"Hell no Kyle! Your plan is crazy!

It's absolutely fucking bat-shit crazy!

There's no way it would work!"

Inside a room in the academy cafeteria were five people. Kyle, Mat, Mac, Corey and Mira sitting around a table.

Currently Corey was shouting and looking at Kyle like a mad man. Kyle was calm, Mat and Mac had indifferent expressions but Mira had a frown.

"Do not shout at the leader like that. You do not have the authority to do so." Mira said with a cold tone.

"Who the fuck cares about authority?!" Corey said then looked at Mat, Mac and then Mira.


"And why the fuck are you so calm?! Didn't you hear his crazy plan?!" Corey said and Mat snorted with disdain.

"Just shut fuck the up you wuss. If you don't want to be part of the group then beat it." Mat said with disdain clearly in his tone and gaze.

"You shut the fuck up muscle head. What do you know? Even your brain is made out of muscles." Corey retorted and looked back at Mat with disdain.


"What the fuck did you just call me?" Mat stood and slammed the table with anger, destroying the table in the process.

"I called you a motherfucking muscle headed bastard.


Go fuck your mother like other men while being an idiot at the same time."

Corey said with disdain and even spat on the floor causing Mat, Mac and Mira to be stunned while Kyle just face palmed and sighed.

"You bastard!!!!!" Mat roared and ran towards Corey while unleashing his axe with a murderous expression on his face.

But just as he was running, a calm voice filled with authority rang out in the room.


A wind blew in the room pushing Mat back a few steps to the back despite his strength.

Mat looked at Kyle with a murderous stare but Kyle with a calm and indifferent expression spoke.

"I said, enough." Kyle said.

Mat looked at Kyle for a few seconds before turning to Corey with intense killing intent. Giving a snort, he went out of the room while slamming the door with force, damaging the door slightly.

Mac looked at Corey for a few seconds before he left the room also, following his brother Mat.

The room was silent for a few seconds with Mira looking at Corey with disdain and hostility before Kyle sighed once more then spoke.

"Why didn't you control yourself Corey?"

Corey looked at Kyle with a slightly apologetic expression, he scratched his head and spoke softly.

"I'm sorry about that. It's just that you know how I react if people try to demean me."

Kyle lifted up his glasses and looked at Corey for a few seconds before shaking his head softly.

'Guess you've changed.' Kyle thought.

Kyle knew the type of person Corey was since they had been friends before they entered the academy.

One might think that Corey was the type of person that was often bullied due to his somewhat short height and somewhat skinny physique, which was actually true.

Corey was actually bullied and even mocked a few times but the thing was that if a bully mocked Corey, Corey would curse and mock the person back with a thousand fold intensity.

Corey never allowed a bully to successfully mock him even once. Although he got trashed a few times, after humiliating the bullies with words in front of the whole class a few times, the bullies no longer tried to humiliate him ever again.

This was the way Corey was until he entered E-Academy and started going through depression, no longer having the creativity or energy to mock, Corey became a very quiet and reserved person.

"Leader. I don't think we should take this boy with us." Mira said, clearly demeaning Corey by calling him boy.

"Who are you calling boy?" Corey questioned with anger in his tone and Mira looked at him with disdain.

"Are you not a boy?

You're the only one worried about the leader's plan in the entire cafeteria. Can't you even man up?" Mira said while eyeing Corey up and down with disdain."Why the fuck won't I be worried about Kyle's plan?

He wants to leave the academy. Alright cool.

But he wants us to go to the security station which is most probably dangerous

Then he wants us to awaken the securities drones and androids so that they can fight the being at the academy gate while we use the chance to escape as they fight.

How is that not a fucking crazy plan?!" Corey said with a loud tone.

"I don't know why you're so scared of the plan. You're just a coward." Mira said, while looking at Corey indifferently.

Meanwhile Corey felt like he was losing his damn mind hearing Mira's words.

Rubbing his forehead to calm himself down, Corey spoke.

"How the fuck is it that I'm the only one that recognizes a major flaw in the plan.

We don't know how powerful the thing that's at the gate is.

What if it destroys the androids and drones before we can escape?

What do we do then?

How do we fucking escape and survive it's wrath or whatever emotion it would have?"

Corey said and Mira looked at him with a confused expression.

"Like I said. I don't know why you're so worried about the plan.

Don't we have the leader?

With him, anything is possible."

Mira said, then looked at Kyle with an expression of adoration, worship and love.

Corey looked at Mira, then Kyle who had his eyes closed with his arms folded.

