(The next day)

Corey and Kyle's survivor's group left the cafeteria very early in the morning.

With the group having increased their number to fifty, they matched to the security station with everyone of them been an awakened(at least level 50).

No smiley or even black smiley dared to cross paths with them due to their immense numbers and above average levels.

Meanwhile Corey who was in the middle of the group felt uncomfortable, not because of danger, no, it was because the people around him were whispering to themselves a lot and what they were talking about was Mira's insult towards him the previous night.

Corey didn't know how everybody in the survivor's group knew about it, but he had a guess on who spread the insult, and his guess was not on Mira but on Mat or Mac.

He felt that his relationship with Mira was not so bad that she would decide to humiliate him like that. The only person Corey felt had that much hatred towards him was Mat and probably Mac.


As they walked towards the security station, Corey could hear the people around him talking to their fellow friends or acquaintances but none talked to him or even moved close to him.

He felt…lost and uncomfortable, like he didn't belong.

This feeling made him wonder if this was what Mac wanted earlier today.

Before Corey and Kyle's survivor's group left the cafeteria, Corey wanted to walk with Kyle but Mac told him he could not walk with Kyle because Kyle was their leader and they had rules they had to follow whenever they went out as a group.

Mac also told him because of the rules, he had to stay at the back or in the middle of their formation.

Corey wanted to argue about how it sounded all bullshit to him but to his shock, Kyle took Mac's side and told him he could not walk with him since they had rules.


Corey sighed remembering how after Kyle took Mac's side he chose to stay at the center of the formation instead of the back, thinking the back would be much more boring and uncomfortable.

But now, it seemed like the back would be much better than where he was.

Making his decision, Corey moved to the back of the group much to some people's displeasure since he had to bump into a lot of people to get to the back.

After a few bumps, curses and apologies, Corey heaved a sigh of relief the moment he reached the back.

He looked around and was stunned when he noticed that 95% of the people at the back were females, while the remaining 5% were men who looked like they were assigned to protect the females.

As Corey looked at the females, the females also looked back at him. They looked at him with curiosity for a few seconds before one of them whispered something and they all started giggling.

Corey's slight urge to start a conversation with one of them died seeing them giggle. He doesn't know why they were giggling, but he felt that if a girl giggled at him and it was not because he said something funny, then his chances with that girl were low.

Corey sighed then looked down at his little brother.

"Guess we still remain virgins."

Corey sighed once more then decided to ignore the girls and the guys who were giving him looks of contempt.


Corey willed for his status window to pop up since he had nothing else to do.


Name: Corey Junior Zane

Race: Human

Brand Level: 2

Affiliation: None

Class: None

Talent: Omniscience (Awakened)action

Language: English

Title(s): One Of The Four Possessors Of A ***** Graded Talent On Planet New Earth

Tier: 0

Level: 40 -> 54


Strength: 92 -> 210

Agility: 69 -> 140

Dexterity: 29 -> 70

Constitution: 95 -> 224

Intelligence: 500

Endurance: 56 -> 115

Mana: 150

Free A.P: 72

*Hidden Attributes*

Luck: ???/100

Charisma: ???/100

Wisdom: ???/???


Record- Talent Skill

Danger Sense- Level 1

Silent Steps- Level 2

Night Vision- UnrankedSuper Jump- Lv 2

Undercover- Level 1

Evade- Level 2

Lock picking- Level 1

Iron Skin- Level 1

Focus- Talent Skill


Fear Resistance- Lv 1

Pain Resistance- Lv 3


Ghost Reaper- Red Grade

Ghost Cloak- Red Grade

Binoculars- Red Grade

Ghost Gloves(Growth)- Red Grade



*SYSTEM REMARK*: Huh? Are you sure your stats are correct?


As Corey looked at his status window, he felt satisfaction.

The first thing that granted him satisfaction was that him deciding to level up using the soul stones of black smileys made his attributes to increase tremendously, especially his strength and constitution.

Another reason why his stats increased so much was that after he reached level 50, his stats were multiplied by 1.75. Not only were his stats multiplied by 1.75 after reaching level 50, he gained another talent skill, Focus.

