"I should have just ran away with this bike a long time ago"

Corey muttered as he swerved the bike to the right, dodging the outstretched hands of a Smiley.


Just as he dodged the Smiley an arrow shot past his face.

"The fuck!"

Corey turned back and saw Mac in a car nocking another arrow while aiming at him.

Corey quickly faced the front and cursed.


"Motherfuckers. Can't you just leave me alone!"


Corey sped up his bike and dodged whatever was on his way.

Whether Smileys, cars or even Black Smileys.

Just as he was moving, he saw a pile of cars smashed together. His eyes lit up seeing the cars and he sped towards it.

Using it as an inclination, he drove on the cars and flew into the air, gaining height and distance.



Corey shouted with excitement despite his dangerous situation. He had only done this a few times with his friends when he just entered the academy, so doing this again gave him a sort of excitement he just could not supress.

Just as Corey was reveling in his excitement, he felt his skin tingle and his danger sense warned him of danger.

He turned back and his eyes widened.

"Not again."

Corey said with a frustrated expression as he saw the cursed chimera flying towards him. He gulped as he felt the killing intent of the monster.


As time slowed in Corey's eyes, Corey quickly removed a string from his robe and spun it round the right handle of the bike.

After doing that, he turned and faced the cursed chimera which was already close to Corey and for the first time, it used it's hands and swiped at Corey. It's sharp claws dangerously close to Corey.

Corey saw the claws coming towards him and with a calm expression, he jumped up, dodging the claws and leaving the bike which continued to fall to the ground.

Up in the air, without the comfort of the ground, Corey looked at the cursed chimera which was also looking at him from below.

The cursed chimera lunged at Corey and swiped his claws at him once again but Corey twisted in mid air trying to dodge the claws, but just as he thought he dodged the claws successfully, his left arm was grazed by one of the claws causing blood to spill out.

He clicked his tongue in annoyance seeing his wound.'Now I definitely need a new cloth or robe again.'

Just as Corey had this thought, the cursed chimera got annoyed that the cockroach in front of him just refused to die, so it swiped it's other claws at Corey.

Corey not wanting to take his chances dodging the attack looked at the bike which was still moving.

Corey spun his right hand and just as he did, his body suddenly jerked in the direction of the bike, narrowly dodging the chimera's claw.

The chimera not wanting Corey to escape flew towards Corey with a fast speed and once again clawed at Corey.




Corey coughed out saliva as he was slammed unto the ground after trying to block the claws of the chimera with his smile reaper.

The difference in strength between him and the chimera felt like it was world's apart.

He tried to get up from the floor but when he looked up, his eyes widened and he cursed.


He quickly jumped to the right then,


Stones and dust flew into the air as the chimera flew down and slammed it's foot on Corey's previous spot.

Corey picked up Smile Reaper which was beside him and was also the main reason Corey jumped to the right.

He quickly stood and started running towards the bike which had fallen ever since he clashed with the claws of the chimera.

While running, he resisted the pain he was feeling throughout his entire body. Curious about the chimera he looked back and saw that the chimera was not chasing him. He guessed that due to the dust, it could not see him.

Corey no longer focused on the chimera and focused on the bike which was in front of him.

He deactivated his focused state and just as did, he realized that he was beginning to consume his stamina to maintain his focused state.

'I don't have enough mana for focus again.'

Corey thought grimly as he picked up the bike, jumped on it and started it's ignition. He placed Smile Reaper in his inventory this time around instead of his pocket in his robe.


Not wanting to waste a single second, he drove off.

Three seconds later Corey looked to the back wondering if the chimera was chasing after him since he expected it to chase after him any second from now.

When he looked at the back he saw that the chimera was still in the same spot with dusts all around it.

Corey raised an eyebrow seeing that the chimera had not moved even after at least five seconds. Corey seeing that he would not be able to find an answer to the question immediately stopped looking at the chimera and faced the front.'Come to think of it. Where are the bastard brothers.'

Corey thought and just as he had this thought,




"Hahaha!! Finally caught that bastard!"

Mat laughed with a gleeful smile as he looked at Corey who just tumbled uncontrollably after they crashed into him and his bike with their car.

"Let's go. We need to make sure he doesn't escape this time around." Mac said as he got down from their destroyed car and walked towards Corey who was on the floor motionless.

Mat followed but then he stopped and so did Mac.

A look of shock and also slight fear appeared on their faces as they saw Corey who they assumed to at least be dead or unconscious struggle to stand.

"Monster." Mat muttered with slight fear in his tone seeing Corey still alive and conscious.

Mac remained silent but he felt the same way his brother was feeling.


A curse escaped the mouth of the monster before them as he struggled to stand firmly.

He swayed slightly and coughed out blood a few times before his eyes and mind became slightly clear.

He looked at the shocked duo and then looked at his right arm which was clearly dislocated from his shoulder.

He held his right arm with his left hand and popped it back into his shoulder. Not a whimper came out from his mouth, just his eyes had become colder.

He clenched and unclenched his fists a few times before nodding with satisfaction.

He looked at the duo who were still frozen in shock, then he inhaled and exhaled before…

He turned around and ran.


[A/N: Sorry for posting this chapter so late.

When I was writing this chapter earlier today, I wanted to make it a car chase or something like fast and furious (The Movie) but I realized that writing a car chase wouldn't work.

Another reason for me been late is because I was thinking of how to make this chapter the last chapter of the chase ongoing between Corey and Kyle's group.

I'll try to make it end by the next chapter because even I'm getting tired of writing this chase.

I don't know if you guys are also getting tired, if you guys are, don't worry I'll try to end it in the next chapter even if the chapter would not be very interesting.

This is the last chapter I'm owing you guys by the way.

I'm going to be releasing one chapter per day now unless you guys meet the requirements for a bonus chapter.

I'm writing one chapter per day because I want to have more time to write the privilege chapters.

Later guys

Have a great day/night.
