As Kyle and his group walked away from the dormitory, looking for their next set of victims. Corey who was in the dormitory currently had an elated expression as he held a black spear in his hands.

"Finally a new weapon."

Corey spoke with relief then looked at the corpse of the first ever black smiley he encountered.

"Thanks for the weapon."

Corey bowed, then walked towards the storage room on the first floor of the dormitory.

Behind him were the corpses of the smileys that entered the dormitory with the black smiley.

Killing all the normal smileys was not a problem for Corey after entering the dormitory. What gave Corey a slight challenge was the black smiley which was level 65, 11 levels higher than him.


On a normal day, Corey would have faced no challenge killing the black smiley but right now Corey's body was not in a good shape, at all.

If Corey did not have a high constitution and also level 3 pain resistance, he would definitely not be able to move.

In fact he would be dead.

Due to all the damage Corey's body had taken, Corey had to use his stamina to enter his focused state so as to kill the black smiley quickly.

After killing the black smiley, Corey took it's soul stone then took the black spear which was the weapon of the black smiley.

Right now Corey was too weak and tired to bother checking the description of the spear, he just wanted to find a place to sleep and heal.


He was happy that he didn't have to continue running or fighting Kyle and his group anymore so he really, really just wanted to sleep and rest.

"Please God Of All Doors, let the room behind this door be normal."

Corey pleaded as he stood in front of the door which lead to the storage room of the first floor.

He placed his hands on the door handle then he opened the door while gripping his spear tightly, ready to defend against any attack.

Corey with slight anxiousness looked at the room which was now wide open with cautiousness, expecting the room to have a terrible monster inside like his past experiences with doors.

But when he saw no monster and only a room that had brooms, buckets, mops and various other stuffs he released a breath of relief.

He loosened the grip on his spear and walked inside.

He closed the door, locked it with the lock of the door then moved various stuffs to the front of the door so as to reduce the chances of somebody or something opening the door.

After doing all of that, Corey cleared a space for himself, groaned as he crouched, then slept on the hard floor while hugging his spear.

The moment his mind and body relaxed, he fell into a deep sleep the next second not knowing the chaos he was going to wake up to.

(16 hours later)

Corey moaned softly as his eyes opened, finally bringing him back from the dream world.

He sat up and yawned, then he looked around.

He sighed softly realizing that he was not in immediate danger. He moved closer to the wall of the storage room then rested his back on it, his head slanted backwards and he closed his eyes for a few seconds, enjoying the silence.

As his eyes were closed, memories of the past days rushed into his head.

He remembered everything that happened ever since the apocalypse, how he was constantly in dangerous situations that could end his life once and for all.

How he had always been running, been escaping.

First from the Smileys, then from Kyle and his group.

Remembering Kyle, a slight pain which could not be described in words appeared in his heart.

He was not extremely hurt by Kyle's betrayal despite Kyle been one of his closest friends.

It was not that he did not see Kyle as a friend, it was just that, ever since he got his gift, his talent, at the back of his mind, he knew, he just knew that betrayals would occur a lot in the type of world they were currently living in.

He just did not expect Kyle to betray him and want to kill him.

The funniest part?

He doesn't even know why Kyle was doing all that he did.

What was his plan? What did he want to achieve?

Corey did not know.

The one thing Corey knew was that, he needed something badly.



He needed to become stronger, much stronger so as to not run away every single time from monsters or people stronger than him.

He needed strength to avoid been used and killed by people like Kyle.

Corey was not stupid.

Ever since Corey left the cafeteria, he was always bothered about something.

How come the number of survivors he met was small?

How come he rarely met new survivors?

Corey didn't know what happened to most of the students but he had a feeling, that it was connected to Kyle.

This was another reason he needed strength, to avoid a Fate where he would be killed easily just because he was not powerful enough to defend himself.

Corey was tired of running all the time

He needed strength to not run all the time.

Corey did not want to be caught off guard and not have the ability to defend himself.

He needed strength for that.

Also, Corey definitely did not want his sister to be stronger than him forever

So he definitely needed more strength for that.

"To become stronger

Much stronger

There are a few things I must do."

Corey muttered as he looked at his clenched fists. His mind rapidly spun and a look of determination appeared in his eyes.