He looked back and forth between the two of them a few more times before he slumped and groaned.

'Another one taken by Mr. Handsome.' Corey thought enviously.

'When will I no longer be a virgin?'

Just as Corey thought this, Kyle opened his eyes and looked at Mira.

"Mira you can go. Let me try and convince Zane alone." Kyle said and Mira with obedience nodded her head then left.

Kyle looked at Corey who was still looking the way Mira left then spoke.


"Hmm?" Corey looked at Kyle with a slightly absentminded expression.

"I have a plan so you don't have to be worried about the plan.

It would be alright.

Will you still follow?" Kyle asked and Corey woke up from his absentmindedness and looked at Kyle with a blank look.

"So this is your way of convincing me? It's not very convincing at all."action

Corey said and Kyle shrugged.

"You know I don't like speaking too much." He paused. "So will you follow us tomorrow morning?"

Corey scratched his head for a few seconds before he groaned and spoke.

"Sure why not. I can't abandon my friend especially when there's a high chance of him dying."

Kyle smiled and nodded.

"Thanks." He said.

The room was silent for a minute before Corey looked at Kyle and struggled to speak."So…uhm…Kyle?"

"Hmm." Kyle with his eyes closed, nodded, signaling that he was listening.

"You and Mira?... Are you like a thing?" Corey asked and Kyle opened his eyes and looked at Corey for a few seconds before he closed them back.

"You like her?" Kyle asked and Corey shook his head.

"I don't obviously. I just want sex that's all. She has high sex appeal so I just want to try my luck." Corey said.

"You can try. We're not a thing. She likes me but I don't like her. We've only had sex." Kyle said indifferently which did not surprise Corey. He knew Kyle was a fuck boy, a womanizer.

Just as Corey stood to leave, Kyle spoke.

"Do you need my help?

I can tell her to sleep with you once if you want, cause there's a high chance she won't agree to sleep with you." Kyle offered his help and Corey shook his head.

"Don't worry man. I got this. Let my charm do all the work." Corey said and Kyle looked at him with his eyes opened.

"You have charm? How come I didn't notice?" He asked sarcastically and Corey just gave him the middle finger before leaving the room.


Corey walked to the dining area of the cafeteria and looked for Mira. A few seconds later Corey saw her eating alone at the far end of the cafeteria and walked towards her.

"Hey." Corey greeted as he took his seat in front of her.

Mira looked up, wondering who would dare disturb her when she sat alone on this table but just as she looked up and saw Corey, she hissed then looked back at her food.

Not wanting to see his ugly face, she spoke without looking at him.

"What do you want? Did Kyle give you a message to give me?" Mira asked then took a mouth spoon of her food.

"No he did not. I just came here to apologize for my behavior and to tell you that I'm following you guys tomorrow." Corey said and Mira looked up at Corey for an instant before focusing back on her food.

"You've apologized and I've heard you. Now you can go." Mira said, clearly sending Corey away but since Corey came here on a mission, he would not go empty handed.

"Just wait alright. Let's talk and get to know each other. We started off on the wrong foot." Corey said and Mira looked at him with raised eyebrows.

She stopped eating, leaned back on her chair, folded her arms then spoke.

"Alright, so what do you want to talk about?" She asked.

"Uhm... Let's talk about our wishes. What did you wish for? I wished for wisdom?" Corey said thinking that was a good topic to start off from but boy oh boy was he wrong.

Mira nodded her head repeatedly for a few seconds before she spoke.

"Well, I'm not surprised you wished for wisdom. People usually wish for what they don't have."


Mira spoke, then stood. " I'm leaving. I think I've lost my appetite. See you tomorrow. Make sure you don't chicken out."

She said then left, leaving Corey who was still dazed.


[A/N: This is the bonus chapter for reaching the first level of the power stone target. Thanks guys.

Also, sorry for dropping it late. I wanted to drop it earlier but when I woke up today, I got the shock of my life.

Webnovel offered me an exclusive contract!!!!!

I want to thank you guys so much for all that you've done that has made this possible.

Without you, i probably would not have gotten the contract.


Now, it was mainly due to the contract I didn't upload earlier because I was reading the contract and I had a slight problem with one of my documents which I'm still trying to resolve.

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: I will not go premium immediately after I get my contract.

I plan on finishing volume 1 of the book before going premium.

I don't know how long it'll take but that's when I plan on going premium.

Thank you so much once again everybody for helping me get this far. I really appreciate it.

I plan on releasing the normal chapter for today before I sleep (Hopefully I'm not disturbed)

Have a great day/night people!
