'I hate this

If I had powerful offensive skills I would have a chance in defending myself and causing harm to those bastards, but I don't

If I survive, I'm getting offensive skills… and a new weapon.'

Although Corey was frustrated due to his situation, he was calm and his mind was rapidly thinking of how to survive.

He was no longer the inexperienced boy who was running away from a low level smiley with an extremely frightened expression.

He had gained experiences from the male dormitory, the time when he left the cafeteria and mainly from the virtual room of The Library Of Records.

Due to all of this, he has learnt, not mastered, how to be calm in situations like this.


He looked back and saw Mat and Mac a few meters behind him with Mac in front of the duo.

Just as he was about to turn his head, his eyes widened when he saw the cursed chimera flying towards him. It easily surpassed the duo and zoomed towards Corey causing the hair on Corey's body to rise in alarm.


Time slowed in Corey's eyes and in the next three seconds, the cursed chimera got close to Corey and opened it's mouth, wanting to devour him but Corey crouched perfectly, dodging the mouth of the chimera while looking up at the chimera with a calm expression.

His eyes moved to the left wing of the chimera and with calm movements he pierced at the left wing of the chimera and due to the chimera moving at high speed, it's wings which should not be injured easily by someone like Corey was injured.

Although the injury was not large, just 2 feet in size, the chimera screamed in pain and fell to the ground causing a loud bang.


Corey still in his focused state ran towards the chimera which was now trying to get up, though it was struggling due to the injury from the wing.

As soon as Corey was around 3 meters away from the chimera he jumped over the chimera, not bothering to attack it at all.

But just as he jumped, he felt killing intent behind him and he could hear and feel the wind behind him getting disturbed due to his focused state.

Knowing he could not turn behind him immediately, he used the only defensive skill he had, Iron Skin and tried to twist his body to the left to at least not let whatever was coming for him get his body accurately.

A second after Corey twisted his body an arrow pierced through his right chest completely ignoring his iron body.

Corey coughed out blood then looked at the arrow head protruding out of his chest with slight shock.



Corey fell and tumbled twice on the ground causing him to groan in pain. He struggled to get up but his sight was blurry and his mind felt muddled.

He deactivated his focused state and bit the tip of his tongue to wake himself up and after it worked to a certain point, he quickly shook his head then groaned as he got up.

As his eyes cleared up, he saw Mat and Mac running towards him while holding their weapons.

Knowing Mat's weapon, he looked at Mac who was holding a beautiful blue bow as he ran.Corey looked at the blue bow before he looked at the arrow in his chest.

With clenched teeth he held the arrow by the head and pulled it out of his chest in one fell swoop.

He coughed violently but a second later, he quickly suppressed his cough and began running while holding the arrow.

The distance between him and the brothers had decreased so he could not waste a single second.

After running for at least 25 seconds Corey found the door which led outside this death trap, so he clenched his teeth, resisted the pain in his right chest and sped up.


But just as he was about to reach the door, he could hear the sound of something large coming at him at a very fast speed.

He quickly dodged to the left and saw Mat's great sword speeding past him then it went through the open door slamming into a car with great force.

Just as he was about to continuing running towards the door, two sharp objects pierced him.

One through his nose and the other into his right shoulder.


Corey groaned and bent in pain. He wanted to kneel but he knew he could not waste anymore time, so he resisted which was easier due to his level 3 pain resistance.

He held the arrow which was stuck in his nose by the head and yanked it out of his nose with full force. He groaned in pain but knowing that time was of the essence, he also removed the arrow which was stuck in his right shoulder, this time he could ignore the pain since the arrow was not in a fragile and weak place.

He held the two arrows with the previous arrow and ran towards the door while cursing Mac in his head so many times.

'Who the fuck shoots an arrow through somebody's nose?!

Why the fuck would you shoot an arrow through my nose?!

My precious nose!

I'll have my revenge you bastard!!'

Meanwhile as Corey was cursing Mac, Mac and Mat were currently dumbfounded as they kept on chasing Corey.

"What the hell?! Does that guy feel no pain?" Mat wondered as he looked at Corey who was running at full speed.

"How do you expect me to know?! I expected him not to get up after the first arrow but he did.

That one surprised me but now this?

This is abnormal

An arrow through the nose should drive an average human unimaginable pain." Mac said and wondered what magic Corey was using to resist the pain he was meant to be feeling.

"Are we even sure the guy is human.

There were so many times we expected him to die but he just won't dieHe would narrowly dodge the attacks of the chimera and sometimes he would just disappear from our eyes

Even his speed is way higher than we expected

Something about this guy just doesn't feel right."

Mat said and if Corey heard Mat's words, he would be surprised and shocked because he would never expect Mat to think that much.

Mac looked at Mat for a second before facing the front, he passed through the door which led outside followed by Mat.

Mac looked around for Corey but then he frowned, with all the vehicles around, finding Corey would be difficult if he decided to hide.

Well, at least that's for him and Mat.

If Corey thought that hiding could save him, when The Leader comes, he would definitely be in for a big surprise.

Vroom! Vroom!

Just as Mac was thinking that Corey decided to hide, the sound of a bike sounded in his ears.

He looked at the source and saw Corey on one of the fastest bikes in their city driving towards the exit of the underground car park.

Mac had a look of shock before he ran and shouted.

"Stop worrying about Corey and let's go!

He probably just put most of his free attribute points into agility and must have a lot of luck!

Let's go! He must not escape!"

Mac said hurriedly then ran to the fastest car he could see and entered the passenger's seat.

Mat who had already retrieved his great sword put it into his inventory then ran to the driver's seat of the car.

Pressing a button to start the ignition, the car roared to life and Mat drove off, continuing the chase after Corey.

Ten seconds later, the entrance to the storage room was blasted open and the cursed chimera flew in Corey's direction but this time, it had an angry expression on it's face… or skull.


[A/N: I need to ask an important question related to the females that read my book.

If you could be granted a wish, what would it be?

After some chapters, a few female characters would be introduced and I'm not sure what abilities to give them.

I have some ideas but I would appreciate it if you guys could also tell me yours.

And if none replies, I'll just use mine.

Also, to the two people that dropped golden tickets, I plan on bringing in your characters in volume 2.

I'm saying it so that when you don't see your character in volume 1, you won't say I've forgotten or I lied.

Thanks to the people that voted using power stones.

Don't forget to vote y'all.

This is the last chapter I'm owing you guys by the way.

Have a great day/night.