His plan was crazy, in fact downright crazy. It could cost him his life, but if he could do it, if he could accomplish his plan, then he would definitely come out stronger than before.

And to become stronger, he needed three things.

First, this dungeon or to be more specific, the tier 1 monsters of this dungeon.

His plan was to kill all the tier 1 monsters and absorb their soul stones while at a lower level than the monsters. Doing that would allow his basic attributes to increase a lot while he might also gain skill crystals or even items from the tier 1 creatures.

It was ambitious and foolish for Corey to have such thoughts on fighting tier 1 monsters when he was literally running from tier 1 creatures not too long ago.

Which led to the second thing Corey needed for his plan to work.

Corey opened his status window, then willed for the item he bought from the merchant before meeting up Kyle to appear on his hand.

A black binocular appeared from nowhere on Corey's hand.

This black binocular was the most important thing he needed to get stronger.

The binocular was an object that had the properties of a normal binocular, but it was also a binocular that could allow somebody to see through walls, doors and even some barriers.

With this binocular, he could stay safely behind the door which sealed the tier 1 monsters and he could use it to observe the tier 1 creatures with his Record ability analyzing the monsters.

If he could record the monsters fully, he could fight the monsters in the virtual space of The Library Of Records.

He would keep on fighting the tier 1 monsters until he learns every single thing about them and he's able to kill them in The Library Of Records.

After knowing all their abilities and also been able to kill them, he would then fight and kill them real life, gaining their soul stones and whatever item or skill they drop.

It was an idea Corey had ever since he realized the full potential of Record. Corey had ideas on how to utilize Record so well that if all goes well, he would never have to risk his life in battles anymore.

The last thing Corey knew he needed a long time ago, was a new weapon.

Corey had gotten tired of using a dagger due to it's extremely short reach. It's short reach was a major disadvantage in his eyes and was the main reason he decided to tie a string to the handle of Smile Reaper.

Now that Corey got a spear, he felt elated because a spear or a normal sword was the ideal weapon in Corey's eyes.

Now that Corey had this spear, he decided to check it out.

But as he looked at it, he noticed something weird.

Even when he held it with his right hand the Universal System did not ask him if he wanted to obtain ownership which made him wonder if it was because the spear did not appear from thin air but was the weapon of the black smiley.

He didn't know what the difference was but he didn't care.

He looked at the equipment section of his status window and there he saw a change.


Broken Ghost Reaper- Red Grade

Binoculars- Red Grade

Black Spear- Red Grade

There were three changes, first there was broken in front of ghost reaper, second, the ghost cloak had disappeared from the equipment section which made sense since Corey knew the cloak had taken so much damage that he was basically wearing rag.

The third was the addition of the black spear.

He checked for the information of the black spear.

[BLACK SPEAR: A spear which has high durable properties for a weapon of it's grade. Can induce fear in non-awakened ghost like entities and has a possibility of inducing slight fear in awakened ghost like entities. Has the ability to hurt and kill ghost like entities that are below Tier 2.]

Although the spear did not have amazing abilities, Corey was just satisfied he had a new weapon and according to the Universal System, it was durable.

Corey stood after checking out the weapon and observed his body.

He checked out the right side of his chest which had a hole in it previously and was shocked to see that the hole had reduced a lot. The hole was now the size of a pencil.

Although the hole was there and would definitely cause pain to an average human, he could ignore the pain.

He rotated his right arm, finding it to be much better than before.

"I guess having a high constitution helps more than I expected." Corey muttered then looked at the door.

He took in a deep breath and walked to the door, wanting to go to the rooms which had the tier 1 creatures.

Expecting no danger, he removed the things he blocked the door with and opened it, but the moment he did,


Corey had a stunned expression the moment he saw what was outside the room.

Lots and lots of Smileys.

Normal Smileys

Black Smileys

They were everywhere, Corey could not count just how many were in front of him.

The smileys also looked at Corey the moment he opened the door.

"Well, I guess you guys would become training dummies on how to use Smile Reaper 2.0."

"Let's go Smile Reaper 2.0."

Corey said, a smile appearing on his face.

A massacre was going to begin.


[A/N: By the way, I'm not writing the details of the battle in the next chapter.

I'll skip it.

Don't forget to vote using golden tickets, power stones and also give gifts.

Every single one motivates me.

Thanks Y'all.]
