode away on his direwolf mount , as the fanboy was left speechless , his idol had just gave him a guild special item!

He was beyond elated , as he vowed to treasure it for life.

Rudra rode for another 20 minutes or so , before he finally saw the bandit camp . Rudra dismounted from his direwolf mount , and decided to stealthily scout the area before taking any actions.


( Meanwhile , somewhere in Tokyo Japan )

President Abe Shinzo was in a meeting with all high level officials of the country , including prominent buisness tycoon Ethan Grey.

Minister A said " We need to hold preliminaries , this is a international matter , playing favourites will do us no good , the list of events is announced , there are five group events and fourty five individual events. The maximum participation limit for a single player is 2 individual events + 1 team event. We need to carefully gather our talent pool , and decide the best path of action".

Minister B said " I disagree with this approach , we need to conduct a mock round of the coming events , where anyone who is willing to participate can take part , then we can select the top two or three and have them train for the remaining days in the specific event , then just before the event , the best performer should get the chance to represent the nation ".

Minister A said " Do you even understand the working of Omega? , We are together here in Japan as citizens , but inside Omega one japanese player maybe in Hazelgroove kingdom but another be in nineclouds kingdom, some may not even be in the same continent , some maybe a part of light faction ,while some maybe a part of dark faction , how will we even conduct a mock event inside the game to hold the selections? ".

Everyone in the room fell silent , the method to choose the best candidates for every event was indeed a challenging task , if it were in the real world , one could just hold a mock race and see who is the fastest to select them for a track racing event . However how to do so in Omega?

Finally president Abe said " Other countries may be facing these problems too , contact our trans Pacific allies , USA , India and Australia and let's send a combined proposal to UN , to have mock training grounds for all countries to practice".

Everyone nodded their heads , it seemed like the best course of action.

Ethan leaned back in his chair as he was lost deep in thought , he wanted to curse Rudra right now , the guy was a reincarnator , yet he would only give vague details to Ethan , he told him about the VR Olympics , but not about how the selection criteria was in his past life.

Had Ethan known the method , he could have proposed it in this meeting , saving soo much time.

/// Yes guys , the coming VR Olympics will see the first glimpse of the darkness faction players .... ///
