Meanwhile Corey,

"Hot! Hot! Hot! That's fucking hot damn it!"

Corey cursed as he patted various parts of his clothes and body that were currently on fire.

"Fucking bastard." Corey growled while running, ignoring the blazing heat behind him.

He didn't need to look for the person that attacked him. He knew the person and he knew his location.

"This is so fucking unfair.

Why does the bastard have so many abilities


Isn't that cheating

I knew my talent would not be able to protect me at all

This was why I wanted a fucking new talent!"

Just as Corey was lamenting and was about to jump to another building, he heard a whistling sound and his expression changed drastically.




The building beneath him got destroyed and a giant head with two large fangs appeared beneath Corey with it's mouth opened.


Corey tried to jump to the next building but the appearance of the demi-basilisk was too sudden, so he failed and fell.

"Fucking beast!"

Corey quickly brought out Smile Reaper from his inventory and tried to stab it into the body of the demi-basilisk, expecting it pierce through since he was inside it's body and the inside was always weaker than the outside, but,




Corey looked at the broken Smile Reaper in his hand with a dazed expression.

"My Smile Reaper."

Corey said with a depressed tone and expression.

He gave it a second of silence then placed the broken Smile Reaper in his inventory. He then focused and looked up, where he could see the rapidly closing mouth of the demi-basilisk.


Despite the fact that Focus would drain his stamina, he entered his focused state knowing he would need it.

As Corey's brain worked on overdrive, in less than a second he already thought of a way to escape dying inside the body of the beast.

He looked to the front then placed both of his legs on the throat of the snake and used it to push himself backwards.


His back slammed against the opposite part of the throat, reducing his descent drastically.

Not wanting to waste such an opportunity, he placed both his legs and hands on the body of the demi-basilisk and jumped to the opposite side of the throat.

'Super jump'

He jumped again but this time, he used super jump increasing the distance he covered and he continued this three more times.

He jumped from one side of the throat to the other using super jump before he got close to the mouth of the demi-basilisk where he could see the fangs of the creature clearly.

Seeing that he only had a very tight opening to pass through before the mouth fully closed, he jumped once again with all his might using super jump and…

He obviously passed through the tight opening.

Getting out of the insides of the demi-basilisk, Corey was still in the air and had a smile on his face, happy that he survived.But his joy was short-lived when he looked down and noticed that he was far above the ground.


Corey cursed then instinctively tried to use Iron Skin but,


My mana has finished."

Corey cursed then decided to brace himself for impact by turning to the side, hoping to reduce the damage his body would take.


Corey landed on a car, destroying the already destroyed car.

"Ohhh. Fuck me."

Corey groaned and cursed as he struggled to get up. He got up and took in deep breaths as he looked around, trying to figure out his situation.

First of all, he was lucky that he landed on a car which reduced the damage he would have taken and thankfully, he was no longer a normal human or he would definitely be dead.

Second of all, as luck would have it, he was close to his destination, in fact very close to his destination.

The male dormitory

That was the only place he knew that would allow him to lose the two tier 1 creatures controlled by Kyle. If he could lose the tier 1 creatures, he would definitely have a chance to fight back.

Corey looked around to make sure he was not going to be sneak attacked and after finding that there was nobody around him, which was strange, he took in a deep breath, resisted the pain and exhaustion he was going through and ran towards the male dormitory which was around 20m away from him.

Just as Corey was ten meters away from the door, he felt his skin tingle and without hesitation, he jumped to the side.


The ground where Corey was got charred as a bolt of lightning struck it from above.

"You just refuse to die don't you?"

A cold voice rang out causing Corey to look back and when he did, he gulped.

Behind him was Mr. Perfect and Handsome dropping from the air in slow motion, looking like a cool superhero or villain to be precise, with his two pets right behind him.

As for Mat and Mac?

Corey didn't know nor did he care.

"I didn't want to-"

Just as Kyle was speaking, Corey did not bother listening to him and dashed towards the door of the dormitory.


Corey entered his focused state and just as he did, he felt something coming towards him like lightning.

He dodged to the right but just as he did, his instincts sent warning bells to him and he rolled once again dodging the claws of the cursed chimera.

He got up and continued his run and just as he did, he felt the ground shake beneath him.

Corey jumped using super jump and just as he did, the demi-basilisk appeared beneath him. Not from underneath the ground though, from behind him.

Corey landed on the body of the demi-basilisk and ran on it, greatly annoying the demi-basilisk. Just as the demi-basilisk was about to coil around itself, Corey quickly jumped using super jump and landed at the door of the dormitory.

And just as he did, he abruptly swerved to the right dodging a bolt of lightning causing it to destroy the plank Corey had placed on the door handles previously.

A stunned look appeared on his face and he turned towards Kyle and gave him a thumbs up.

"Thanks for the assist. Always knew you were a good friend."

Without waiting for Kyle's reply, Corey opened the door, ran inside then closed the door.

The tier 1 creatures moved towards the door wanting to break it down but Kyle spoke, his tone containing anger, frustration and annoyance.


The tier 1 creatures stopped and just as they did. Two voices sounded out."Leader!"


Mat and Mac shouted out loud from afar causing Kyle to look at them, a hint of dissatisfaction appeared in his eyes.

"Leader did you get the bastard?" Mat been ignorant about Kyle's expression asked and looked around, expecting to see Corey's corpse.

"He escaped." Kyle replied nonchalantly then turned back and walked towards the door.

Meanwhile Mat and Mac were shocked hearing Kyle's words.

Although Mac knew that Corey was alive when his brother asked due to him noticing the leader's dissatisfied expression, he was still shocked.

He just could not believe that Corey escaped their leader.

Not only was he shocked, Mat was also.

Mat and Mac saw Kyle stand in front of the door while pouring a purple liquid on the ground.

Mat and Mac's expression changed seeing the purple liquid.

"Won't that thing attract a lot of revenants?" Mat asked.

"That's the goal." Kyle replied indifferently.

"But why don't we enter the building and kill the bastard. Since we're all together, he should not be able to escape."

Mac suggested and Kyle who had just finished pouring out all the liquid threw the empty bottle away and formed a ball of water above his hands, using it to clean his hands.

After cleaning his hands, he spoke.

"This building is a dungeon."

Mat and Mac's eyes widened as they looked at the building with a different light.

They had gone to a few dungeons before and they knew that if a monster entered the dungeon, it would not be able to come out.

Which means if the cursed chimera and the demi-basilisk entered the dungeon, they would not be able to leave which would ruin their goals since the two creatures were the key to accomplishing their goals.

Knowing this, they no longer had the idea of attacking Corey in the dungeon.

Meanwhile Kyle looked at the dungeon with a strange expression.

'This is the dungeon where I'm meant to get the divine blood.

Is it possible for Zane to take it away?


It's not possible!

It's my destiny to be great and having that divine blood would make me great

Zane can never steal my destiny

It's impossible

I'm the supreme magus

I'm above all.'

With this thought in Kyle's head, Kyle walked away from the building and Mat, Mac and the two tier 1 creatures followed.


[A/N: And we're finally done with the chase!!!!

Fucking Finally!!!!

There were so many times I just wanted to write, the bad guy attacked and Corey blocked, dodged or got lucky.

I was damn tired of writing the chase because I want the story to advance.

I so much want to reach volume 2 or at least the ending of volume 1.

So right now, our boy Corey is going to gain some power ups but it would not be mad power ups cause the mad power ups comes when he becomes Tier 1.

Also, please drop power stones, golden tickets and gifts.

Especially gifts, I'm not making a single cent cause of my promise to y'all, so please even if it's a cola, I appreciate it.

Have a great day/night people.