Focus was a talent skill that was also broken in Corey's opinion. Looking at the skill, Corey decided to see the description once again.

[FOCUS: An active skill that enables the holder to enter a state where his brain is in overdrive and his perception of his surroundings and time reduces by two times. The ability of this skill would increase as the user's level increases.

Uses: 10 mana per second after activation. If there is no mana, stamina would be used, if there is no stamina, the health of the holder would be used. (Mana requirement would increase as the ability of the skill increases).]

As Corey read the description of Focus once again, his heart was beating with excitement. This was an overpowered skill and he knew that if he could utilize it properly, he would be a force to reckon with.

Corey closed the description a few minutes later with a satisfied expression. He was satisfied with the few uses he came up with the skill.

Corey then looked at the other part of his status window that had another immense change, his skill section.

The number of new skills he had on him apart from Focus was four: Undercover, Evade, Lock picking and Iron Skin.

He tapped on the descriptions for each one of them.

[UNDERCOVER: A passive skill that erases your presence by 10% in dark or enclosed spaces]

[EVADE: Your evasion techniques and awareness has improved by 20%]

[LOCK PICKING: Your lock picking skills have improved by 10%]

[IRON SKIN: An active skill that makes your skin hard as iron. Increases defense while decreasing agility and dexterity when activated.

Uses: 5 mana per second]

This were all the skills he bought from the merchant which eventually made him as broke as a pauper.

Although he didn't buy flashy moves that used mana because he did not have the coins to buy them, he bought skills he thought he would use for quite a long time.

He wanted to buy skills like hand to hand combat skills or even the dagger wielding skills but his amount of coins was not even close to price at all.

In fact when the merchant looked at the skills he bought, the merchant looked at him strangely but didn't say anything in the end.

Corey practiced evade in The Library Of Records so that it would reach level 2 and he was extremely satisfied with what he gained after reaching level 2 of the skill.

As for why he bought the lock picking skill?

He only had a few bronze coins left and that was the only useful coin he could spend it on.

After Corey looked at the description of his new skills, he looked at the item that actually took 60% of his so called 'wealth'- The Binoculars.

Just as he was about to tap on it to read the description, he heard commotion from the front and he looked up, wondering if there was danger.

When he looked up trying to find the cause for their commotion, he saw the reason for the commotion.

They were in front of the security station.

Corey looked at the storey building which was in ruins and wondered if the building was actually safe.

But no matter how Corey felt concerning the building, the group of fifty entered while having an expression of vigilance and battle readiness.

Corey looked at all this with surprise and wondered how or what Kyle did to the group to make them like this.

Corey despite his thoughts followed the group from behind and entered the building.

But the moment he entered, a strong stench of blood and rotten smell of corpses assaulted Corey's nose causing him to hold his nose instinctively.

He looked around and saw lots and lots of corpses as they kept entering the building. Corey looked at the corpses and uneasiness creeped into him causing him to shiver instinctively.

Most of the corpses had their heads bitten off while some had bite marks on their torsos and Corey could see the fear and despair in the eyes of some corpses.

The uneasiness in Corey increased. He looked to the front, trying to see Kyle but he could not. The number of people in front blocked his view.

He wanted to advise him to stop but just as this thought entered his head, he turned towards the group to see their expressions and when he did, he was surprised.Most had fearful expressions seeing the state of the corpses but Corey could see determination in their eyes.

'What the hell?'

Corey thought, wondering what the hell was wrong with everyone in this group.

'Why aren't they worried about their safety for fucks sake?'

Corey thought and just as he did, he heard a faint whisper.

Corey stood rooted on the spot wondering if his mind was playing tricks on him.

But just as he had that thought, he heard it more clearly this time around and Corey was shocked to the core.


Corey cursed internally, then held his dagger in a battle stance while looking around with vigilance.

The main reason Corey was so worried after his danger sense got activated was because he knew what type of enemy he would have to face for his danger sense to warn him.

Corey was strong enough to face most creatures that were below tier 1 and he knew that if he faced a creature that was even level 90, as long as the creature was not proficient in combat, he would win.

