As expected, the inn had already been secured by my coachman, and the establishment was a pretty decent one. Since I didn’t want to raise too high a profile, we rented two rooms. The rooms were fitted for two people, so one of my guards shared one with me, while the other was occupied by my coachman and the second guard.

It was clean, spacious, and most importantly… quiet!

‘The next six days should be over in a breeze.’ I grinned, taking a seat by the study that was located in a corner of the room.

It appeared the inn owner thought of everything.

Just as expected, the days went by quickly. Fortunately, the guards were usually outside or in the other room, patrolling and keeping a safe distance from mine while respecting my privacy.

We only slept in the same room at night, but for the rest of the time, I was granted total freedom within the little space I was given. Food was provided for me after a thorough inspection by the guards in case of poisons, but I didn’t mind.

It was for my protection, anyway. Of course, I also checked the food for poisons myself. The more I familiarized myself with the book Alphonse gave me, the more I came to respect medicines and also regard poisons.


Using my alone time wisely, I spent it accumulating knowledge and circulating the mana within me on a few occasions.

After most of the days passed, I decided to take a break from seriousness and enjoy myself a little, though for me research was also enjoyable in certain ways.

“I would like to take a look around the city,” I explained to my guards.

With the next day being the Ainzlark Entrance Examinations, this would prove the best time to explore the city of Ainzlark. After all, things would get busier after I got into the Academy.

As expected, it was an exciting place. The Academic City Of Ainzlark.During my studies, I came to realize that this city was the third-largest in all of the Eastern Kingdom. The first was the capital, and the second was the merchant city. The Academic City took third place and stood as one of the firm grounds for the Kingdom’s power.

As such, it was easy to deduce why I was so thrilled by the experience of burning the sights of every activity around into my eyes. Of course, this wasn’t the only reason. My guards maintained a considerable distance from me in order not to draw attention to myself.


‘Good grief…’ I sighed.

Enjoying the evening breeze cooled the excitement that had built up these past couple of days since tomorrow would be the big day. I was going to savor every moment.

However, this tranquility didn’t last long.

“Tch, out of the way, plebian!” I heard someone say from behind me.

Before I could even turn around to see who the stranger was referring to, he bumped into me, no, it was more like a push.

Not caring at all about my well-being, this person used his weight and shoved me to the side while hurrying his way.

My eyes darted behind me and I saw my guards glare from a distance. With a sleight of hand, I signaled to them to stop displaying their animosity.

They obeyed, and I quickly comported myself, once again walking down the busy road.

“It’s no big deal… it would be childish to fret over something of this level,” I whispered.

Judging from his demeanor, he was most likely one of the people Legris Damien spoke of. It was evening, yet some students like him hadn’t gotten their forms for tomorrow’s exams.

With that fleeting thought, I continued my walk and soon returned to my chamber. Even with the unpleasant interruption I had, it was still an enjoyable experience.

“Now then… I wonder what tomorrow will give me…”

***************************************It was outstanding, to say the least, the examination venue. A very large building, resembling any educational structure for learning. Yet, this was merely a single hall in the whole Academic grounds.

The guards couldn’t escort me any further, so we had to say our goodbyes by the gate. Of course, since I had made it this far, all that was left was getting into the main Academy itself.

“You should all head back home,” I said to them.

After all, if I gained admission, I would immediately get lodged into the residential halls, and go through orientation, and I was most likely not going to step out of school grounds for a while.

“B-but, Young Master… we should stay until the exams are over. Just in case-” One of the guards tried protesting.

“In case what? I fail?” I smiled.

Such an inconceivable idea being even being considered by an attendant of mine… It was absurd! I was shocked and flushed with embarrassment.

“N-no, that’s not what I meant.” The flustered guard muttered quickly, bowing his head.

During the short time we spent together, I made sure to converse with my attendants as much as possible.

‘They’re good kids… they just have poor communication skills…’ I smiled, looking at things from my perspective.

Both guards decided to place their faith in their Young Master and promised to depart to the manor.

With the Academy’s security and my assured victory, there was no need for them to stick around. My eyes caught the multitude of people entering the examination hall, so I knew I couldn’t be caught loitering for too long.

“Now then… I should go in as well.”


“Welcome, everyone!” A very loud and clear voice boomed.

It filled the large hall to the point that no one could claim they couldn’t hear him. Even from my seat at the very top of the seats arranged in a circular format, I could hear every single word he uttered.

‘Sound magic, maybe?’ I reasoned.

The hall appeared to have many stories from its exterior view, but upon coming inside, it had a different interior. There was only one word that described the place in which we all sat.

A colosseum!
