“It’s a means of identification. After all, this letter you received from the Academy is a mere Enrollment Offer document, it doesn’t mean you have been wholly accepted yet.” He said.

I nodded.

Anyone could understand that much if they studied about the Ainzlark Academy. It was one thing to be offered Enrollment, and it was another to be fully enrolled in the Academy.

“That’s right. The entrance exams are coming up, so this is for that time. As a participant, that is your means of identification. Since you’ve shown me all the relevant documents, you do not need them anymore. That alone is enough.” He added.

“I see…”

Observing the form closely, I saw the date of the exams printed on the back. It was barely a week from now.

“You have good eyes. That’s right, you still have a bit of time before the exams actually take place. That means you’ve arrived too early.”


‘Oh? That must be why everywhere isn’t as crowded as I thought.’

“It’s good that you arrived early and got this process over with, though. Others have come before you, but most usually arrive when it’s a day or so before the actual exams.”

The middle-aged man made a dissatisfied expression, indicating he thought those kinds were troublesome. I didn’t blame him, though. The crowd and pressure were bound to increase at an unbelievable rate since so many wanted their processing done at the last minute.

“I’d advise you to head over to an inn and wait things out. If you have any further business to attend to, also do so. In six days, return to the Academy to take your entrance exams. The venue has been given on the form, so there’s no confusion.”

“Thank you, I appreciate this.” I smiled at the kind gentleman.

He nodded politely.


“Now then, you may have these back.” The man said, returning the documents I submitted to him.

Upon collecting them, I took a few moments to observe them and make sure nothing was tampered with. After I was done, I handed everything over to my escorts, keeping the form within my breast pocket.

“I believe our business here is concluded. Well, then… you should be on your way.” The middle-aged man said.I smiled, looking at him with a.little bit of interest.

“Would you mind telling me your name?”

My sudden question caused the stares of the other workers who sat at their respective positions.

For a brief moment, silence filled the room. Even the man I addressed was a little flustered by my question. After taking a brief moment to consider, looking at my confident eyes, he gave in.

“My name is Legris Damien.” He said.

“Thank you. You know already, but it’s common courtesy to return an introduction. I am Jared Leonard. It’s a pleasure.”

He bowed his head slightly and I did the same.

“Well then, excuse us as we take our leave,” I said, walking out of the office with my escorts.

We left the building which was yet silent, but I was not bothered in the slightest. My guards were the same, so it was no new thing.

“Young Master, the coachman has already gone to secure the appropriate inn for you. Since it’s a trustworthy place befitting of your repute, we will be heading there now.” One of my guards said while we walked back to the gate.

It was a shame I was leaving such a beautiful place so soon, but I would be back.

“Ah, I see. Let us go, then.” I smiled, glancing a little in his direction.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed the second escort looking a little peculiar, almost as though he wanted to say something.

“What’s on your mind?” I asked with slight curiosity.

He remained mute, slightly shaking his head. I didn’t know whether he was just being shy or rigid, but it still felt weird. I already had an idea of what he wanted to say, though.

“You’re curious about the reason I behaved strangely in that office just now, right? I spoke more than I should have, treated someone with a far lower status cordially, and even requested for his name. You want to know the reason why, right?” I asked.

After taking a few moments of hesitation, the guard nodded his head.

A smile formed on my face. Maybe my guards hadn’t noticed it yet, but there was no way that man could fool me.

“The answer his simple… that mere attendant… is very strong!”A smile formed on my face as the gates were opened for us, allowing us to exit.

‘Legris Damien… I’m not going to forget that name.’


“Hahahaha, what an interesting fellow!” The man called Legris burst out laughing.

This slightly startled the people who worked around him.

“Sir Legris, come on. Please control yourself.” One of the workers made a slightly upset comment.

“The reason we even allowed this farce is because you said it wouldn’t disturb our work.” Another commented.

“Sigh, I knew this was a bad idea.” One other worker slapped his hand on his face.

“You guys are no fun at all!” Legris Damien beamed energetically.

What was the reason for his good mood? It was none other than the young man who had just left.

“What an interesting kid…” He muttered.

“Is he really? He seemed just like any regular noble to me. His mana wasn’t too impressive as well.” Someone made a passing comment.

Legris grinned at the one who said that.

“Oh? So that’s what you think. Well, I can’t say I blame you. That was also what I thought as well. However, that kid… not only was he curious as to our criteria for judging genuine documents, he was also wary of the Enrollment process, objectively scrutinizing his documents when they were returned to him.” Legris said.

The workers looked at each other. True, those were peculiar traits, but that wasn’t enough to prove the boy special.

“As much as he tried to hide it, I could also tell… he was probing at my strength! That lad is more than he seems.” Legris added.

“True, he even asked for your name, Sir Legris.”

The middle-aged man nodded, excitedly snapping his fingers.

“Exactly! He’s the first to do all that!”

Legris had taken a keep interest in the child he just met, however, despite all he was just shown, there was one thing that stood out the most.

“Still, to think he’s a pure white Core… at this age… Awakened at 7 Years… and from the Leonard family that hasn’t produced a Magic-User in over 200 years. Interesting…” Legris Damien muttered, still stroking his chin.

‘No matter, we will meet soon again, Jared Leonard. Let’s hope you pass the exams…’

“Now I have one more thing to look forward to!”
