Ainzlark Academy.

When considering the epitome of power and ability, a person had to possess some form of education in whatever art or craft they possessed.

As the institute that stands above every other in the Eastern Kingdom, where I hail from, Ainzlark is the dream of anyone who aims for the top.

And there I was, standing before the gates of such a prestigious place.

Having such a magnificent, shiny white surface, the large gate leading to the Academy resembled a castle on its own. The towering building seemed to touch the clouds as the white gates stayed before it.

A flight of stairs leading to the gates was cleanly arranged, waiting for us to climb.

My coachman halted the carriage as we approached the gate, making a turn by the side so the horses stopped moving. Since it was directly beside the stairs leading to the higher platform where the gate was, I had no difficulty getting off.


As soon as I got down, the two guards who served as my escorts did the same and walked beside me.

The Coachman nodded affirmatively at me and I responded to his courteous expression.

“Have a safe and productive time, Young Master” He said, before driving off with the carriage.

I was certain the guards would meet up with him at a rendezvous point after escorting me as far as they could to where I would be spending the next few years.

Upon reaching the gate, we were met by elite guards. They were three in number, two holding swords and a single one dressed in garb. From his outfit, I already deduced him to be a Mage, and a very skilled one at that.For only three personnel to serve as guards of such a prestigious place, it clearly meant they weren’t ordinary.

After showing them the Deed and Seal of my noble family, as well as the Enrollment Offer letter already requested gotten the Academy, the guards gave their approval and allowed me in.


With a sleight of hand made by the mage among the three guards, a remarkable phenomenon occurred. I watched the gates open as a result of whatever magic the mage cast. A glimmer of faint light emanated from the bars, causing them to rise and granting us access within the Academy Compound.

“You are to head directly to the Admissions Processing Department. Keep walking straight down this path, you can’t miss them.” We were told.

The guards nodded, not offering a single word, while I offered my thanks.

Upon entering, we were greeted with yet another marvelous sight. A vast compound with several buildings across the area. A large fountain stood erect at the center of everything, while several structures made the huge place hardly vacant.

As we walked down, following the instructions given, I couldn’t get enough of the sight. Still, it was strange…

While I spotted a few individuals, the Academy was not as packed as I imagined it to be.

‘Maybe I’ll ask them at the Admissions department…’ My thoughts trailed.

Just as the guards said, we were able to spot the Admissions Processing Department easily after taking a few moments to walk down the straight path.

The building stood out well, greatly furnished from the exterior and having the signpost clearly telling whoever passed by of the business they performed.

The interior was even more impressive, greatly decorated to appear plain, yet exquisite. The room was also large, having only a few desks and a counter where we approached.

“Good afternoon, how may I be of service?” Our attendant, a middle-aged man asked with a sincere smile.

“Even their service is satisfactory…’ I reasoned, wondering if there was any flaw in this educational system.

“Yes. I would like to begin my studies within this Academy. All the necessary processes have been sorted out.” I said, bringing out the documents I had shown the guards.Upon receiving what I gave him, the middle-aged man scrutinized the Seal of my household and the deed containing an introductory letter from my family. Most importantly, I also had the Academy’s Enrollment Offer Letter with me.

“Hmmn, these are all valid…” He muttered, rubbing his cleanly shaven chin.

I was a little surprised by the reason he was so flippant about the validity of the documents. Even the guards didn’t take any special process in ensuring we weren’t with any counterfeit.

‘It’s not impossible to try pulling a fast one on establishments like this… why aren’t they more serious about investigating if my documents are valid?’ I questioned internally.

The man attending to us must have read my expression, since the next thing he did was smile at me and nod slightly.

“If you’re wondering why we aren’t being a little more serious about investigating the genuineness of your documents, it’s because there is no need to.”

I was a little stunned by the man’s words. Fortunately, he proceeded to explain himself.

“The letter sent by the academy is made from a special kind of parchment that can only be gotten here and is enchanted with a secret Spell, changed every year, with only those in the know who are aware of It. As such, no one can duplicate them. The moment I came into contact with the letter, I already knew it was valid.”

“A-ah…” I slightly let out, a little embarrassed that I didn’t think of that.

“Plus, the seal of your noble family carries similar properties. Even if the form is replicated, the magic signature can never be. As a result, we know you are the genuine article.” The man smiled.

Impressed by his words, I nodded in response.

“I see. Forgive me for doubting your security and observation skills.”

“No, no. It’s no issue. I’m glad you took an interest. Most wouldn’t even be bothered about it.” The middle-aged man said.

Afterward, he brought out a form and told me to fill it out. Information such as my name, age, family, Mana Core, and the likes were requested.

I filled the form quickly, making my mana print where it was indicated, and returned it to him.

He placed his hand on it and chanted a spell silently, duplicating the form into two identical copies.

“Here, take this and hold onto it well.” He said, giving me one of the copies.

“Hmm? What is this for?” I mumbled.