Now if Corey could face level 90 creatures, the only thing he knew he could not face at all were…

Tier 1 creatures!

Corey knew he could absolutely not beat a tier 1 creature at all. The merchant told him that tier 1 creatures were on an absolutely different level from creatures below tier 1.

Not only did they have higher stats, they had the ability to use magic. Those two things set Tier 1 beings above non-tier beings.

Just as Corey kept on looking around, he noticed something odd.

The whistling sound from his danger sense skill kept on increasing but Corey could not see anything that was causing it.

Corey looked at the group and saw that they had stopped. He moved towards them and started walking to the front bumping into the group.

He had to warn Kyle about the danger that this place posed. He didn't care if everyone looked at him with disdain, his life was important and he also cared about Kyle's life.

He would not be able to live with himself if he ran away and Kyle suffered or died because he decided not to warn Kyle.

After some seconds, he was able to reach the front of the group and there he saw Kyle, Mat, Mac and Mira standing in front of a door.

The moment Corey saw that door, the whistling from his danger sense whistled so loud that Corey groaned slightly and closed his eyes.

A second later he opened his eyes and looked at Kyle with an anxious expression.

"Kyle we can't open that door. Something's there and it's extremely dangerous."

The moment Corey said those words a snort sounded out causing Corey to look at the source, which was Mira.

"I said it that you're just a boy and a coward. You're not a man." Mira said then placed her hands on the handle of the door.

"I'll show you that there's nothing to be afraid of. The leader said that the room is safe so why are you afraid?" She said then opened the door much to Corey's horror.

Corey ran towards Mira to try and close the door but when he got close to the door, he stopped and was stunned.

Inside of the room was a creature which Corey could not describe it properly or to be precise immediately.

The creature had a human torso and limbs with white large wings attached to it's back. It's head was large and was also that of a moose with large antlers.

Now what was creepy was that the head was mostly made out of bones with some rotten flesh here and there and that the creature was on it's back while holding it's neck with it's two human hands in a choking position.

Everywhere was silent the moment the creature was shown until Kyle spoke.

"You don't have to worry. The creature is dead. I killed it." Kyle said trying to ease the entire group which surprisingly worked when they saw the creature stay still like a corpse.

Meanwhile Corey looked at Kyle after he spoke, then the monster.

'Dead? How is that motherfucker dead? My danger sense is ringing like crazy!'

Corey thought as he looked at the creature, but just as he did, he noticed something which made his pupils constrict.

The creature-

And just as he noticed, Mira who was in front of Corey spoke.

"What did I tell you? Be like-"


Without waiting for Mira to finish speaking, Corey used his talent skill Focus, and the entire world slowed down in front of him.

Mira who was speaking could not finish her words because,

The creature's eyes moved and in Corey's perception, he could see the creature elongate it's neck like a toad's tongue and before Mira could react,


Before she knew what was going on, her head went.


Her head bitten by the creature, Mira's body swayed and Corey who was in focus could see the creature move towards him at lightening fast speed even in his state of focus causing Corey's eyes to constrict.

'Super jump'

Corey thought then using the front of his bottom feet, Corey jumped backwards twice but the head was still close to him, just a few meters away.

Corey's mind spun and after landing from his jump, he rolled forward dodging the head by a centimeter.

The head not expecting Corey to roll underneath could not stop and slammed into some unfortunate survivors crushing them while splattering their blood and flesh, then the head slammed into a wall, leaving silence behind.

Corey instinctively looked at Kyle but saw that he had a calm and indifferent expression, but when he looked at Mat and Mac, he saw Mat grinning with an evil smile, allowing Corey to know what was happening.

"Oh fuck."

Corey cursed.


This is the normal chapter of Mar 3. It's actually a 2,500 word chapter and i was shocked when I saw that.

Anyway, I promised I would drop a chapter before I slept and I've not slept a wink. Sorry for uploading it late, was busy with stuffs

Time here is 2:40 A.M. so goodnight people.

Have a great day/night and once again,thank you to everyone that voted.

I really appreciate it
